Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 11 September 2015, 7:50 pm



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 1 September 2015



Present: Councillors Chris Riddet (Chairman), Paul Fuller, John Nicholson, Malcolm Nicholson, Derek Smith and John Ward
Also in attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)


There was one member of the public or press in attendance.


72/15-16 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Cllrs David Jaggar and John Pullen, PCSO Derek Howard and Ms Sarah Hussey, Head Teacher of Northwood Primary school.


73/15-16 Members’ interests
There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda.
Cllrs Riddet, J Nicholson and Fuller declared personal interests in Minute 78/15-16 a. ii as they all knew the applicant


74/15-16 To receive a report on any local safety neighbourhood issues occurring since the last meeting held of the Parish Council
In the absence of PCSO Derek Howard a copy of his report had been circulated by the clerk prior to the meeting.  It was noted that crime figures for Northwood would in future be combined with Cowes South, to reflect the area covered by the Ward councillor for Northwood.  11 crimes had been committed during August compared to 4 crimes for the same period in 2014.
The clerk advised that a local resident had contacted her to express his concern over perceived speeding along Nodes Road, near to the four cross junction.  Councillors suggested that he be invited to the next meeting to present a written report, supported by factual evidence of the alleged speeding and his suggestions on action to be taken to prevent this, in order for councillors to discuss the matter further.


75/15-16 To welcome and receive a presentation from Sarah Hussey, the Head Teacher of Northwood Primary school
Ms Sarah Hussey had tendered apologies for her absence at the meeting.  It was anticipated that she would be present at the October meeting.


76/15-16 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 7 July 2015


THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2015 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.


77/15-16 To receive any matters arising on the Minutes, not requiring a resolution
Minute 57/15-16 c Changes to the provision of paper copies of all planning applications – A very autocratic email advising of the immediate cessation by the IW Council of providing paper copies of planning applications to town and parish councils had been received.  Cllr J Nicholson confirmed he would be content to deliver these papers to the clerk, if the documents were left in his pigeon hole, at County Hall.  Councillors were reminded that they must ensure to look at planning applications on line, in future, prior to meetings


78/15-16 Town and Country Planning
a. To consider the following planning applications received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
i. TCP/14203/G Chawton Farm, Chawton Lane, Northwood – Variation of Condition No 4 on TCP/14203/E to allow for a permanent access track.


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections to the application TCP/14203/G at Chawton Farm, Chawton Lane, Cowes for the variation of an existing condition so to allow for a permanent access track, providing that the access track was used “soley” for maintenance purposes and all the other conditions imposed on the original application were strictly adhered to.


Cllrs Riddet, J Nicholson and Fuller having declared personal interests left the meeting room and took no part in the discussion and decision thereon the following item of business.  Cllr Smith took the chair.


ii. TCP/32378 29 Pallance Road, Northwood – Demolition of wc; single storey rear/side extension to provide additional living accommodation; alterations to vehicular access; formation of new vehicular access and parking area


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections in respect of the Householder application TCP/32378 at 29 Pallance Road, Northwood for the demolition of a w.c, single storey rear/side extension to provide additional living accommodation, alterations to vehicular access; formation of new vehicular access and parking area.


Cllrs Riddet, J Nicholson and Fuller returned to the meeting room.  Cllr Riddet resumed the chair.


b. Councillors noted that details of the application TCP/32097/A for the change of use of Industrial Units to use Classes D1 and B8 for Units 25 to 26, Somerton Industrial Park, Newport had been received by the clerk, since the last meeting. Councillors had unanimously declined to make any comment thereon.


c. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council were duly noted:
i. A/02651 Unit 26 -26 Somerton Industrial Park, Newport Road, Northwood – Conditional Planning Consent to Display Advertisements for a non-illuminated fascia sign


ii. TCPL/29783/B Northwood Cemetery, Newport Road, Cowes – Conditional Planning Permission and LBC for a single storey extension, repairs and alterations including under-pinning and change of use of former mortuary chapel to form community facilities and heritage centre, alterations including new ramp access to toilet block and works to boundary wall


iii. TCP/24593/A land between 28 and 30 Oxford Street, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for a detached double garage


79/15-16 To confirm that the Register of Interests form of Cllr Fuller is in order and correct
Cllr Fuller advised that his Register of Interests form, in essence, remained unchanged.  However, his wife was imminently due to change her employment.  He would then provide a revised Register of Interest form.


