Northwood Community Partnership

Posted by Admin on 26 February 2009, 12:00 am


Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 20th January 2009

At Northwood Primary School

Present:-  C Palmerton (Chairman), A Chick (Vice Chairman), R Mazillius (Councillor),P Fuller, J Pullen (Neighbourhood Watch),  PCSO S Oatley, N Thearle,.Mrs P Jardine, Mrs J Knight, Mrs A Jonas (Treasurer), Mrs E Palmerton (Secretary)

Apologies:-  Mrs M Yule, Mrs P Elford, Mr D Miller.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.00pm welcoming all present. He wished to express his thanks to A Chick for conducting the previous meeting.

Declaration of Interest:-

Mrs Jonas and P Fuller, express interest in Item 11

1. Minutes of Last Meeting:-

The minutes had been circulated to all members prior to the  meeting.  Item 9 – P   Fuller said The Friends of Northwood Cemetery were willing to pay £10.00 towards the cost of the Northwood News for a quarter of a page every 2 months.
This amount with other donations will help to fund our page.

Proposed by P Fuller, seconded Mrs Jardine, the Chairman signed them as a true record.

2. Safer Neighbourhood Officer & Neighbourhood Watch Reports:-

PCSO S Oatley said that speeding, anti social behaviour and vandalism were the local Policing issues under discussion. 3 cars had their tyres slashed in Venner Avenue  during the last month.-no suspects as yet.
Operation Nemesis being operated by Hampshire Police,in which known burglars and prolific burglars are being targeted. Walk in thefts have occurred in Gurnard and Cowes recently, while people have been in their houses. Please remind all residents to keep their doors locked, even when they are at home.
A Crime Prevention Scheme is being piloted in Northwood by S Oatley. Over the next 2 months he will be visiting people who live on their own  and elderly residents, to give advice on No Cold Calling and Friend in the Fridge. The Road Policing Officer had been in Nodes Road on 9th January. 3 people were issued with speeding tickets.
On 11th January 3 more were issued for speeding at 36 and 39 mph.
Some drivers have elected to go to court. This scheme will continue around Northwood at Different times of the day.

J Pullen  (Neighbourhood Watch  Coordinator) stated that the cars that were targeted had been 1 belonging to a Disabled person, a van and a 4×4.
He said that a donation of £25.00 would be sent to the Partnership for some space for his Report in the Northwood news.

Mrs Jardine said that she had heard of putting “ I.C.E.” on your Mobile Phone. S  Oatley said this was short for “ In Case of Emergency”, where you list numbers of people be to contacted in a case of emergency.

P Fuller suggested we may be able to purchase some “No Cold Calling” stickers and ask the Northwood Parish Council for a donation.

The Agenda was then altered to move to Item 11.

11. Venue for Future Meetings:-

The meeting felt that it may be better situated for Residents participation in our  meetings if an alternative venue was found.
It was felt that it was time for change, after meeting at the School for several years.
It was proposed that we should move to the Womens Institute Hall.
Mrs Jonas and P Fuller left the meeting.
After discussion it was proposed by C Palmerton, seconded Mrs J Knight to move as from the next meeting.
To be advertised in Village Talk and on Village Website.
Mrs Jonas and P Fuller rejoined the meeting

The Meeting then returned to the Agenda.

3. Secretary’s Report:-

The Secretary handed invoices for the hire of the School and the page of the  Northwood News to the Treasurer for payment.
She also asked that an invoice for £100.00 be sent to  the Northwood Parish Council for a contribution to last year’s Northwood News.

4. Treasurer’s Report:-

The Treasurer handed round copies of her report. There had been no expenditure  since the last  Meeting.
Proposed by P Fuller, seconded by Mrs Palmerton the report was accepted.

5. Councillor’s Report:- R Mazillius reported that the One Million Blooms project has been approved by the Parish Council and work to be done by end of February.
One garden is to be outside the Post Office. The troughs will be re sited in Coronation Avenue and the Residents will care for            them. The  other garden will be at the entrance to the Village from Newport. These troughs will be re sited to the new sign at Somerton.
Allotments – 2 more quotes to be obtained for the work to be carried out. There has been a lot more dog fouling in Oxford Street and the cut in Venner Avenue. IOW preliminary budget suggests there is a shortfall concerning the over 60’s Bus Passes.
Notice has been given to the Trade Unions about 200 Council posts to disappear. £0.5 Million in Senior Management salaries. A 3.5% increase in Council Tax was  anticipated for next year. The Council lost £800, interest.

A Chick asked if any further news on the Hillis gate Caravans. R Mazillius said he was awaiting a report from the Government Inspector.

6. Northwood in Bloom:-

The gardens are all doing well. Mr G Pimm reported to J Pullen that plants were out of the soil in the Sensory garden. It was found it was because the ground was frozen Thanks to George for reporting this to us. The One Million Blooms gardens – £2,500 has been  received by the Parish Council for this project.
The work is to be carried out by the Partnership and charged to the Parish Council.
J Pullen said he has the paint for the planters and the work will be done as soon  as the weather permits.

7. Medham Report:-

No report available.

8. New Constitution:-

Copies of the proposed new Constitution had been circulated to all Members. Afte some  discussion it was proposed by A Chick ,seconded by Mrs Jardine. the New Constitution was accepted.
9. Ideas for Future Bids:-

Village Trail – P Fuller has previously drafted a paper and map. He and J Pullen volunteered to walk the trails and report back.
The Secretary would explore the “Biffa Awards” scheme for funding.
10. Director of Highways:-

Due to some concerns regarding speeding and other matters to do with Highways, R  Mazillius said he would arrange for the Director of Highways to attend our meeting.
Sgt J Cocks has expressed an interest to attend such meeting.

11. This Item dealt with earlier in the Agenda.

12. Future Agenda Items:-

Safer Routes to School  – P Fuller
Future Bids
Million Blooms
Village Trail – P Fuller & J Pullen

13. Date of Next Meeting:-

This will be confirmed by the Secretary after consultation with the W.I Hall.

The meeting closed at 7.50pm with the Chairman thanking all present.









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