Posted by Admin on 16 June 2014, 5:09 pm
Northwood Parish Council Members
Meetings of the Parish Council are held on the first Tuesday of the month, commencing at 6.30pm.
The meeting of the Planning Committee, if required, is held on the third Tuesday of the month, commencing at 6.30pm.
unless otherwise stated.
The comments made in the following articles represent the views of the individual contributors, rather than Northwood Parish Council
The Parish Council is carrying out a Housing Needs Survey. This is to identify how many extra homes, if any, are needed and to find out what size and type they should be. To help to identify where local people would prefer these homes to be built if a need is recognised.
Last month, forms were distributed throughout the Village, and hopefully have been collected. If your form has not been collected, it can be delivered to Cllr John Pullen, 86 Wyatts Lane, or the Clerk at 11 Wyatts Lane.
Thank you for helping to map the future of the Village.
Sgt Gary Knight was unfortunately unable to attend the meeting due to his attendance at a mandatory Public Safety training session. The clerk read from her notes of his telephone call when he had advised that the timing of the relocation of Cowes Police Station was still an unknown. The police Estates Department were the decision makers; if or when the move was to occur, it would be to a site in Cowes with no change to its current operation. The police station had been a closed station for the past two years and would continue to remain so. Sgt Knight hoped to attend the meeting in July, although this would again be subject to operational matters.
PCSO Derek Howard presented the report of the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) team on matters arising since the last meeting. Particular mention was made of the following: PC Juliet Proctor, from Newport was to join the team. The number of reported crimes for May was four, which remained the same total when compared with May 2013. Police priorities continued to cover the prevention of cyclists and cars using Cowes High Street, during prohibitive times. Beat surgeries have been reduced to once per month, on the 2nd Thursday of the month.
With regard to the Speedwatch scheme, 11 volunteers from the local community. A check had been undertaken along Pallance Road, during May, which revealed that of the 90 cars travelling along the road between 2.00pm and 4.00pm, only 1 had infringed on the speed limit.
In the absence of Cllr Ward, Cllr J Nicholson volunteered to contact the IW Council with regard to the letter received from the 1st Northwood scout group and then liaise with Mr Derek Finch. It was reminded that the scouts had expressed an interest in helping with the “Big Tidy-Up” and had volunteered to also help tidy some of the local footpaths. It was decided that arrangements be made to hold a “Big Tidy-Up” event on Saturday, July 5, meeting at 10.00am at the junction of Medham Farm Lane and the cycle track. ANY HELP VERY WELCOME.
Councillors were referred to the report, which set out recommended action with regard to the football posts and nets and the identified remedial action necessary for the football play area. It was noted that the IW Council would continue to provide insurance under the corporate scheme.
It was decided that the request by the Community Partnership to collect and erect the goal posts and nets held in storage at Seaclose Park be declined, as these had been re-confirmed as being unsuitable for grassed areas and the existing equipment was still in a reasonable condition. The Parish Council agrees to undertake all costs with regard to the future maintenance of the football area, providing that the IW Council purchases new nets and refits the steel poles used to anchor the nets, in the correct manner, in accordance with the insurance. In addition, enquiries be made with the IW Council for an updated estimate of the remedial works identified by their Parks officer, in December 2013, with a view to this work being undertaken in the Autumn. Also, the Clerk be given delegated powers to authorise the identified works, up to a total cost of £600.
Cllr Pullen reported that the summer bedding had arrived. Due to the credit of £200 received from Wight in Bloom, the total cost came to only £61.03. All tubs and planters had now been cleared. The contractor has now started watering.
Parish Council