Northwood Parish Council

Posted by Admin on 28 November 2013, 11:00 pm

Northwood Parish Council Members



Meetings of the Parish Council are held on the first Tuesday of the month, commencing at 6.30pm.
The meeting of the Planning Committee, if required, is held on the third Tuesday of the month, commencing at 6.30pm.



unless otherwise stated.




The comments made in the following articles represent the views of the individual contributors, rather than Northwood Parish Council.


Speedwatch comes to Northwood
Following many complaints about speeding vehicles in the Village I am pleased to report that Community Speedwatch is soon to be launched.
This will be coordinated by Hampshire and IOW Police in partnership with local councils and other agencies. The scheme itself will be run by the Local Safer Neighbourhood Police Team and community volunteers.
The first demonstration of the equipment was undertaken by PCSO Lisa Paul in late September in Rew Street Gurnard and Pallance Road outside the Travellers Joy pub. Some 20 villagers attended. Some of us then registered as volunteers with the Police and attended an induction evening at Newport Police Station at the end of October.
Speedwatch can only operate in 30 and 20 mph zones. Locations for monitoring will be selected by information from local people. Data collected of alleged speeding will be logged on a database. The registered owner of the vehicle will then be sent a letter telling them that their vehicle was seen exceeding the speed and asking them not to do it again.
If the same registration number is logged again within 12 months a written warning will be issued that if seen speeding again details will be passed to a police officer.
The vast majority of us drive at sensible speeds and do not cause any problems.
Speedwatch is designed to stop the persistent speeders.
Cllr John Pullen.


Precept Working Party
The clerk advised that she had not yet received any information with regard to the Discretionary Compensating grant, which in the current financial year amounted to £1,197.00. The IW Council had passed this amount over in full, but were not legally bound to do so. However, Cllr Ward advised that it was his understanding this grant would be paid over without deductions, once again.
A suggestion was made for an increase in the ‘Grants for Good Causes’ budget and for funds to be directed towards a village event, to be organised for the summer. Mindful of the possible expenditure should any IW Council services/assets be identified that the Parish Council would be willing to either take over or else share in the maintenance costs, it was suggested that the 2.5% inflation increase be raised to 5%. This would provide a small contingency fund enabling councillors to determine where any unallocated funds could be spent, at a later date. This was agreed.
Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Pullen reported that the winter planting had been delivered on time and as Ryde House Nurseries were closing, the Parish Council had received a 40% discount. With the help of a member of the Community Partnership all the summer bedding had been removed and volunteers were now requested to assist with planting up the tubs and planters. It was suggested for contact to be made with the local scout troop, as they might be prepared to assist.
Mention was made of the idea received from a local resident for the summer planting for next year. The British Legion planned to turn the country red with poppies next year, to mark the WW1 centenary. She had ordered a quantity of seed and would start them off, whether or not the Parish Council decided to go ahead with her suggestion. It was agreed, subject to cost, that they would.
Parish Plan Working Party
Cllr Nicholson had amended the draft Housing Needs Survey (HNS) following some minor suggestions by Peter Griffiths, the IW Council’s Principal Officer, Housing Policy. The final draft was agreed as being a comprehensive document. Some concern was expressed as to the timetable for its delivery and collection, particularly with the festive season drawing nearer. Councillors were reminded that with the previous survey, by working together to target specific areas in turn this had achieved a high rate of returns. The HNS, once printed would be placed in a plastic wallet with a note advising of the date for collection. A decision would be taken on when to commence the delivery process once the document had been printed.





















































If you have any comments please address them to the Clerk:

Barbara Herbert

11 Wyatts Lane


PO31 8QB


by 31st December 2013 






Another year has gone by – is it me or is time speeding up?


We look forward to serving the villagers of Northwood in 2014.


May I on behalf of the Parish Council wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Cllr John Pullen

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