Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 13 April 2011, 12:00 am


Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Paul Fuller (Vice Chairman), Pat Bentley, Colin Cramp, John Fuller, Roger Mazillius (also the IW Cllr for Cowes South and Northwood), Ray Mew, Chris Riddett

In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)

There were three members of the public present.
181/10-11 Apologies
Cllr R Mazillius had tendered apologies for his anticipated late arrival due to  attendance at a meeting of the IW Council’s Cabinet.

182/10-11 Declarations of Interest
Cllr P Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 186/10-11 b i and iii as a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee and a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute 186/10-11 b ii as Governor of Northwood Primary school.

183/10-11  To confirm the Minutes of the meetings held on 1 February and 15 February 2011


THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 1 February and the Extra Ordinary meeting held on 15 February 2011 be confirmed and the Chairman be authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.

184/10-11 Matters arising on the Minutes
a. Minute 161/10-11 b Northwood Primary School Lunchtime Gardening Club – Cllr J Fuller advised that he had now held three meetings with B&Q in respect of their new Neighbourhood grants.  The new criterion for applying for funding was based on compliance with a specific theme, which changed each year.  This year the theme was “A Green Environment”. Unfortunately, although the installation of an electrical supply did not fall under this category it was suggested that an application should still be submitted. The Gardening Club could qualify to receive gardening equipment under a local agreement.  Cllr J Fuller would pass the paperwork to Mrs Toms, when received.

185/10-11 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer
PC Mark Thomas presented the report of the Safer Neighbourhood Officer on events that had taken place since the last meeting.  Although February had again been a very quiet month with no criminal damage or anti social behaviour reported, particular mention was made of the following:
• An opportunist burglary by way of entry to a dwelling in Wyatts Lane through an unlocked rear door.  A burgundy handbag had been stolen holding a pink purse containing a small amount of money and credit cards.  The homeowner had been in when the burglary had occurred.
• A non dwelling burglary had been attempted from 3 metal storage containers and two vans on the industrial estate.  The only item stolen had been a metal pole.
• An attempted theft had taken place at Northwood Garage.  CCTV had showed the attempt to remove tyres from a Subaru car, when it appeared the thieves had been spooked by passing traffic.
Cllr J Pullen advised that a local resident had reported to him the theft of £28 from their unlocked car.  However, as the resident was unsure when and where the theft had actually taken place, they had not reported it to the police.  It was emphasised that all cars should be kept locked and the police informed of any theft even if the amount in question was relatively small.  It was considered worthwhile mentioning this again in the Northwood News.

186/10-11 Town and Country Planning
a. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 15 February 2011


THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 15 February 2011 be approved.

b. To consider the following applications received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at

Cllr P Fuller having previously declared a personal interest in the following items of business retired to the public seating area, prior to any discussion or decision thereon.

i. TCP/07576N Horseshoe Inn, 353 Newport Road, Northwood –
Replacement of planning permission (P/00247/08 – TCP/07576/M: alterations; single and two storey extensions to form restaurant area and toilet facilities on ground floor with function room, office and balcony on first floor) in order to extend the time limit for implementation


THAT this Parish Council raises no material planning objections to the application TCP/0757N Horseshoe Inn, 353 Newport Road, Northwood.

ii. TCP/30062A Northwood County Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood  – Siting of a double mobile classroom
Cllr P Fuller having previously declared a personal and prejudicial interest withdrew from the meeting room.
Mr D Miller, a local resident and parent of a child attending the school, addressed the Parish Council referring to his email setting out a number of concerns and suggested planning conditions to mitigate the effects of the additional traffic that the application would generate and the resultant safety risks.
Mr T Cawley, a parent of two children attending the pre-school and a member of their committee also addressed the Parish Council, circulating outlines indicating the detrimental effect that the proposed siting of the mobile classroom would have, specifically on the grassed area currently enjoyed by the pre-school.  Mr Cawley also highlighted that no consultation had been undertaken with the pre-school, which neighboured the school and was a tenant on the school ground.


