Posted by Admin on 5 November 2006, 12:00 am
Check out the DTI site on how to enjoy your fireworks night safely. The site is packed with information including current legislation and fun games to get you in the mood.
Click on this link:
The Island’s St John Ambulance, as part of the UK’s leading First Aid, transport and care charity is urging the public to:
When planning for Bonfire Night, St John Ambulance recommends that people brush up on their First Aid skills and make sure they have a fully stocked First Aid kit close by. For guidance, the charity has issued some vital simple steps for treating minor burns on Bonfire Night.
1. Try to remain calm and reassure the casualty.
2. Place the burnt area under running water for at least 10 minutes – longer if the pain persists. If no water is available use any cold harmless liquid such as milk or even non-alcoholic drinks.
3. Gently remove any rings, watches, belts, shoes or other constricting clothing from the injured area before it starts to swell. Do not remove anything sticking to the burn as it may cause further damage and introduce infection.
4. Once the burn has cooled, dress the area with a clean, preferably sterile, non-fluffy material or cling-film. A clean plastic bag can be used for a burned hand or foot. Do not use materials that can stick, such as cotton wool or adhesive dressings.
5. NEVER break blisters, remove loose skin or otherwise interfere with the injured area. NEVER apply lotions, ointments or fats like butter.
6. Do not hesitate to seek medical aid.
7. A child with any kind of burn or an adult with a burn larger than the palm of their hand requires medical attention.
The First Aid treatment for minor burns reduces the effects of heat, relieves pain and minimizes infection. If the burn appears severe or extensive, the casualty should be taken to hospital.
St John Training Manager, JOHN COOPER said,
“We want people to have a basic First Aid knowledge, a First Aid kit and some water on hand, so they can help in the event of an accident but also so they can relax and enjoy the evening knowing that they are prepared.”
Ideal First Aid Kits are available, now, at exceptional prices from the Island’s St John Ambulance County Headquarters, 12 Manners View, Newport, PO30 5FA.
For further details on first aid training courses please contact:
The St John Training Team
Tel: 01983 822794
Fax: 01983 525564
Parish Council