Posted by Admin on 25 September 2012, 12:00 pm
Carvery Lunch at The Chequers Inn on Tuesday 25th September 2012 at 12.00 noon.
Cost £6.45 small; £8.45 large.
It is well recommended and advisable to arrive in time for 12.00 noon carve-up. Hope you can all attend.
Click here for the Chequers Inn website
Apologies for shortness of notice due to longer summer break.
Look forward to hearing from you or seeing you at the next meeting on the 20th with Den Clare.
For membership details contact Mary Mead on 01983 298154
or visit the CREEA webpage in the Local Groups section of the village website where you can also download a copy of our 2012 Programme and view photos of past events.
Please note there has been a change of date and venue for the Christmas Party – it is now on Thursday 13th December in the Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
The printed Programme has been updated and is available as usual for download from the CREEA section.
New Members are always Welcome
Parish Council