Posted by Admin on 21 November 2006, 12:00 am
Cards to distant cousins are in the post to catch the last of the overseas mails. The presents are being wrapped and hidden in all those secret nooks and crannies waiting to be piled under the tree. There’re one or two items in the cupboard just in case … The final list to be checked and ticked off is the food shopping and in between that, the small and funny items for the stockings. Christmas is upon us once again and in all the flurry of last minute organization isn’t it good to take five minutes out and think about why we celebrate it.
In all the gift giving, in all the festivity, as we say thank you for yet another pair of socks or a tea towel may we do so with love, knowing the love with which Christ has been given to us. Christmas is the time of gift giving; Jesus is the gift of hope given freely to us as a baby at Christmas and returned to us at Easter after the agony of the Crucifixion. We know the joy of that gift; what gift do we have to offer each other? We are all made in the image of God but do we remember that in our dealings with each other? The theologian Karl Rahner says that we may be either grace or destruction to one another. I pray that at this Christmas and in the months to come the greatest gift we may give each other, friend or stranger, is the joy of acknowledging one another in all that we are. May we love one another as God loves us, accept one another as God accepts us and may the light of the Gospel shine from us as it shone over Bethlehem that first Christmas night.
Merry Christmas to you all and a very Happy New Year.
With love and prayers
Parish Council