A message from The Rev’d Keith Adlam, Associate Priest

Posted by Admin on 23 June 2007, 12:00 am

The Revd Keith Adlam

c/o The Rectory, Chawton Lane, Northwood

My first thoughts for this item were moving in the direction of making links between the logo for the 2012 London Olympics and our everyday use of logos and icons.
However an event on the Monday that people were returning to the mainland from the Isle of Wight Festival prompted me to defer my thoughts on logos for possibly another occasion.

My wife and I had gone with a friend to have a mid-morning coffee on Ryde Esplanade.  Needing a table we approached a young couple, who looked as though they had been to the Festival and were just about to leave to go on their way. We thanked them and then got into conversation (as sometimes happens) to ask if they had enjoyed the Festival.  They were so enthusiastic their eyes shone. And as for the Rolling Stones…  well that certainly was the highlight of their weekend.

They asked if we lived here and I think they were a bit envious when we said we did and that although we weren’t Festivalgoers we certainly thought it was a good thing for the Island and brought a buzz to the place, as did the Bestival at Robin Hill in the autumn. As they were about to go to the Hovercraft for the start of their journey to South Wales they said to us, “Thank you for the Island.”

No-one has ever said such a phrase to me either here or about anywhere else we have lived and I thought how lovely that two strangers should thank three residents for the place where they live.

As you will know, the Island’s motto is “All this beauty is of God.” The apostle Paul in one of his letters encourages us to give thanks to God for everything. Perhaps in their own way these two people were doing that although they might not have seen it quite like that. However, I have learnt over the years that often Christian principles come at unexpected times and in unexpected places. It’s a matter of being ready to accept them as they come.

And on the subject of thanks, my wife Joan and I as well as Rita Goddard, say a big thank you to all who have made us welcome to our new ministries. Over time I’m sure you’ll get to know more about us either through the news or in other ways.

God’s blessings on all of you
Keith Adlam
Associate Priest


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