Posted by Admin on 25 April 2012, 7:00 pm
Understanding Renewable Energy
Presentation and Meeting in the Hunnyhill Room, Riverside Centre, Newport on Wednesday 25th April 2012 at 7.00pm.
There are many renewable energy sources; all have their place and all have their own advantages and disadvantages. With conflicting claims for their merits and without specialist knowledge it is difficult to choose between them. This presentation is for all those who wish or need to better understand the subject. It will be given by an experienced and well qualified electrical engineer, but no prior knowledge will be assumed or required. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session. There is no charge and, as advertised in the Isle of Wight County Press, all members of the public are welcome.
As there are several renewable energy projects in various stages of planning or development on the Island any specific project examples referred to in the presentation will be taken from elsewhere in the UK.
Yours sincerely
Dr J V Yelland
Parish Council