Posted by Admin on 8 September 2009, 12:00 am
Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 28th July 2009
At the W. I. Hall, Northwood
Present:- C Palmerton (Chairman), A Chick (Vice Chairman), PCSO S Oatley, PC J Davis,
J Pullen (Neighbourhood Watch), D Miller, N Thearle, Mrs J Knight, Dr C Jackson, Mrs P Jardine, Mrs E Palmerton (Secretary)
Apologies:- P Fuller, Miss S Lambert, Mrs A Jonas, Cllr. R Mazillius, Mrs J Darby.
Declaration of Interest:- Nil.
1. Minutes of Last Meeting:-
The minutes of the last meeting had previously been circulated to all members. Proposed by A Chick, seconded by N Thearle, the Chairman signed the minutes as a true record.
2. Police & Neighbourhood Watch Report:-
PCSO Oatley reported that there had been no crime reported in Northwood during the last 30 days. He said there had been the armed robbery in Cowes at the jewellers. He also made the meeting aware of “letter box “burglaries. These happen when the burglar places a tool
through the letter box to hook out keys. Some arrests have been made for this crime. PC M. Thomas and himself arrested 3 Romanian citizens travelling in Northwood in connection with Parking Meter thefts around the Island. 2 lads have also been arrested regarding the
theft of lead from St. Marys’ Church in Cowes. These arrests were only made possible because of people making the Police aware and reporting incidents.
John Pullen reported that someone was in Northwood School, during the holiday. It was later established that it was a Teacher. Speeding is still happening down Pallance Road – an electricity van was going too fast. A mini is also regularly speeding down Wyatts Lane.
N Thearle said that coming from Cowes to Northwood, along Newport Road, at Somerton Roundabout, a motorist’s view is impeded, due to the height of the plants etc. You are to see any traffic coming from Newport.
3. Environmental Neighbourhood Officer’s Report:-
No report as Mrs Darby was unable to attend.
4. Secretary / Treasurer’s Report:-
Mrs Palmerton reported that there were Planning applications for illuminated signs to be put
into new bus shelters earmarked for the village. These applications had been discussed at the last Parish Council meeting, where there was an overall view they would not fit in with the ‘rural’ area we live in and objected to the application. Discussion took place and it was proposed by A Chick, seconded by Mrs Jardine, that the Secretary write a letter to the Planning Officer with our objections and supporting the Parish Council’s objection.
Mrs Palmerton then handed round a copy of the Treasurer’s report. Proposed by J Pullen, seconded by Mrs Knight, the report was accepted.
5. Councillor’s Report:-
No report as Cllr. Mazillius was unable to attend .
6. Northwood in Bloom:-
It was reported that the tubs by the new Notice board are in need of replacement, also 3 at by the sign at the entrance to the Village from Newport. Estimates have been sought and to keep uniformity and the best quote has been from the original suppliers on the Island. Also
it has been pointed out that there is an old gateway sign in Pallance Road. It was felt that very little has been done in that area of the village and again the uniformity should be established. It was suggested that funding should be sought from the Parish Council, as
there is money in the budget for village improvements and Northwood in Bloom. It was agreed that the Secretary write to the Parish Council asking for funding of this project.
7. Calor Village of the Year:-
The result was that Havenstreet were the overall winners for 2009. As the Judges had a very difficult task to separate the 2 villages, they agreed to split the prize and award £400.00 to Havenstreet and £100.00 to Northwood. The meeting wished to record a vote
of thanks to the Chairman and Secretary for all their hard work in organising the event. Also to thank the Chairman for his letter to all participants.An invitation to attend the presentation on Thursday 17th September 2009, 6 pm. at the Community Centre, Main Road, Havenstreet, was extended to all present.
8. Welcome Packs:-
Alan Chick he was awaiting text from several people to be included in the pack. A draft copy had been received by all members for their comments etc. Discussion took place re items that should or should not be included. The meeting was informed that a draft of the finished copy should be available for the Secretary to present to the Parish
Council at their next meeting together with a request for them to obtain funding that is available. Quotes have been sought for printing of the booklet and for the delivering of them to every household within the village.
9. Village Trail:-
A copy of the Village Trail will be included within the Welcome Pack. Paul Fuller said he wanted to revisit his original text and make a few alterations. The W. I. have expressed an interest in this project and want to walk some of the Trail and give a ‘feedback’ on their
findings. This Trail could be of interest to the Schools. It is hoped that on its competition,the Trail will be included in the “Walk the Wight Festival” for 2010.
10. Safer Routes to School:-
Paul Fuller said that there was no further progress at the moment.
11. & 12. Village Day & Sponsored Walk:-
These items will be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting for discussion.
13. Future Agenda Items:-
Village Day
Sponsored Walk
14. Date of Next Meeting:-
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.20pm, thanking all present for their attendance.
Parish Council