Posted by NPC Admin on 8 December 2013, 7:30 pm
Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Chris Riddet (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller, Ray Mew, John Nicholson and John Ward
also In attendance: Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
There were ten members of the public present.
125/13-14 To receive and approve any apologies for absence.
Apologies had been received from Cllrs David Jaggar and Derek Smith.
126/13-14 Members’ interests
There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda.
Cllr Fuller declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute 130/13-14bi and Minute 130.13-14bii as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee.
Cllr Fuller also declared pecuniary interests in Minute 130/13-14iii as he was the local member and a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee and Minute
130/13-14iv again as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee
Cllr Nicholson declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute 130/13-14bi and Minute 130.13-14bii as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee
Cllr Nicholson also declared pecuniary interests in Minute 130/13-14iii and Minute 130/13-14iv as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee
Cllr Mew declared a pecuniary interest in Minute 130/13-14iii as lived in close proximity to the site of the application
127/13-14 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer
In the absence of the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer no report was received.
128/13-14 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 1 October 2013
THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 October 2013 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.
129/13-14 Matters arising on the Minutes
Minute 110/13-14 – Cllr Nicholson had met on site with representatives of Island Roads and Marc Griffin, the IW Council’s Highways PFI manager.
They had taken a number of photos of the problem and were to consult with others to determine the best course of action to resolve the matter.
130/13-14 Town and Country Planning
a. To approve the Minutes of the Planning Committee held on 15 October
THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 15 October be approved
b. To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
i. TCP/30062/D Northwood Primary School, Wtyatts Lane, Northwood – Continued siting of double mobile classroom used as a playgroup/nursery (revised plans)(re- advertised application)
THAT Northwood Parish Council considered the revised plans and resolved that their original representation in respect of the application TCP/30062/D at Northwood Primary school remained valid, providing the mobile classroom remained fit for purpose. Councillors would also hope that any further application would be for a more permanent
ii. TCP/05982/L Hillisgate Riding Stables, Hillis Gate Road, Newport – proposed stable block and tack room (revised description, change of application type, application
details remain as per previous application)(re-advertised application)
THAT Northwood Parish Council does not wish to change the comments submitted in respect of the original application TCP/05982/l Hillisgate Riding Stables
iii. Gurnard Parish application TCP/31638 land fronting Place Road including land to the side and rear of 47 – 11A Place Road and to the rear of The Heritage to Shepards Hay, Tuttons Hill and access off Place Road, Gurnard – Outline for 99 dwellings; formation of vehicular access and associated works off Place Road
Cllr Fuller advised of the number of public meetings that had been held in order to raise awareness of the application. Cllr Fuller outlined a number of points that had been raised at these meetings. Prior to any discussion or decision thereon Cllr Fuller and Cllr Nicholson left the meeting room.
THAT although the application TCP/31638 for 99 dwellings on land fronting Place Road, including land to the side and rear of 4711A Place Road and to the rear of The Hermitage to Shepards Hay, at Tuttens Hill, fell within the parish of Gurnard, Northwood Parish Council unanimously agreed to submit representations against the application.
These being:
The adverse effect this large scale development would have on Northwood and its residents. An exercise is supposedly being undertaken by the IW Council to match housing need and demand within existing settlements to ensure settlement coalescence did not occur
The proposal is overdevelopment of the site, adversely affecting the strategic corridor between Gurnard and Northwood and between Gurnard and Cowes, which needs to be preserved. The Gurnard Housing Needs survey report identified a need for 19 houses only, approval for 15 of these has already been obtained.
The site is designated as Greenfield land. There are ample Brownfield sites in Gurnard should a need for further housing be identified in the future.
The potential detrimental effect on the highway due to only one identified exit/entry on to a busy arterial roadway
Southern Water concerns over drainage and sustainability of the system
Cllr Mew left the meeting room prior to any discussion or decision thereon the following application
c. TCP/31003 Two wind turbines on land at HMP Camp Hill, Parkhurst Road, Newport
Ms M Whitehurst, a member of the public, addressed councillors highlighting the detrimental effect that wind turbines had on bats, particularly where the turbines were situated close to woodland, such as in the HMP Camp Hill application. This was primarily due to the large pressure variations caused by the turbine blades.
Councillors noted that the IW Council had advised of the third re-advertisement of this application after receiving further Environmental Information in respect of
ecological surveys from the applicants. These were available on Councillors were aware that previous comments would be taken into account.
THAT this Parish Council, in confirming that its original representations still stand, .expressed concern over the potential detrimental impact on the ecology in the forest, particularly as the location of wind turbine 2 was now proposed to be sited nearer to the forest.
Cllrs Fuller, Mew and Nicholson returned to the meeting room.
