Posted by Admin on 6 November 2012, 6:30 pm
Barbara Herbert
Clerk to the Council
The meeting of the Parish Council will commence immediately after the Public Forum, which will begin at 6.30 pm for the duration of 15 minutes, if necessary. This provides an opportunity for any member of the public to ask questions of members of the Parish Council.
1. To receive and approve any apologies for absence
2. Co-opted Councillor
i. To consider applications received and approve the appointment to the position of co-opted councillor
ii. To receive their declaration of acceptance of office and their signed register of financial interests
3. To receive any declarations of Members’ interests in items on the agenda.
4. To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer, plus an opportunity to discuss local policing priorities
5. To welcome a representative of Northwood Primary school to the meeting and to comment on the School’s proposed Travel Plan 2012 to 2015 (Paper A- circulated by email on 1 November)
6. To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 2 October 2012 and the Extra Ordinary meeting held on 16 October 2012 (Paper B1 & B2)
7. To receive any matters arising on the Minutes, not requiring a resolution
8. Town and Country Planning
a. To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
i. TCP14203/E Chawton Farm, Chawton Lane, Cowes – Proposed installation of Photovoltaic with associated infrastructure and fencing
and to welcome Tom Brinicombe, Project Manager for the proposal and Gulya Isyanova, Communications Manager of BNRG Renewables UK Ltd
ii. TCP/15284/C Change of Use of land for keeping of horses; proposed stable block comprising two stables and hay store/tack room. ‘Revised Plans’ (new red outline on block plan – north point now shown correctly)(readvertised application)
b. To note that Planning Application TCP/31184 Demolition of dwelling and outbuilding. Proposed construction of 2 detached houses with carport and 1 detached house with garage; alterations to vehicular access has been withdrawn
9. To consider the application for a premises licence at 490 Newport Road, Northwood by the IW Military History Museum Charitable Trust (Paper C – details available at
10. To consider the application received under Environmental Permitting (England & Wales) regulations 2010 for Eurovia Roadstone Ltd, Medina Wharf, Artic Road, Cowes for a permit to operate an installation for a Roadstone Coating Plant (Paper D – details available at
11. To consider the report regarding seating along the cycletrack – Cllr Fuller (Paper E – to follow)
12. To receive an update on the meeting with IW Cllr V Churchman regarding Island Waste Management and to consider the suggestions of Cllr Ferris (Paper F)
13. To consider the letter from the Headteacher of Northwood Primary school regarding the proposal to register the school’s interest in becoming an Academy within the Department of Education (Paper G – circulated with the agenda for the October meeting)
14. To consider replacing the three “No Cold Calling Signs” at the cost of £54 + vat each from Signpost Express – Cllr Pullen
15. To consider the response received from Malcolm Smith to the outstanding questions raised regarding road closures and roadworks and to decide on any further action in this regard (Paper H)
16. Environmental Issues
i. To consider the letter dated 8 October from the IW Local Access forum regarding litter on public rights of way (Paper I1)
ii. To consider the email from Natural Enterprise regarding Green Towns (Paper I2)
17. To consider making a response to the following consultations
i. Health and Wellbeing Strategy for the Isle of Wight, 2013 – 2016 (Details available on
ii. Isle Of Wight NHS Trust Consultation on Foundation Trust Status (Circulated by email on 1 November)
18. To receive an update in respect of the Street Games initiative – Cllr J Ferris
19. To receive progress reports from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party – Cllr Riddett
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party –– Cllr Pullen
c. Parish Plan Working Party – Cllr Bentley
d. Precept Working Party – to consider the recommendations for the Precept for 2013/14 (Paper J)
20. To receive the report for information of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood (Paper K – to follow)
21. To receive an update on the IW Association of Local Councils – Cllr J Ferris
22. Clerk’s Report
a. Administration
i. To approve Mr Mike Cox, the former Responsible Finance Officer of Ventnor Town Council, as the Internal Auditor for the 2012/13 accounts
ii. To approve that the meeting in January be held on Tuesday, 8 January due to the bank holiday
iii. To approve for Mr B Blezzard to cover the March meeting of the Parish Council, in the absence of the clerk, at a cost of £12.50 per hour plus mileage
b. Finance
i. To receive the interim budget statement to the end of October 2012 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 50 (Paper L)
ii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000286, £49.75, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000287, £18.52, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000288, £240.13, Ryde House Nurseries, Autumn Planting
000289, £48.98, Mr J Pullen, cost of compost for planters/tubs
000290, sum to be decided, Poppy Appeal, for the Poppy Wreath provided by the Royal British Legion
23. Correspondence.
As per list circulated to Councillors with the agenda (Paper N)
24. Councillors’ reports
25. Future agenda items
December Meeting
Navitus Bay Wind Farm – Cllr J Ferris
January Meeting
Age UK IW Good Neighbour Scheme progress update by Mark O’Sullivan, the Manager & Development Officer
26. To undertake a brief review of the meeting
In accordance with Standing Order 27, any member of the public wishing to speak on an item on the agenda may speak at a Council meeting at the start of the agenda item for a period not exceeding 3 minutes.
When a ‘Group’ of members of the public wish to speak on an item, they will, subject to the Chairman’s discretion be required to nominate a representative who may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes.
It would assist the smooth running of the meeting if you would advise the clerk prior to the start of the meeting of your wish to speak.
Parish Council