Posted by Admin on 5 June 2009, 12:00 am
An information evening about their work in your community followed by an invitation to join in with some uplifting hill songs.
Friday 5th June 2009 in All Saints Church, Gurnard 7.00 – 8.00pm.
Street Pastors – Charity no. 1039580 – is an interdenominational Church response to urban problems, engaging with people on the streets to care, listen and dialogue. It is the church in action on the streets.
It was pioneered in London in January 2003 by Rev’d Les Isaac, Director of the Ascension Trust, and has seen some remarkable results, including drops in crime in areas where teams have been working. There are now over 100 teams around the United Kingdom.
Each city project is set up by Ascension Trust and run by a local coordinator with support from Ascension Trust and local churches and community groups, in partnership with police, council and other statutory agencies. The basic training costs £300 per person and funding typically comes from individuals, churches, or agencies. This helps to pay for the uniform, radios, training and equipment.
We are inviting the communities of Cowes, Gurnard and Northwood to a presentation about the street pastor scheme on the Isle of Wight in All Saints Church, Gurnard on Friday 5th June at 7.00pm.
I will be talking about the project and the work that is being done on our streets and how you can help. We need more street pastors and also prayer pastors who provide the vital back-up for the teams whilst they are out on the streets at night. Interested? Or just come along to ask some questions.
You never know when or who we might be helping next time; we need everyone to pray and offer their support for this project.
We will offer refreshments together with the chance to sing (or listen to) a selection of exciting and uplifting Hill songs accompanied by David Ousten the Isle of Wight Street Pastor Co-coordinator. Please come and support us in this exciting new initiative for our community. The evening is free of course but any proceeds will be put towards the Isle of Wight Street Pastors Scheme.
See for more information.
Alistair Bridle
Parish Council