Posted by NPC Admin on 9 March 2012, 12:33 pm
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Pat Bentley (Vice Chairman), Judith Ferris, Paul Fuller, Megan Moore and Chris Riddet
In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
IW Cllr Roger Mazillius, the Ward member for Cowes South and Northwood
PCSO Steve Oatley
Mr John Mills, of Communications and Marketing Partnerships for Renewables Development Co
There were twelve members of the public present
177/11-12 Apologies
Apologies had been received from Cllr D Smith
178/11-12 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Fuller declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute 179/11-12 the presentation from Mr John Mills as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee and it could be construed that he was being lobbied by the presentation.
Cllr Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 184 a i – iii, as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee.
Cllr Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 187/11-12 as he was a Cowes Town Councillor and had children who attended Cowes schools.
Cllr Fuller declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No 190/11-12 ii as a BT customer and a family member received a pension from BT.
Cllr Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 182/11-12 i and ii as the parish Council’s appointed representative on the Community Partnership.
179/11-12 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer
Councillors agreed to bring forward the report by PCSO Oatley as he was currently on duty.
PCSO Oatley presented the report of the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) team on events that had taken place since the last meeting. January had again been a very quiet month, with virtually no crime of any note within Northwood. However, particular reference was made of the following:
• Nine calls had been made from the Northwood area over the past month, with only one reporting a crime. This related to the theft of a concrete squirrel from a property in Wyatts Lane. The other calls referred to road traffic accidents.
Cllr Fuller raised a question regarding the recent accident at the top of Chawton Lane. However, as this was part of an on-going investigation, PCSO Oatley was unable to speak on this matter. He did, however, suggest that the accident was not caused by speeding.
Prior to the following item of business Cllr Fuller left the meeting chamber.
180/11-12 To receive a presentation from Mr John Mills, the Head of Communications and Marketing Partnerships for Renewables Development Co on the Camp Hill Wind Energy proposals
The Chairman welcomed Mr John Mills the Head of Communications and Marketing Partnerships for Renewables Development Co to the meeting, in order to make a presentation on the Camp Hill wind energy proposals.
Mr Mills, by way of a power point presentation, explained the background and details of the proposal. The Partnerships for Renewables had been established by the Carbon Trust Enterprise to unlock public sector renewable energy potential, on sites UK wide, in partnership with the Ministry of Justice (MoJ). The Camp Hill proposal was one of only three MoJ sites deemed suitable. A range of ecology studies and impact assessments had been undertaken. These formed part of the Scoping report to determine if the site was considered appropriate for the two proposed wind turbines that had a capacity to generate up to 3mw. A map of the proposed site was displayed. During the next few weeks a decision would be taken on the exact position of the turbines, enabling a full planning application to be submitted for decision in late March/early April.
A wide ranging consultation exercise had been undertaken to keep the local public aware during the development process. A further public exhibition was planned prior to the planning application being submitted.
It was noted that the scheme could enable the potential for private wire installations. Talks were being undertaken with local businesses to investigate this benefit. It was reported that Vestas had offered to host the Parish Council to visit their works to see what was involved in the wind turbine industry.
Councillors and members of the public raised a number of questions to which Mr Mills responded.
The Chairman thanked Mr Mills for his very informative presentation.
IW Cllr R Mazillius left the meeting.
Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting chamber.
181/11-12 To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 3 January 2012
THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 3 January 2012 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.
182/11-12 Northwood Community Partnership
Councillors agreed to bring forward the following two items of business as the Chairman of the Community Partnership had to leave shortly to attend another meeting.
a. To consider the request received from the Northwood Community Partnership for a grant of £300 towards the Celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
Mr A Chick, the Chairman of the Community Partnership was present and addressed the Parish Council to provide more specific details on the arrangements being planned for 9 June.
It was noted that as no provision had been made in the budget, the costs would need to be met from balances.
