Posted by Admin on 6 October 2007, 12:00 am
Saturday, 6th October is Open Day at the Hospice, from 10.00am – 3.00pm.
Have you ever wondered what goes on at the Hospice? Why not come and see for yourself during the Hospice Open Day on 6th October, which coincides with World Hospice & Palliative Care Day.
Talk to the different teams. See around the Hospice. Ask the questions you have always wanted to ask. Find out how it fits into the pattern of medical care on the Island and find out how the Hospice plans to expand their care for the Island in the years ahead.
The PHOENIX JAZZ ENSEMBLE will be playing periodically throughout the day.
Last year over 200 people came, including medical professionals, and had a very interesting visit. No need to book. Just come in. Everyone is welcome!
Parish Council