80/15-16 To receive the oral report of Cllrs J and M Nicholson advising on the recommended picnic table for the play park area
Cllrs J and M Nicholson advised that Storeroom 2010 had referred them to Sue Wendes, their Educational Co-ordinator.  Exact details were required both in terms of quality of wood and size, so that a quotation could be provided to enable a comparison to be made with the picnic table installed on Gurnard .Green.


THAT Cllrs J and M Nicholson obtain a quotation from Storeroom2010 to enable a judgement to be made on the purchase of a picnic table taking into account quality and best value


81/15-16 To receive an update on the proposed application for funding to ensure compliance with the Transparency Code for Smaller Councils
The Secretary of IWALC had advised that papers and an application form would be issued to CALCs on 1 September for issuing to smaller councils by 14 September.  The forms should then be returned to her by 14 October for forwarding on to NALC.  Grants would be issued on a monthly basis with money in the first round of successful bids being released to councils by the end of November.  Exact details of the maximum grant available or the specific information required were not yet known.  The clerk and Cllr Ward agreed to liaise once the paperwork had been released.


82/15-16 To consider making a response to the Consultation on planned changes to the way the IW Council delivers the library service


THAT Northwood Parish Council expresses concern on any suggestion to reduce the opening hours of Cowes library to less than the 24.5 currently operated.  The IW Council was urged to make every effort to seek volunteers from the community to continue with the existing level of provision.


83/15-16 To comment on the letter received from the Community Partnership in response to the concerns of the Parish Council


THAT Cllr Smith, in conjunction with Cllr Pullen, attempt to reach an amicable, satisfactory conclusion with the Chairman of the Community Partnership with regard to the assets maintained by the Partnership.


84/15-16 To comment on recent roadworks undertaken by Island Roads
Cllr Riddet advised that an informal meeting between the clerks and chairmen of Cowes Town Council, Gurnard Parish Council and Northwood Parish Council had been called by Cllr Jones, the mayor of Cowes Town Council.  The meeting would provide an opportunity to discuss the possibility of clustering for the delivery of some discretionary services from the Isle of Wight Council.  Issues regarding recent roadworks undertaken by Island Roads in the area would also form an item for discussion.  Cllr Riddet agreed to report back to the October meeting.
Mention was made that initially a quarterly meeting between councillors and the District Stewards had been planned, where any problems could be highlighted.  As these had not taken place for some time, Cllrs J Nicholson and Fuller agreed to try and reinstate this initiative


85/15-16 To receive an update on the Big Pathwatch initiative aimed at motivating communities to survey the rights of way network
Cllr Pullen, in his absence, had provided a written update advising that he had been allocated an area to survey, this being a section of Rew Street, bounded by Ruffins Copse, Gurnard old school and Dukes Farm.  He had submitted a report to the Big Pathwatch and received feedback on this, which would be reported to a future meeting.


86/15-16 To receive an oral progress report on the revision of the “Welcome to Northwood” booklet
Cllr Riddet advised that the booklet was very nearly complete.  Cllr Pullen had now walked the footpaths identified and found the majority in a good state.  There were just one or two concerns with regard to nettles and overgrown brambles.  It was planned to organise for the booklet to be independently proof read, before being approved by the Parish Council.


87/15-16 To receive a report on the AGM of IWALC held on 16 July
Cllr Ward provided a brief report on the Annual General Meeting of IWALC held on 16 July.  The Minutes had been circulated by email on 28 July.  The Chairman and Vice Chairman had both been unanimously re-elected.  The Island’s MP had been invited to the meeting, but disappointingly had been unable to attend.


88/15-16 To receive a report on the meeting of the Medina Valley Action Plan held on 14 July
Notes of the meeting of the Medina Valley Area Action Plan held on 14 July had been circulated by email prior to the meeting.  The draft Area Action Plans should be available for public consultation in September/October.  Mr Ollie Boulter, of the Planning Policy unit planned to hold back-to-back briefing sessions with parish and town council representatives prior to this taking place.