THAT a donation of £150 be approved, to be used towards the provision of entertainment being planned for the day and also that the Parish Council agrees to underwrite the whole event up to a maximum cost of £150 should a loss occur.
b. To consider the request received from the Northwood Community Partnership for a grant of £300 towards the monthly events organised
Councillors in discussion welcomed the monthly events, which were considered to be beneficial to those who attended. However, it was noted that the application form did not specify exactly what the grant money was planned to be used for. The Treasurer’s report also indicated that no expenditure had been used on previous monthly events, with the exception for the hire of the hall. Due to the lack of information provided it was duly
THAT the clerk write to the Community Partnership advising that the Parish Council would be minded to provide a donation towards the monthly events organised, but required specific details as to what the contribution was requested for.
183/11-12 Matters arising on the Minutes
There were no matters arising to be reported.
184/11-12 Town and Country Planning
a. To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
i. TCP/30768A land behind 7 Pallance Road, Northwood – Re-submission of application for proposed erection of one detached two bedroom chalet bungalow and one detached three bedroom chalet bungalow with detached single garage
a. THAT it be duly noted that Cllr Fuller abstained from voting on this item of business;
b. THAT Northwood Parish Council considered that the revised scheme showed no sign of any alterations. Therefore the strong objections to this application TCP/30768 land rear of 7 and 9 Pallance Road, Northwood remain unchanged for the following reasons:
i. Overdevelopment of the site – The area is already very compact, there is very little free space and no provision for overspill parking (Policy D1 (g), (d) (i) and (j));
ii. The access to this part of Selman Gardens is via a dangerous blind spot where the road leads in from the original estate. Any extra traffic caused by the two proposed dwellings would exacerbate the problems in an area that is very short of parking and turning space;
iii. The nature of the road surface requires that it is kept free of large accumulations of mud, which could seriously impair the roads ability to self drain, and as there are no drains, could cause flooding and other long-term damage. Builders vehicles could cause the deposition of mud and other detritus on the ‘porous’ road surface, which is privately owned by the residents of Selman Gardens, and for which they are financially and legally responsible;
iv. Concerns were raised regarding the possible loss of the communal grass areas, for which the local residents are jointly responsible;
v. The proposed plans would cause loss of privacy and visual amenity to existing neighbouring properties;
vi. Concern was expressed over the increase in on-road parking the development would cause and possible obstruction to emergency vehicles. It was essential that local residents maintained unfettered access to their properties.
ii. TCP/30858 Somerton Industrial Park, Newport Road, Northwood – Land north of units 27 – 32, Replacement of planning permission (P/02044/08 TCP/21271/Z Construction of steel framed metal clad light industrial workshop, plus car parking and roads in order to extend the time limit for implementation
THAT this Parish Council raises no material planning objections to application TCP/30858 Somerton Industrial Park, Newport Road, Northwood – Land north of units 27 – 32
iii. TCP/28442B Land adjacent to 66 Nodes Road, Northwood – Demolition of garage and porch proposed detached dwelling, revised application
THAT this Parish Council raises no material planning objections to application TCP/28442B Land adjacent to 66 Nodes Road, Northwood. However, concern was expressed over the proposed close proximity of the detached dwelling to the existing property.
b. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council were noted:
i. TCP/30806 59 Venner Avenue, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the demolition of garage; proposed single storey rear extension and two storey side extension to provide additional living accommodation and new garage
ii. TCP/30450/B Somerton Garage, 258 Newport Road, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the continued use of garage forecourt for hand car washing and valeting facilities
c. To consider the application/woodland management plan, dated 10 November 2011, requesting consent to carry out work to trees at Waterclose Rew (Part Of Waterclose Copse), Medham, Northwood, Cowes
185/11-12 To consider if the Parish Council should commence steps to update the Parish Plan, as this was last updated in October 2007
The brief minutes of the meeting held earlier in the day between Cllr A Javaad of Gurnard Parish Council, IW Cllr P Fuller, Cllr P Bentley and IW Council planning officers were tabled. The meeting had been arranged to clarify the different routes parishes could take in respect of Neighbourhood Plans and participation and involvement in the consultation phase of the Island’s Core Strategy Area Action Plans. It had been generally established that before any further considerations could be agreed that a Housing Needs Survey (HNS) would be required, which could then form the first steps of an updated Parish Plan. Mr P Griffiths of Planning Services had agreed to forward a pro forma to facilitate a HNS. It was highlighted that the cost of which could be in the region of £5,000 to produce. As part of the necessary consultation exercise it was suggested that soundings could be taken from local residents, at the Jubilee event, on their views and needs for future housing development in the area.
