A message from The Rev’d Keith Adlam, Associate Priest.

Posted by Admin on 19 February 2009, 12:00 am

When we were on holiday in Swanage last year we could see the Needles lighthouse by day and by night. Its beam has a range of 17 miles. St Catherine’s lighthouse, on the southern side of the Island, has a beam with a range of 26 miles. As with all lighthouses they serve a good and useful purpose as well as being spectacular landmarks. 

Then there are candles, used for many different purposes including heat, light and warmth. Many churches have a stand where candles can be lit. Lighting a candle can be a form of prayer. After the person lighting it has gone the candle stays alight. It kindles in the hearts and minds of others the prayers that have already been offered. Lighting a candle can be a visual image. As it burns it gives light to others. Lighting a candle can be a symbol of love and hope, of light and warmth. Our world needs them all.  

There is also what I’m going to call “passive” lights. Think of the glitter used by many, especially children, to decorate cards or candles or other objects. It seems to get into unintended places such as hair, faces, carpets and so on. When the light catches these minute pieces on someone’s face they become like jewels, sparkling in different colours. On carpets the glitter continues to reflect light long after the occasion for which it has been used. One of the interesting things about glitter is that it takes a while for it to disappear.

Candlepower was the measure that was used to determine how bright the light was from a lighthouse. St Catherine’s has the equivalent of just over nine hundred thousand candles. The Needles’ lights range from one thousand eight hundred to twelve thousand three hundred.  Lighthouses, candles and glitter are in their own way different forms of light.  Jesus talked about us being lights in the world. God’s people are able to bring the light of God’s kingdom into our own lives and those of others. Wherever we are and whatever we are doing we can make a difference in so many ways. Our lights should be seen and inspire hope in the darkest place. Whether it’s one light or many we can make a noticeable difference as people see the light of God in our lives.

God’s blessings on all of you.

Keith Adlam

Associate Priest

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