Northwood Community Partnership

Posted by Admin on 23 May 2009, 12:00 am



Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 24th April 2009

At the W. I. Hall Northwood

Present:-   C Palmerton (Chairman), A Chick (Vice Chairman),R  Mazillius (Councillor), 
J Pullen (Neighbourhood Watch), PCSO S Oatley, N Thearle, Mrs P Jardine, Mrs J Knight, Mrs E Palmerton (Secretary).

                 1 Member of the Public present.

        Apologies:- P Fuller, D Miller, Mrs A Jonas, Mrs M Yule.

1.    Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting:-
      Proposed by R Mazillius, seconded J Pullen,

      the Chairman signed the minutes as a true record.

2.    Police & Neighbourhood Watch Reports:-

 PCSO Oatley reported that 1 Anti Social Behaviour order had been served for an incident in 
Venner Avenue. Mini motor cycles are being ridden round Medham and Arctic Road. The
Police are keeping watch on this problem. Residents have been bitten by a dog along the 
Northwood / Medham path to the cycle track. This is under investigation. The crime rate is 
down 21% on last year; 32% drop over the last 2 years; 20% drop in violence and 20% drop in criminal damage. Over the past year there have been 27 actual crimes.
J Pullen stated that a Crime Reduction Action Week had been held recently in Cowes. Many 
Agencies were in attendance to answer and advise residents on how to keep their property and themselves safe. The Police remain committed to making the Isle of Wight an even safer place to live.

3.    Chairman’s Report:-

C Palmerton said that during the last year there had been several highs and lows. Losing  very valued members for various reasons. All members have continued to give their very best efforts for the good of the village. We saw the transition of the Village Management 
Committee to the Parish Council. Members agreed that the Partnership should remain independent from the Council for one year. We were instrumental in the idea for allotments, which was then handed to the Parish Council and are very pleased to see the 
outcome that is benefiting residents. During the year, new village signs were purchased.
 Play equipment, new Notice Board, Bus shelter seating and One Million Blooms have all been achieved  by successful funding applications made by the Safer Neighbourhood team, our Councillor and members of the Committee. We still keep our village looking smart and bright with our troughs and planters being full of flowers, summer and winter The Chairman also stated that during the coming year, there are many challenges for a small number of  people. The Calor Village of the Year competition, the completion of the Welcome Pack and the Village trail to name but a few. He concluded by thanking everyone for their loyal help and support for the benefit of our village.


4. Secretary’s Report:-

The Secretary stated that most of her report was included in the Chairman’s report. She wished to thank all members for their continued support of the Partnership. After all we are working to help and support all residents and visitors, to enjoy our lovely village.

5. Treasurer’s Report:-

The Secretary read out a card from Mrs Anne Jonas, stating that she would not be standing  for Treasurer. She wished to thank everyone for their support during her time in office and said she would attend when possible as a W.I. representative and wished the Partnership 
every success for the future. The meeting expressed their thanks to Anne for all she has done. The Secretary then presented that Treasurer’s report. Proposed by R Mazillius, seconded by A Chick the report was accepted.
6.  Election of Officers for 2009/10:-

At this point C Palmerton stood down from the Chair. The Vice Chairman then asked the meeting for nominations for Chairman. R Mazillius proposed that the position of Chairman and Vice Chairman should be held by the existing incumbents. The position of Treasurer to be linked to that of Secretary and thus held by the existing incumbent. This was seconded by N Thearle. All Agreed.

7. Councillor’s Report:-

R Mazillius began by thanking C Palmerton, A Chick, Mrs Jonas and Mrs Palmerton for all their work for the Partnership. He referred members to his report in the recent Northwood News. Some plants are left over from the recent One Million Blooms gardens and a garden
will be made at the Somerton entrance to the village. £500.00 for labour was allocated to the Partnership. All but one of the allotment have been allocated, the last plot will be divided in half. The meeting thanked R Mazillius for the funds.  

8.      Northwood In Bloom:-
The Secretary reported that she had attended a meeting regarding Wight in Bloom and the village has been allocated £300.00 from the sponsors Wightlink for this year’s display. 
The money has to be spent at Ryde House Nursery. A visit will be made there during the next week to source the plants. It is hoped these will be planted towards the end of May.

9. Safer Routes to School:-
In the absence of P Fuller, this item was deferred until the next meeting.

10.  Welcome Pack:-

A Chick reported that an advert had been placed in the Northwood News for comments and ideas from residents, as to the possible content. Nothing has materialised as yet. Further ad. will be placed   in the June addition.



11. Village Trail:-

J Pullen reported that he is working with P Fuller on this project. He said that he would contact him and report back N Thearle and Mrs Jardine have contacted the Ramblers Association’s footpath         representative to see if they could assist in any way. This information has been passed to P Fuller.
    12.     Calor Village of the Year:-

The village entry has been made and it is hoped that all groups and associations within the village will assist when the Judging takes place. It is thought during July.

13.     Future Agenda Items:-

        Decision as to the future of the Partnership.
        Gazebo – repair or replace.
        Fund Raising.

14.     Date of next Meeting:-

        The next meeting will be held on

TUESDAY 26TH MAY 2009, 7.45 PM


 There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm., thanking all present for their continued support and attendance.






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