i. THAT it be agreed that the Parish Plan for Northwood required updating and as part of this project a Housing Needs Survey would be required in the first instance;
ii. THAT a Parish Plan Working Party be established comprising of Cllrs Pat Bentley and Paul Fuller, with the rest of the Parish Council and other interested persons being involved as and when considered necessary;
iii. THAT the Working Party liaise with IW Council Planning Officers, reporting back to the Parish Council to enable a Housing Needs Survey to be undertaken by the suggested deadline of October 2012.
186/11-12 To consider the recommendations of the Working Party in respect of proposals for project(s), to access the £4,061.00 available to the Parish Council under the Economic Improvement Fund
During discussion both Cllr J Pullen and P Fuller declared a personal interest as a trustee of the Friends of Northwood cemetery.
Discussion ensued on the proposals set out in the report, which had been suggested by the clerk that could possibly fulfil the stipulated criteria of the Economic Improvement Fund. The decision taken earlier to update the Parish Plan was duly noted as part of these discussions. The Chairman had also circulated an email, prior to the meeting, advising of essential work required by the Trustees of Northwood Cemetery to the Chapel floor, which might also fulfil the conditions required. The total cost of this project was approximately £3,200.00. If an application for this work was successful then the 50% matched funding would be met by the Trustees, with no charge being incurred by the Parish Council. Other suggestions were also considered and discounted. It was noted that as there could be unused balances from other Town/Parish Councils these could be made available to those Councils who showed an excess of valid projects.
THAT three applications be submitted to the IW Council for 50% matched funding under the Economic Improvement Fund:
i. £1,600.00 towards the cost of replacement flooring to the Chapel, at Northwood Cemetery;
ii. £2,500.00 towards the cost of a Housing Needs Survey, which formed the first element in updating the Parish Plan;
iii. £750.00 towards the costs of planting and watering the 28 tubs and planters around the village.
187/11-12 Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
a. To consider liaising with Cowes Town Council and Gurnard Parish Council in order to provide all school children in the Cowes wider area with a memento of the Jubilee celebrations
The clerk advised that no further details had been forwarded from Cowes Town Council regarding the supply of a memento and reminded again that there was no budget provision set aside for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
THAT the Parish Council agrees to the principle of supplying a memento to all pre and primary school children in Northwood, in accordance with that possibly being planned by Cowes Town Council, subject to receiving further details as to the likely cost per head.
b. To consider if the Parish Council should undertake any further action in respect of the celebrations
THAT no further action be taken in respect of the Jubilee celebrations.
188/11-12 To consider ‘Preparing for Emergences’, a Guide for communities in preparing a community emergency plan
THAT this item be deferred until September.
189/11-12 To consider participating in the Green Streets project
THAT this item be deferred until September, but in the meantime Cllr Ferris to request a copy of the Green Street Flyer.
190/11-12 To consider what response, if any, to make with regard to the following consultations detailed on
a. School admission arrangement 2013 consultation
THAT no comment be submitted regarding the proposed School admission arrangements for 2013.
Cllr Fuller having previously declared a personal and prejudicial interest left the meeting chamber.
b. The need for super-fast broadband
THAT each councillor submit their own personal comment.
Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting chamber.