89/15-16 To receive a report for information on Community Wellbeing
Councillors noted the update report provided by Cllr J Nicholson on Wellbeing Development.  Reference was made to his planned visit, with Prof Elkheir. for later in the month to meet with Prof Steve Peters, of Chimp Management.  The launch of the ABCD scheme took place on 27 August for the Northwood, Cowes and Gurnard areas.  It was viewed as a driver or principal enabler for the My Life a Full Life programme.  This initiative was building momentum delivering significant results through the encompassing Vanguard programme


90/15-16 To receive progress reports for information from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet advised of the changes to the Service 32.  With effect from the following week the bus would operate on a Tuesday to a Saturday, without any charge being levied by Southern Vectis for the cost of hire of the bus.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
In the absence of Cllr Pullen no report had been received.
c. Parish Plan Working Party
In the absence of Cllr Pullen no report had been received.
d. Emergency Plan Working Party
The draft Emergency Plan had now been completed, subject to a few minor additions required.  The next step would be to arrange a meeting with officers at the IW Council to seek their approval and/or comments, before being endorsed by the Parish Council.


91/15-16 To receive the report for information of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Cllr J Nicholson referred to his report. Particular mention was made of the following:
• Two new offences introduced under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, Part 2, which prevented the parking of vehicles on the highway in order to sell them or undertake repairs in the course of a business;
• Complaints received about noise from repeated out-of-hours working in Prospect Road.  The complainant was compiling a log to present to Environmental Health;
• The Planning Application for Pallance Gate Holiday development was being reviewed and indications were that grounds for refusal were sparse.


92/15-16 Clerk’s Report
a. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of August 2015 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 85 were received and duly noted


ii. Payments of cheques Nos 000419 & 000420


THAT approval be granted retrospectively, for the payment of cheques 000419 and 000420, both for Community Action IW, each for £767.48, with regards to the clerk’s salary, on 10 July and 12 August.


iii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:


THAT the following cheques be approved for payment:
000421, £73.50, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000422, £120.00 BDO LLP, Annual Audit
000423, £2055.02, Post Office Ltd, costs towards the Environment Officer Services and Parks Service, as approved

000424, £275.71, Go South Coast Ltd, Supply of a driver for August


Cllr Fuller declared a personal interest in the following item of business and left the meeting room


iv. To consider the request for financial support from the Friends of Northwood Cemetery
Councillors noted the letter of thanks received from Northwood Cemetery.  It was agreed that due to the current financial climate the Parish Council was unable to provide any pecuniary assistance.  However, councillors agreed to promote, wherever possible, the need for volunteer effort within the community to help raise the over £10K ‘match funding’ required.


Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting room.


b. Administration
i. Councillors noted that the Annual Audit, for the year ending 31 March 2015, had been approved by the External Auditor.  BDO LLP had agreed that the information provided was in accordance with proper practices and no matters had given them any cause for concern in that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements had not been met.  Councillors expressed their appreciation to the clerk for her work over the past year.


ii. The various training sessions to be organised by IWALC
Cllr Riddet advised of his potential interest in the Chairmanship Skills and Working with the Local Authority session.  Cllr M Nicholson expressed his interest in attending the Contract and Asset Management session, subject to date and time of the event


iii. The recommendations of the task group set up by the IW Council in respect of the transfer of services were duly noted.  Cllr Fuller advised that he had been allocated the special responsibility of Parish and Town Councils, replacing IW Cllr Steve Stubbings.


93/15-16 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.
Particular mention was made of the planned roadworks in Nodes Road.


94/15-16 Councillors’ reports
Cllr M Nicholson expressed his disappointment that no mention had been made in the report of the Safer Neighbourhood team of the inflammatory posters that had been recently placed in local bus stops.
Cllr J Nicholson advised that he had attended the inaugural meeting of the PACT, which replaced the previous LAGS meetings.
Cllr Fuller had received an inquiry from a local resident as to the length of time the temporary traffic lights outside Northwood Garage were to be in situ.  A mainland contractor was due to effect repairs the following day.  Cllr Fuller confirmed he would monitor the situation.


95/15-16 Future Agenda Items
No further additional items were requested.



Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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