A message from The Rev’d Keith Adlam, Associate Priest

Posted by Admin on 19 January 2008, 12:00 am

The Rev’d Keith Adlam
c/o The Rectory, Chawton Lane, Northwood

At the time of writing this letter the deaths of two well-known people have occurred: Sir John Harvey-Jones, a “captain of industry” and Sir Edmund Hillary, the conqueror of Mount Everest. Both men will be remembered for other things as well. After retiring from ICI, Sir John spent some time as a “company doctor” advising small enterprises on how to get the best out of their businesses for the benefit of the owners, their employees and their customers.  Most times such companies took his advice and, painful as they might have been, changes were made and the positive results ensued. A few companies however found it difficult to accept the changes and continued as before. Sir Edmund chose to devote time and resources to the Sherpas and the mountain people of Nepal, the country that had helped so much in the 1953 British Expedition in their successful efforts on the world’s highest mountain. He founded the Himalayan Trust which helped build hospitals, clinics, bridges, airstrips and nearly 30 schools. As a result many people’s lives were changed and they were able to have better futures. Sir Edmund always said this gave him more satisfaction than that 1953 achievement.

These are two “high profile” examples of a lasting legacy. But what of changes to lives brought about by so many people whose actions and deeds are not so widely known? Those of you reading this letter will, no doubt, be able to cite examples of your own whether at home, in work, in clubs or in church, of changes that have been brought about as a result of the positive influence or action of others. Perhaps there may have been some resistance or maybe the change has been welcomed. When I have made funeral visits I have often been aware of the positive influence that has been made by the person who has died whether that has been on family or friends such that lives have been changed, or in a work situation or some other place where things have improved. Immeasurable as it might be, that sort of legacy is as valuable if not more so than anything more tangible.

In one of the church’s prayers, in making reference to our Lord, are the words “may we … reflect His life in word and deed.” Perhaps those who (whatever their position in life) influence us for good and make positive changes in our every day lives and activities are unconsciously reflecting the life of Christ.

May God bless each of you.

Keith Adlam
Associate Priest

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