Posted by Admin on 14 October 2010, 12:00 am
Welcome to the Village of Northwood situated just south of Cowes on the Isle of Wight. This website provides news, events and information for the Village, our twelfth-century Parish Church and a link to the Primary School. There are dedicated sections throughout the site which provide information on the latest news from the Local Councillor and Northwood Community Partnership, a link to the Northwood Parish Council website, and a host of other organisations and people that contribute to village life. We also have additional information on the village past and present along with huge amounts of day-to-day information such as useful contacts and links to other information sites, including Tide Tables, Weather Forecasts, the I.W. Council, Bus Timetables, Childline, Crime Map, School Term Dates and many other consumer-related facilities.
Northwood has a Village Hall which is available to hire – see the contact details given on the Northwood W.I. page.
Parish Council