Northwood Parish Council

Posted by Admin on 26 June 2011, 12:00 am



86 Wyatts Lane, Northwood PO31 8PY
Tel: 01983 281250

95 Noke Common, Newport PO30 5TY
Tel: 01983 248287

74 Wyatts Lane, Northwood PO31 8QA
Tel: 01983 289595

Greenwood 85 Venner Avenue. Northwood PO31 8AG
Tel. 01983281522

63 Horsebridge Hill, Newport PO30 5TJ
Tel: 01983 245234

‘Vert Bois’ 46 Cockleton Lane, Gurnard PO31 8JD
Tel: 01983 245033

11 Wyatts Lane, Northwood PO31 8QB
Tel: 01983 290086


Meetings of the Parish Council are held on the first Tuesday of the month, commencing at 6.30pm.
The meeting of the Planning Committee, if required, is held on the third Tuesday of the month, commencing at 6.30pm.



The comments made in the following articles represent the views of the individual contributors, rather than Northwood parish council.


News from the June meeting of Northwood Parish Council.

The clerk advised that  the closing date for ten residents to call for an election to take place, had passed. The required number had not been received therefore the process to co-opt could proceed. It was agreed to set the closing date for applications as June 28th, enabling appointment at the July meeting.

Councillors were informed that Mr Colin Cramp had tendered his resignation recently. Again the same process had to be followed.

The clerk was instructed to write thanking the two ex-councillors for their past service.

The following planning applications were considered:

TCP/30564 2 Horseshoe Close, Northwood – Householder Application Single storey extension on front/side elevation to provide additional living accommodation and lobby. No objection was raised.

TCP/30317 61 Pallance Road, Northwood – Demolition of dwelling erection of new detached dwelling, no objections were raised.

The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Planning Committee were noted:

i. AGN/10723/L for a polytunnel at Lower Luton Farm, Pallance Lane – These proposals were unable to be considered in accordance with the criteria established under Part 6 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 and had therefore been rejected. Formal Planning Permission would need to be applied for.

ii. TCP/25625/C 36 Coronation Avenue, Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO31 8PN – Planning Permission granted for the demolition of conservatory; proposed single storey rear extension to form additional living accommodation.

iii. TCP/28535/B 28 Pallance Road, Cowes, PO31 8LN – Planning Permission granted for alterations; single storey rear extension; conservatory; new roof to provide additional living accommodation within roof space (revised plans).

Purchases of New Seats

The clerk referred to an email she had received from Hayley Williams advising that over £1,000 had been raised from the Race Night. The clerk had met with Ms Williams and been informed of the plans to now purchase two seats, one to be placed on the play park and the other in the school grounds. Confirmation that the seat had been ordered and the anticipated timescale was still awaited. It was decided to put the matter on the agenda for the July meeting.

Future Building Plans

Councillors were drawn to the letter from local resident, Ms J Pearce, which referred to articles in the Times’ Bricks and Mortar section on  April 1st. These suggested how the Government’s planned legislation would give property developers almost carte blanche to destroy green fields and open spaces.  Ms Pearce had urged Mr Turner to try and persuade the Government to have a rethink, to enable people to protect their home environment.
During the debate it became apparent that not all councillors were supportive of the entire contents of the letter. It was suggested that some of Ms Pearce’s views were misplaced and the articles also speculative. The IW Council, as the Local Planning Authority, did safeguard the concept of the Island being maintained as a rural area through the development of the Island Plan and other policies and procedures. There was a shortage of affordable housing, but it was erroneous to suggest that mainlanders would be able to queue-jump over either local people or those with an Island connection. The building of approximately 500 homes per year had been constant for a number of years. However, it was important that these should be built on brownfield sites, not greenfield areas.  Following discussion it was agreed that the letter from Ms Pearce to Andrew Turner be endorsed.

Venner Avenue Play Park

Councillors were advised that the IW Council’s Parks officer, Mr Andrew McIntyre had, last year, suggested that the football pitch at the Venner Avenue Play Park should not be played on during the winter period. This would allow the grass to recover or else the area would be ruined. Unfortunately his advice was overruled and his comments were now justified by the poor condition of the pitch. Although the IW Council were the landowners, councillors proposed that investigations be undertaken regarding the feasibility of obtaining funding to enable an all-weather surface to be laid. Due to the heavy usage of this area the top soil was gradually being eroded leaving behind a rather stony area, which could cause health and safety issues. It was decided the clerk make contact with Mr A McIntyre, the IW Council’s Parks Officer to ascertain his views on the laying of an all-weather surface on the football pitch at the Venner Avenue Play Park.

Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party

Mention was made of an email from Andy Morris, the IW Council’s Traffic Manager to Rusty Adams, the contact for the local Community Bus scheme.  This referred to the receipt of a slightly amended version of the original application, which had been sent under private cover to Mr Morris. Members of the Cowes, Northwood and Gurnard forum had rejected the second application, confirming their support for the original version put forward. Cllr Mazillius provided an explanation as to how the second application had arisen and expressed his disappointment that a private matter had been made public. The misunderstanding would not however delay the submission. The application comprised one bid for the use of two buses.
The representatives of the three parish councils on the vetting panel for the volunteer driver processing were noted. Cowes Town Council had still to confirm in writing the name of their representative.

Northwood in Bloom Working Party

The planters/tubs had been cleared and all replanted with the summer plants obtained from Ryde House Nurseries. The cost of £152.50 left a credit of £147.50 to be used later in the year. The best of the removed plants had been donated to the Northwood Primary school Gardening Club. Thanks were expressed to the Working Party for a good job done.

Wards Copse Working Party

An article on this had appeared in the edition of Northwood News for June.  Cllr Fuller had discussed this issue with the partner of an owner of part of the Wards Copse. They had indicated that they did not support the involvement of the Parish Council. The Working Party would continue to investigate options for the future potential management of Wards Copse.

Safer Neighbourhood Report for Northwood

Although another month has passed with little reported crime in the village, I am sorry to report that some sad, sick individual/s thought it was clever to destroy some of the recently planted summer flowers in Nodes Road. The plants were thrown on to the road, and a lot could not be saved.
The working party of volunteers of Northwood in Bloom work hard to keep our village looking nice. Mindless vandalism like this can start to make us wonder if it is worth continuing. BUT WE WILL.

I have a  supply of No Cold Calling window stickers, paid for by the Parish Council, if anybody needs one.

Ring 01983 281250 if you need a Sticker or the Black and Green recycling bins.

Do not forget Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. You do not need to identify yourselves and the calls are not recorded.

John Pullen

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