191/11-12 To appoint two representatives to meet with Nigel Mason, of Cowes Enterprise College to discuss how best to take forward the role of youth representation at parish council meetings
Cowes Enterprise College were now in a position to take this matter further and wished to set a date for a joint meeting to discuss the next step.
THAT Cllrs Paul Fuller and Chris Riddet be appointed to lead on the role of youth representation at Parish Council meetings.
192/11-12 Clerk’s Report
a. Finance
a. The interim budget statement to the end of January 2012 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 42 was received and noted.
b. To approve payment of cheque No 000251, £265.00, Broker Network Insurance, Parish Council insurance as payment was required prior to this meeting.
THAT payment of cheque No 000251 for £265.00 be approved.
c. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000252, Post Office Ltd, Clerks Salary for December
000253, £58.84, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000254, £14.28, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000255, £35.00, The Information Commissioner, Data Control renewal
THAT the above cheques be agreed.
b. Administration
i. To consider arrangements for the Annual Meeting of the Parish and to suggest a key note speaker
THAT the Annual Meeting of the Parish be arranged to take place on Tuesday, 15 May, without a key note speaker.
ii. To approve Mr Sven Tester, as the internal auditor for the 2011/12 accounts
THAT it be approved for Mr Sven Tester to undertake the internal audit of the accounts for 2011/12.
193/11-12 Report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
The report of IW Cllr R Mazillius, tabled for information, was noted.
194/11-12 Progress reports for information from Working Parties
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet informed that the summer time table had been finalised. Amendments had been made to the first bus of the day, to start at the Portland Inn at 9.38am and not at the Co-Op. This ensured achievable timings throughout the day. Following several requests two buses had been routed via Rew Street rather than Cockleton Lane. This would be monitored to determine usage. The ticket machines had been removed from the buses as they had provided a false record of passenger numbers. Collection buckets had been installed in their place and this had increased the donations made. Passenger numbers were averaging 55 per day.
Reference was made to the recent hold-ups to traffic, as a cause of the on-going roadworks along the Newport Road. This had been particularly bad when work was being undertaken along Horsebridge Hill and outside of the prisons. It was requested that a letter be sent to the IW Council suggesting that, in the event of future planned roadworks, proper diversion signs for light traffic only, be erected at the Four Cross junction. This would divert some of the traffic down Pallance Road, via Noke Common back onto the Newport Road.
Councillors thanked Cllr Riddet for all his efforts during the past month.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Pullen advised that he had visited Ryde House Nurseries and obtained a quotation for summer planting. This to be in a red, white and blue theme to tie in with the Jubilee celebrations. The total cost, with a 10% discount, amounted to £136.90 delivered. As this fell within the budget agreed, Cllr Pullen was requested to submit an order to achieve the planting scheme identified.
c. Village Design Statement Working Party
It was considered that this item had been discussed under an earlier agenda item. Minute 185/11-12 refers.
d. Football Pitch Working Party
It was confirmed that the turf had now been laid and the posts removed during the interim period, allowing the grass to take. It was therefore considered that realistically the work of the Working Party had been achieved and should now be disbanded.
19511-12 Update on the IW Association of Local Councils
Cllr Pullen apologised for not submitting a report to the meeting. The minutes of the recent meetings would be circulated in due course.
196/11-12 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.
Particular reference was made to item ll, regarding participation in joint in-house training with Cowes Town Council. However, as these courses were also provided by IWALC at no cost, no interest was expressed in so doing.
197/11-12 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Ferris highlighted the increase in charges to use the Rotunda car park at Northwood House and the impact this would cause to the elderly and to dog owners who wished to visit the park for a short while, on a daily basis. It was suggested that an invitation be extended to Ann Thwaites, Chairman of Northwood House Charitable Trust to attend the March meeting.
198/11-12 Future agenda items
March Meeting
Ann Thwaites, Chairman of Northwood House Charitable Trust
199/11-12 To undertake a brief review of the meeting
Very interesting
Signed ……………………………………………. Dated ……………………………..
Parish Council