Posted by Admin on 18 May 2015, 12:11 am
In the absence of President Denise Hunter and Secretary Mary Austin, Mrs Joan Finch our W.I. Advisor welcomed members to the meeting.
Mrs Melanie Green from the Kerry Green Trust was presented with a cheque by Elisabeth Hamilton on behalf of the members. The Kerry Green Trust along with Ability Dogs 4 Young People were our Charities for 2014.
Joan Finch then read resignation letters from Denise Hunter and Mary Austin.
As members still wished Northwood W.I. to continue, a President was asked for.
Mrs Fay Bunday put her name forward and was accepted. Then a Secretary was also asked for and Mrs Anne Jonas said she would stand if no one else would. Anne was accepted. Also another member Mrs Pauline Pledge said she would be willing to be co-opted onto committee. Pauline was also accepted.
Arrangements were made for the Jumble Sale being held on 23rd May in the hall 2.00pm until 4.00pm.
Elisabeth Hamilton won the competition for the best Royal Memorabilia.
The meeting was closed shortly after 4 pm.
Best wishes
Anne Jonas
Parish Council