A message from The Rev’d Keith Adlam, Associate Priest.

Posted by Admin on 23 April 2009, 12:00 am

I am writing this article a few days after Easter. It is the climax to events that began on what we now refer to as Palm Sunday during which we recall the final days of our Lord’s ministry from the entry into Jerusalem and then, later in that week, his arrest, trial, death and burial. For me, as for many people, Easter Day and the story of the resurrection is a time for celebration. It always comes as a fresh experience, whether it’s in the services, re-reading the gospel narratives or in the stories and reflection of other people. A few years ago I was in Salisbury Cathedral for the Easter Day service. Part way through the service, after the Gloria was sung, the bishop vigorously rang a hand bell and others joined in with various instruments and the organist was, it seemed, pressing all the keys at once, such was the exuberance. 

In the County Press for Easter weekend there was a headline “Seaside holiday boom for Island” which made good and indeed encouraging reading, especially for those whose livelihoods depend directly or indirectly on tourism in all its different aspects. The weather that Easter weekend was perfect for those who had decided to take a holiday here – however old or young. The article also made reference to a marketing campaign entitled “Just add water.” By all accounts it seems to be achieving results.

If we take those words “just add water” and change them to “just add faith” we have a dimension that is both indefinable and yet so relevant in our lives. We don’t need to have “large” amounts of faith to make a difference to our lives. Jesus talked once of having faith the size of a mustard seed from which a large bush would grow. As we go through life we may unconsciously be an inspiration to others so that their own beliefs are built up. It is often when a person dies that we hear about the influence they have had on others. Even as we have been celebrating Easter there have been those who are grieving over the death of loved ones. This leads me to a second story in that same edition of the County Press. The death of Penny Deacon from cancer was another front-page item. We will never know how much her own life has inspired others. She had a zest for living. She raised awareness of cancer and its treatment by various fund-raising activities and events. As you will see in another part of this magazine we record the death of Bob Netherway, one of our parishes’ deacons. He worked with those on the margin of life, those who rarely if ever came to church as well as in the prisons. You will know of others who have had a similar influence.

Those early disciples experienced ups and downs, especially in those early post-Easter days, but the assurance of Christ’s presence encouraged their faith. In our own lives we will have our ups and downs and some of the latter will be quite hard to bear. It’s at those times we can draw on our own faith to strengthen us and we can also draw on the faith of others to see us through. The results will be seen to be believed.

God’s blessings on all of you

Keith Adlam
Associate Priest


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