Posted by Admin on 22 November 2018, 2:15 pm
See how economical it is to present your products or services to over 1,330 households in Northwood, Isle of Wight.
Northwood News is produced in A5 booklet form which is delivered free to over 1,330 households in the Parish of Northwood, Isle of Wight.
A downloadable PDF version of each edition is also made available on this website.
Download PDF versions here.
Each page is divided vertically into nine blocks in two columns.
Each block measures approximately 63mm x 21mm (2½in x ¾in) (2.5in x 0.75in) so a page width occupies two blocks which measure 126mm x 21mm.
Each block can be arranged either vertically or horizontally to form an advert comprising multiple blocks up to a maximum of 8 blocks.
The largest advertisement we can accept is 8 blocks.
The cost for the year 2019 per block per edition is £1.80 (£18.00 for the whole year – 10 editions) reducing pro-rata if you join later in the year.
Please send your advertisement and state the number of blocks you would like it to occupy.
This scale is for permanent commercial adverts:
1 block = £18.00 per year (10 editions)
2 blocks = £36.00 per year (10 editions)
3 blocks = £54.00 per year (10 editions)
4 blocks = £72.00 per year (10 editions)
5 blocks = £90.00 per year (10 editions)
6 blocks = £108.00 per year (10 editions)
7 blocks = £126.00 per year (10 editions)
8 blocks = £144.00 per year (10 editions)
Temporary adverts such as Articles For Sale or those advertising events (non-community or non-charity) are priced at a higher rate of £2.50 per block per edition (minimum 2 blocks).
Local Organisations and Associations benefit from a reduced annual scale to advertise their meetings and events.
Occasional Charity events and community-related events are advertised free of charge, space permitting.
If you think you might be interested, please contact the Editor, Peter Lambert:
or use his private email address which appears in the Parish Church Officers table in the Church section.
Northwood News also appears on this website as a downloadable PDF file, which greatly widens the potential for a more widespread audience, and we have a Facebook page.
Parish Council