131/13-14 To give thought to the taking over of any of the IW Council’s assets or in the provision of services within Northwood
Reference was made to the series of meetings organized by the IW Council to provide residents with a frank appraisal of the forthcoming budget situation for 2014/15 and beyond. A recent meeting had been held on 31 October in Northwood House. In discussion, councilors were sympathetic to the problem faced by the IW Council but felt it
would be more appropriate if Parish and Town councils were approached with details of the potential services that faced being cut or diminished in their respective areas.
i. THAT the clerk request IW Cllr Steve Stubbings to provide a list of IW Council assets in Northwood and those services at potential risk of being reduced or cut, in order to facilitate serious consideration at the next meeting to either taking these over or else to share the maintenance costs;
ii. THAT the clerk seek confirmation as to whether the maintenance of the Venner Avenue play area and field had been transferred to Island Roads or continued with the IW Council.
132/13-14 To consider the recommendations of the Precept Working Party
The clerk advised that she had not yet received any information with regard to the Discretionary Compensating grant, which in the current financial year amounted to 1,197.00. The IW Council had passed this amount over in full, but were not legally bound to do so. However, Cllr Ward advised that it was his understanding this grant
would be paid over without deductions, once again.
A suggestion was made for an increase in the ‘Grants for Good Causes’ budget and for funds to be directed towards a village event, to be organised for the summer. Mindful of the possible expenditure should any IW Council services/assets be identified that the Parish Council would be willing to either take over or else share in the maintenance costs, it was suggested that the 2.5% inflation increase be raised to 5%. This would provide a small contingency fund enabling councillors to determine where any unallocated funds could be spent, at a later date.
It was advised that normal practice was to now advertise the proposals in the Northwood News, so that comments could be received from residents prior to any final decision being taken.
i. THAT the draft recommendations for the Precept for 2014/15 be amended to include a 5% increase rather than 2.5%, as a contingency should any IW Council services/assets be identified to either take over or else to share in the maintenance costs;
ii. THAT the revised Precept of £15,435 to be advertised in the next edition of the Northwood News, for comments.
133/13-14 To consider if improvements are required to the football pitch on the playpark
Councillors suggested for this item be considered at a later date, once ownership and maintenance responsibility of the field and play area had been established.
Cllr Riddet mentioned that he had received an email confirming a total £15,500 s106 monies remained unspent for Northwood. This could be used to fund a traffic
management safety scheme. There appeared to be no S106 money in relation to the Aldi store. However, Cllr Riddet volunteered to pursue this further.
A question was raised as to the criteria for receiving s106 monies. Cllr Ward suggested that this be raised at a meeting of IWLAC.
134/13-14 To consider the allocation of Areas of Special Responsibilities to councillors
Cllr Fuller referred to his report requesting views on the merit or not of councillors being allocated areas of Special Responsibility over parts of the Parish Council’s work.
THAT it be agreed for councillors to be allocated the following areas of Special Responsibility:
Cllr Jaggar – Economy, assist with Northwood Community Plan, Planning
Cllr Mew – Community and Social Wellbeing
Cllr Pullen – Crime Prevention, Personnel Matters, Northwood in Bloom
Cllr Riddet – Transport, Communication
Cllr Ward – Health and Safety, Recreation and the local Environment
135/13-14 To give consideration to adopting the same Code of Conduct and Register of Interests form as the IW Council
Cllr Ward declared a non-pecuniary interest in the following item of business as he served on the IW Council committee that
considered any Code of Conduct Complaints.
THAT consideration to adopting the same Code of Conduct and Register of Interests form as the IW Council be deferred until the Annual General meeting
in 2014
136/13-14 To respond to the Survey on Sustainability Measures
Consideration was given to the email received from the Secretary of IWALC requesting examples of any specific sustainable projects being undertaken or planned within the parish
Cllr Pullen cited the recent Solar Panel farm installed in Church Lane, suggesting that councilors would find it of interest to pay a visit to the site.
THAT the clerk respond to the request for examples of specific sustainable projects being undertaken or planned identifying the flourishing allotment scheme, the forthcoming Housing Needs survey, and the community transport bus scheme as relevant developments in Northwood
137/13-14 To consider any necessary action that the Parish Council should take to prevent inconsiderate parking around the village
Cllr Nicholson had provided an update earlier in the meeting under ‘Matters Arising’.
He confirmed that a ‘No Parking’ restriction would not form part of the consideration to prevent inconsiderate parking, as this would only compound the problem.
138/13-14 To note the response from Neil Perry, the IW Council’s Environment Officer for Northwood in respect of a complaint of dog fouling on
the playpark
Councillors noted the response from Neil Perry, who having walked the whole of the play area and field at the request of the clerk, and had only found two lots of dog fouling. If details could be supplied with the place and time of any regular person who allowed their dog to foul and then not pick up, Mr Perry or a member of his team would be pleased to respond to the complaint.
