Posted by Admin on 8 March 2008, 12:00 am
Zanzibar, Zanzibar, scented with cloves,
taunting persistently, haunting my moves;
ache in the memory, pain in the heart,
island where She and I met but to part.
Bolted the brass-studded door in the wall,
moonlight and shadows imperil my call.
Mark there the sinister gleam of a knife –
back to the ship if you value your life:
back to the freighter, at anchor asway,
laden with mangoes, and sailing next day.
Zanzibar, Zanzibar, scented with cloves,
there I abandoned her, first of my loves;
white frangipani embowered her home,
down where the coconuts dropped to the foam.
T. C. Hudson
© T. C. Hudson.
Parish Council