Posted by NPC Admin on 10 April 2013, 8:36 pm
Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday 5 March 2013
Present: Councillors Pat Bentley (Vice Chairman), Judith Ferris, Paul Fuller, Ray Mew and Chris Ridett
In attendance: R H Blezzard (Locum Clerk)
PCSO Steve Oatley
Peter Griffiths, (Principal Officer, Housing Policy, IW Council)
David Neame (Director, Neame Sutton, Chartered Town Planners)
There was one member of the public present
206/12-13 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Councillors John Pullen, Derek Smith, IW Councillor Roger Mazillius and the Clerk and RFO, Mrs Barbara Herbert
207/12-13 To receive any declarations of Members’ interests and Requests for Dispensations on items forming the agenda
Councillor Paul Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 211/12-13 by reason of being a member of the Gurnard Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee and in Minute 214/12-13 by reason of having the names of family members who fell in the First World war recorded on the War Memorial
208/12-13 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer, plus an opportunity to discuss local policing priorities
PCSO Oatley presented the report of the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) team on events that had taken place since the last meeting. The intervening period had again been fairly quiet. There had been 14 calls to police with one domestic incident which had resulted in a caution being issued and there had been one case of criminal damage. PCSO Oatley then reported that this would be his last meeting in Northwood as he was moving to East Cowes. The PCSO who covers Gurnard would in future cover Northwood. The member thanked Steve for his excellent service to the community over the past six years and asked for the concerns of Northwood Parish Council at the changes in personnel to be passed on to the sergeant and to senior management. Steve agreed to pass on the Council’s concerns
209/12-13 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 5 February 2013
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2013 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council
210/12-13 Matters arising on the Minutes
a. Minute 191/12-13 a. Welcome to Cowes sign – The clerk had written to the Cowes – Deauville Twinning Association and to Cowes Rotary Club asking for their views on the suggestion to move the sign to either Somerton Roundabout or the junction of Place Road and 3 Gates Lane and was awaiting a reply. Councillor Fuller reported that Cowes Town Council was supportive of the sign being moved as suggested.
b. Minute 191/12-13 c. Annual Parish Meeting – It was reported that David Green of Eco Island would be attending the Annual Parish Meeting as the keynote speaker
211/12-13 Changes to the Medina Valley Key Regeneration Area Settlement Boundary
The Vice Chairman welcomed Peter Griffiths, Principal Officer, Housing Policy from the Isle of Wight Council’s Planning Department to the meeting. Mr Griffiths reported that following the adoption of the Island Plan Core Strategy, the Isle of Wight Council was looking at whether there was a need to redefine settlement boundaries around Northwood, Gurnard and Cowes. This included asking Northwood Parish Council if there was any evidence to support changes arising from the recent survey carried out by the parish council. The Vice Chairman pointed out that the survey was being collated but the overwhelming opinion was against further development although there was some support for the infilling of existing sites. After a full discussion it was
That the views of the Parish Council on the issue of the settlement boundary be sent to Isle of Wight Council following the collation of the housing survey and following the forthcoming council elections
212/12 – 13 Housing Needs Surveys
Mr Griffiths reported on the experiences of housing needs surveys in other parts of the Island. A survey in Wootton Bridge commissioned by the Parish Council had cost £7,800 and attracted a 30 per cent response. A survey in Arreton paid for by a developer had attracted a 6 per cent response and had a plus or minus 10 per cent margin of error. It was important in surveys to ask respondents about their income as this informs the type and price of housing required and also the type of tenure (ie owner occupier, private rented or social housing. The results of a survey can enable the Isle of Wight Council to require developers to enter into a Section 106 Agreement to include particular types and prices of houses within a scheme to meet local need. It is also possible to stipulate that people with local connections be given preference over those without such connections on the allocation and sale of new properties. Mr Griffiths was thanked for his presentations.
That the issue of a housing needs survey be revisited after the forthcoming election.
213/12 – 13 Town and Country Planning
It was reported that no planning applications had been received
Members noted the following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council
i. TCP/01767/12 406 Newport Road, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission granted for demolition of porch, alterations, single storey rear extension to provide living room, enlargement of roof to provide additional living accommodation within roof space to include Juliet balcony to the rear; replacement porch, decking; dormer window on side elevation
ii. AGN/13980/H Medham Farm, Medham Farm Lane, Cowes – Agricultural Prior Notification for open fronted storage building
iii. TCP/28535/C 28 Pallance Road, Northwood, PO31 8LN – Conditional Planning Permission for alterations, single storey rear extension to provide enlarged kitchen and lounge
The Vice Chairman welcomed Mr David Neame of Neame Sutton, Charted Town Planner to the meeting. Mr Neame gave a brief outline of a proposal for a store for “The Range” company on the old Readers site at Place Road, Cowes. A recent exhibition of the proposals had resulted in over 60 members of the public attending. Comments had been invited by 1st March and just under 40 responses had been received. All had been generally supportive. The access to the site would be upgraded to road standard. Approximately 120 jobs would be created ranging from full time to part time and casual. It was planned to submit the planning application within the next ten days. Mr Neame was thanked for his interesting presentation.