THAT this Parish Council raises no material planning objections to the application TCP/30062A Northwood County Primary School but request that the following suggestions be taken into consideration prior to any approval of the application:
i. THAT due to the implications of this application it should be decided by the Planning Committee rather than by officer delegation;
ii. THAT full community consultation be undertaken, most importantly with all users that share the school site and nearby and neighbouring residents;
iii. THAT a full assessment be undertaken of the effect of losing such a large part of grass area, which would cause such a huge loss of an important amenity value to the pre-school and consideration be given to other options for positioning the mobile classroom that would be perfectly adequate and more preferable;
iv. THAT conditions be applied to enhance and provide traffic related improvements to minimise congestion at the beginning and end of the school day, arising from the extra traffic anticipated and increase in staffing, ie
a. Establishment of a drop-off zone (no parking, no waiting) to allow parents to drop-off children on the pavement next to the school field, without needing to park;
b. Marking access protection bars (delimited white line) adjacent to those residents’ driveways close to the school;
c. Provision of additional staff parking spaces on the school site (Potential to utilise the triangle of land between existing car park and footpath ramp)

Cllr P Fuller returned to the public seating area.

iii. TCP/13034F Trees, Hillis Gate Road, Northwood, – Proposed photovoltaic panels to roof of garden store


THAT this Parish Council raises no material planning objections in respect of application TCP/13034F Trees, Hillis Gate Road, Northwood.
Cllr P Fuller returned to the meeting forum.

c. Appeals to the Planning Inspectorate
i. The Appeal Decision of the Planning Inspector to allow the appeal made by Aldi Stores Ltd with regard to Condition 23 of application TCP/21760/Y was noted.
ii. The formal notification of the appeal submitted in respect of TCP/01021 88 Pallance Road, Northwood – Demolition of shed; construction of detached garage and parking space (revised scheme) was noted.

187/10-11 Cowes, Northwood, Gurnard Community Transport Forum
a. The notes of the meeting of the Cowes, Northwood, Gurnard Community Transport Forum held on 3 February, were received and reference was made to the action points agreed.
b. Cllr C Riddett provided an update on progress since the last meeting, also advising of his attendance at the recent meeting of the IW Community Transport Forum. The news that 20 volunteers had come forward as potential bus drivers was welcomed. Although it was noted that not all might meet the standard accepted by Southern Vectis.  A further meeting was to be arranged with Mr M Morgan Huws to agree the next course of action.
Cllr P Fuller reported that in a meeting between representatives of Cowes Town Council and Mr Morgan Huws to discuss this same issue, it had been suggested that Cowes Town Council should work independently to Gurnard and Northwood.  Mr Morgan Huws had outlined a proposed route to the council, which could be undertaken by volunteers.  However, Northwood councillors were keen to keep Cowes Town Council involved with their scheme.
In discussion, councillors raised a number of questions:
i. Why the 9.00am Wight Bus was due to be cut, with effect from 1 April –   Cllr P Fuller agreed to try and ascertain the reason;
ii. The branding of the buses – It had been indicated that one bus would be branded and used only for school runs;
iii. The appropriateness of using volunteers – Southern Vectis were in the process of recruiting permanent staff;
iv. Personal Liability insurance – This was covered under the policy held by Southern Vectis


THAT the thanks of the Parish Council to Ms J Pearce and Mr R DeKerbech be placed on record, for their work in organising the two petitions received, which highlighted the needs and concerns of local residents.

188/10-11 To consider undertaking a further Big Tidy Up event


THAT arrangements be made for a further Big Tidy Up to take place on Saturday, 9 April commencing at 10.00 am on the Venner Avenue Play Park.

189/10-11 To consider suggestions for a key note speaker for the Annual Meeting of the Parish on 17 May 2011


THAT there be no key note speaker for the Annual Meeting of the Parish.

190/10-11 To consider the application for a Street Trading Application for a Mobile Street trading consent for Café Italiano covering the whole of the island


THAT no comment be made on the application for a Mobile Street trading consent for Café Italiano.

191/10-11 To receive an update on the provision of an additional seat on the play park


i. THAT Mr A McIntyre, the IW Council’s Parks officer be invited, when he was next in the area, to inspect the concrete plinth, near to the teen shelter, for its suitability for the installation of the proposed seat.  Either Cllrs J Pullen and C Cramp or the clerk would be pleased to meet him on site;
ii. THAT a request be made to Hayley Williams for the date of the planned Race Night, advising her to make contact with Cllr C Riddet who would advertise the event in the Village Talk column of the County Press.

