Posted by Admin on 23 April 2009, 12:00 am
Since its launch in June 2008 the growing membership of the Friends of Northwood Church has organised a number of successful fund-raising events as we move towards our goal of rescuing the stonework and leading of beautiful stained glass windows; restoration of the church organ and replacing the heating system. Currently there are over 50 ‘Friends’ from as far away as America and as close as next door!
For 2009 we would like to invite you to join us at some of our future events. As well as our AGM in June (date to be announced) we are running a photographic competition – see the FoNC section for details – to find seasonal photographs to grace our 2010 calendar. There are prizes on offer for the winning junior and senior entries.
In June, in combination with the Friends of Northwood Cemetery our second sponsored walk and in October and November a charity Quiz Night and Charity20Race Night.
We look forward to seeing you – do check the web-link on the front page of this website; and forthcoming Northwood News for details, entry forms and membership form – also available on this website in the FoNC section.
J Shipley, Chair of Friends of Northwood Church
Parish Council