214/12 – 13 To consider the report regarding First World War centenary commemorations
Members had before them the Chairman’s report which indicated that he had the contacts to undertake research of the 48 local men who had died in World war 1 listed on the 6 brass war memorial plaques in local churches. The Chairman and his wife will pursue this after their return from holiday and will keep in contact with Jacquie Pearce. Gurnard Parish Council had been invited to participate and will consider the matter at their March meeting.
That the report be received and noted
215/12 -13 To consider the report regarding Dog Waste along the Medham footpath/cycle track
Members had before them a report drawing attention to correspondence between a Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Sarah Souter, the IW Council’s Senior Waste Management and Contracts Officer regarding dog waste left along the Medham footpath/cycle track. The offending dog waste had been removed but further waste had been deposited. There was a case for the provision of an additional dog bin but the Isle of Wight Council has no funds to provide a dog bin and nor does the Parish Council. Mrs Pritchard had offered to consider contributing towards the cost of a bin. A suggestion that warning signs be erected was considered by Isle of Wight Council to be counter productive.
That consideration of this item be deferred to the next meeting and that the cost of purchasing and emptying a dog bin be ascertained
216/12 – 13 To consider a response to the Navitus Bay offshore wind farm located off the Dorset & Hampshire coast
Councillor Judith Ferris tabled copies of the consultation documents which had been available at a recent exhibition and reported that the planning application will not be submitted before April 2014.
That the documents be circulated amongst the members and given the timescale this matter be considered at a future meeting
217/12 – 13 To receive progress reports from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Councillor Riddet reported that things had settled down with Southern Vectis regarding the community bus although there was still a problem attracting drivers. There would be a driver recruitment day at Havenstreet Station on 23 April. There was concern that the roadworks at Fairlee would coincide with the floating bridge being out of use which will be likely to cause long tailbacks.. Finally, it was not known from April who the contact will be at the Isle of Wight Council for community bus issues with most of the Highways Department staff transferring to the PFI.
That the Isle of Wight Council be asked to confirm who the contact will be for community bus issues from April 2013.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Members were advised that summer planting had been ordered at a cost of £170.00
That the summer planting order in the sum of £170.00 be approved
c. Parish Plan Working Party
The Vice Chairman reported that parish plan responses were in and required collation. The information was noted.
218/12 – 13 To receive the report for information of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
In the absence of Cllr. R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood, attention was drawn to his email in which it was reported that the controversial asphalt plant permit application had been adjourned for three months to allow further air quality measuring.
219/12 – 13 IW Association of Local Councils (IWALC)
Councillor Ferris reported that there had not been a meeting of IWALC since the last Council meeting and that she would be unavailable to attend the next meeting on 21 March. Councillor Riddet had volunteered to stand in.
220/12 – 13 Clerk’s Report
i. The interim budget statement to the end of February 2013 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 54 were received and noted.
ii. To authorise payment of the following cheque::
000305, £78.24, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
iii. To approve for the clerk to undertake the collation of all the information in the Parish Plan surveys and to be paid for doing so outside of her normal contracted hours
iv. To consider the application for grant funding from the Jubilee Sailing
THAT the clerk be approved to undertake the collation of all the information in the Parish Plan surveys and that she be paid for doing so outside her normal contracted hours
THAT a grant of £50.00 be made to the Jubilee Sailing Club and the club be invited to reapply in the new financial year
THAT the following cheques be approved for payment:
000305 £78.24 Mrs B Herbert, Clerk’s Expenses
000306 £50.00 Jubilee sailing Club, Grant Aid
221/12 – 13 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda.
222/12 – 13 Councillors’ reports
Councillor Ferris reported that that it was hoped that a Waste Management meeting with Lynne Clark would be held later in the month.
Councillor Ferris asked the Council to consider becoming a corporate member of Northwood House at a cost of £30 per annum. This will be an agenda item at the next meeting.
Councillor Fuller asked if there was scope for the Council to keep spare composting bins for local residents who may have theirs lost or stolen. Councillor Ferris agreed to check if it would be possible.
Councillor Ferris asked if it would be possible for the pinch point at the top of Pallance Road to have the priority direction reversed as the current arrangements result in traffic backing up onto the main road. The views of the Isle of Wight Council will be sought and a report given to the next meeting.
Councillor Ferris asked if the bus stop in Nodes Road could be moved as it is currently in a blind spot both for bus drivers and passengers waiting for the bus. This will be raised with the Isle of Wight Council.
Councillor Ferris left the meeting at 8.00pm
The Vice Chairman advised that Councillor Derek Smith had flagged up the fact that the footpath between Wyatts Lane and Pallance Road is often a “quagmire.” This was noted.
Councillor Fuller advised that he had been contacted by a resident about the cut between Venner Avenue and Newport Road. A “No Cycling” sign was needed at the Newport Road end of the cut. Councillor Fuller agreed to take the matter up with the Isle of Wight council and report back.
223/12 – 13 Future agenda items
THAT the following agenda items be agreed
April Meeting
Dog Bin, Medham Footpath: with costings
Corporate Membership of Northwood House – Councillor J Ferris
Highways Issues: Pinch Point, Pallance Road and Bus Stop, Nodes Road – Councillor J Ferris
May Meeting
Settlement Boundary and Housing Needs Survey
224/12 – 13 To undertake a brief review of the meeting
The meeting had been undertaken in a well run and efficient manner.
Signed……………………………… Dated………………………
Parish Council