139/13-14 To receive progress reports from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
The report, which not all members had received advised that non-concessionary passengers were to be charged a £2 return fare to use the Cowes-Gurnard-Northwood- Cowes Community Bus scheme(CBS). This followed the requirement for there to be a fare structure in place, in order to receive government grant funding for bus services and was agreed by the IW Community Bus Forum (CBF) following advice. Cllr Riddet advised that the CBF had yet to respond to the letter expressing concern over the structure of the CBF and called for an immediate need to widen representation to include other CBS routes.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Pullen reported that the winter planting had been delivered on 29 October and as Ryde House Nurseries were closing, the Parish Council had received a 40% discount.
With the help of a member of the Community Partnership all the summer bedding had been removed and volunteers were now requested to assist with planting up the tubs and planters. It was suggested for contact to be made with the local scout troop, as they might be prepared to assist.
Mention was made of the idea received from a local resident for the summer planting for next year. The British Legion planned to turn the country red with poppies next
year, to mark the WW1 centenary. She had ordered a quantity of seed and would start them off, whether or not the Parish Council decided to go ahead with her suggestion.
i. THAT the revised payment of £166.03 in favour of Ryde House Nurseries be approved being the discounted cost of the winter planting;
ii. THAT the Parish Council takes up the offer of a supply of poppies to be planted out next summer, subject to ascertaining the total cost of reimbursing in full for the supply of the plants
c. Parish Plan Working Party
Cllr Nicholson had amended the draft Housing Needs Survey (HNS) following some minor suggestions by Peter Griffiths, the IW Council’s Principal Officer, Housing Policy.
The final draft was agreed as being a comprehensive document. Some concern was expressed as to the timetable for its delivery and collection, particularly with the festive season drawing nearer. Councillors were reminded that with the previous survey, by working together to target specific areas in turn this had achieved a high rate of returns. The HNS, once printed would be placed in a plastic wallet with a note advising of the date for collection. A decision would be taken on when to commence the delivery process once the document had been printed.
THAT the proposed Housing Needs Survey for Northwood Parish be approved and Cllr Nicholson to send the document to Peter Griffiths, the IW Council’s Principal
Officer, Housing Policy for printing.
d. Emergency Plan Working Party
In the absence of Cllr Smith no report was received.
140/13-14 To receive the report for information of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Cllr Nicholson tabled his report on matters with regard to his role as Ward Member. Particular mention was made to the following:
The development earlier in the day to tackle the problem of vehicles being parked in Place Side, some for a year or so, without tax.
Mayor’s design of an armour plated vandal proof toilet holder for Northwood Recreation Ground
Health and Wellbeing issues – the absence of representation from Alternative/Complimentary medicine
The motion for Island beers and wines to be used at Council functions, in place of foreign imports
The perceived effect of the Planning and Building Control departments on Island construction and development
The difficulties in resolving the problem faced by horse riders regarding several new road surfaces, where the horses cannot gain grip
141/13-14 To receive a report on the meeting of the Community Waste Advisory Group held on 4 September
In the absence of Cllr Smith no report was received.
142/13-14 Clerks Report
a. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of October 2013 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 63 were received and noted.
ii. To approve, retrospectively, payment of cheque No 000335,
THAT cheque 000335 be approved for £166.03, Ryde House Nurseries, Winter Planting in place of cheque No 000334, for £238.60, which had been cancelled
iii. To authorise payment of cheques
THAT the following cheques be approved for payment:
000336, £47.50, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000337, £21.00, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000338, £50.00, Womens Institute, donation towards cost of renewing windows to the WI Hall
iv. Training organised by East Cowes Town Council
i. THAT the attendance of Cllr Smith at the training sessions organised by East Cowes Town Council on 15, 22 and 29 November be approved;
ii. THAT as attendance at similar training sessions provided by IWALC would be free to the Parish Council it be agreed for no donation to be made towards the costs of
these events
v. To consider the grant application on behalf of the Rainbow Guide Unit
THAT a grant of £50 be made to the 1st Northwood Rainbow Guide Unit towards the census charge for this year, be approved
143/13-14 Correspondence.
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.
144/13-14 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Pullen advised of the need to purchase a further supply of No Cold Calling stickers. This would form an agenda item for the next meeting.
Cllr Riddet suggested extending an invitation to Rev’d Amanda Collinson to attend a future meeting of the Parish Council. He would make an initial approach.
Cllr Pullen advised of his attendance at the first training session on Speed Watch. It was suggested that news of the scheme should be included in the next edition of the Northwood News, with a request for any specific areas to be targeted
145/13-14 Future agenda items
No additional items were indicated for future meetings.
146/13-14 To undertake a brief review of the meeting
No comment was made.
Signed ……………………………………………. Dated ……………………………..
Parish Council