192/10-11 To comment on the recommendations of the Community, Governance and Polling Places Review
Councillors noted that the boundary of Northwood Parish Council was protected until May 2014. Any subsequent changes would require the IW Council electoral divisions to be moved in order to avoid very small fragmented polling districts. Councillors noted the comments of Calbourne Parish Council with regard to the Marks Corner area and suggested that Electoral Services be advised that this boundary be looked at once the protection for Newport and Northwood had ceased.

193/10-11 Clerks Report
a. Finance

i. The interim budget statement to the end of February 2011 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 31 were received and noted.

ii. To approve the retrospective payment of cheque No 000187, £42.60 for the cost of the replacement glass in the Notice board.  This had been ordered by the clerk, under Financial Regulations 3.2, as it was considered to be a matter of urgency.  Councillors expressed their thanks to Cllr P Bentley and the clerk for their work regarding this matter.


THAT the payment of cheque No 000187, Solar Glass for £42.00, be approved.

iii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000188, Post Office, Clerks salary for January
000189, £41.93 ,Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000190, £9.14, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000191, £187.20, Urbaser Ltd, Emptying of dog bins for the period 1 January – 3 April 2011


THAT the above cheques be approved for payment.

b. Administration

To consider the purchase of a further supply of ‘No Cold Calling’ stickers at a cost of 50p per sticker


THAT a request be made to Trading Standards for a further supply of 100 “No Cold Calling” stickers at the cost of 50p per sticker.

194/10-11 Report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
The report of Cllr Roger Mazillius was received and noted.

195/10-11 Progress reports from Working Parties
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
An update had been provided earlier in the agenda.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Quotations for Wood Preservative for the wooden planters had been obtained, in line with Financial Regulations.  Mention was also made of the need to employ a contractor to undertake the watering of all the plants in the village, during the summer months.


i. THAT it be approved to purchase the wooden preservative required, subject to a maximum cost of £50.00;
ii. THAT the clerk seeks quotations for the task of watering all the planters/tubs around the village during the summer months and to report back.

c. Village Design Statement Working Party
During this item of business Cllr R Mazillius entered the meeting chamber.
Councillors were referred to the report of Cllr P Bentley, which set out the outcome of his informative meeting with IW Council’s Planning Policy team and provided an explanation as to why little action would take place on the production of a Village Design Statement or Neighbourhood Plan, until August, when the Core Strategy should then be finalised and approved.
In the meantime the Parish Plan remained in effect and could be added to if it was considered appropriate.  Work would continue to look into this in the light of the census, proposed legislation and other influences.

196/10-11 Update on the IW Association of Local Councils
The next meeting of IWALC was scheduled for the end of March.  Cllr R Mew agreed to attend along with Cllr J Pullen, subject to work commitments.

197/10-11 Correspondence.
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.   The clerk highlighted the letter received from the IW Councils Public Transport Officer, Mr Martyn Mullins regarding the consultation in respect of Local Bus Services. The letter had arrived too late to be included on the days agenda and as comments had been requested by 21 March, it would be necessary to hold an extra-ordinary meeting if an extension to the deadline was not forthcoming.

198/10-11 Councillors’ reports
Cllr P Fuller, with reference to the report of Cllr R Mazillius, as the IW Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood, advised that the Independent Party’s budget was lawful.
Cllr R Mazillius responded by advising that the s151 officer, after due consideration of the figures, had stated the budget showed a £100K shortfall.
Cllr R Mazillius provided an explanation on the reasons for the proposed changes to the Wight Bus service.  He also gave an update on decisions taken at the meeting of the Cabinet, held earlier that evening.
Cllr C Cramp reported an incident of cold calling.  Councillors had thought that the main six energy suppliers had agreed to not call, where “No Cold Calling” stickers were displayed.  Cllr R Mazillius would confirm this with Julie Woodhouse, of Trading Standards.  Cllr C Cramp suggested that a penalty should be imposed on anyone “Cold Calling”.  However, it was advised that it was not illegal to knock at anyone’s door.
Cllr R Mew raised a question on the work being undertaken in the Newport Road at Horsebridge Hill.  No prior notification had been given to local residents.  He was advised to contact his Ward Councillor.

199/10-11 Future agenda items
April Meeting
Annual Report of the Parish Council
To consider the lobbying of the local MP to bring in a bill to make “No Cold Calling” a criminal offence – Cllr C Cramp

200/10-11 To undertake a brief review of the meeting.
An excellent meeting taking just under 2 hours.


Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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