Northwood Community Partnership

Posted by Admin on 10 March 2010, 12:00 am

Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 23rd February, 2010
At the W. I. Hall, Northwood
Present: – C Palmerton  (Chairman),  A Chick (Vice Chairman),  J Pullen,  P Fuller, Mrs. E Palmerton (Secretary)

In Attendance: –   Sgt J Cocks, (Police)

Apologies: –       D Miller,  Mrs. J Darby (ENO), Mrs. J Knight, Mrs. P Jardine,  N Thearle. PCSO S Oatley, Dr C Jackson, Mrs. M Yule, Mrs. A  Jonas, Miss S Lambert.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.50pm, welcoming all present, especially Sgt Cocks.
The Chairman ask the meeting for their thoughts on having bi-monthly meetings.  Discussion took place and proposed by P Fuller and seconded by A Chick, it was agreed to consult all members by letter and to place this on the agenda for the next meeting.

Declaration of Interest: –  Nil.

1.               Minutes of Last Meeting:-
The minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members. Proposed A Chick, seconded  J Pullen, The Chairman signed the minutes as a true record.

2.                Police & Neighborhood Watch Reports:- 
Sgt J Cocks reported that there had been no crime in Northwood during the last month. ‘Street Mapping’ is on going and the feedback from residents has been very good. There seems to be a lot of residents who own dogs and the main comment that has come up is the ‘dog fouling’. As was stated in the last minutes, this is being addressed by the ENO and the Dog Wardens, who can serve a Fixed Penalty Notice to any owner if caught not clearing the mess.
J Pullen reported that it has been very quiet and the figures are down.

3.       Secretary/Treasurer Report:-
The Secretary reported that she has obtained an application form for the Community Chest Grant. A Chick suggested that perhaps apply for a grant to purchase equipment, such a tools, ladders etc. for the residents to hire when required. It was pointed out that perhaps  this would be difficult under the Health and Safety regulations .
The Secretary passed round a copy of the accounts for the last month. These were accepted by
the meeting.

4. Councillor’s Report:-
Cllr. Mazillius sent a copy of his report. The Secretary read out relevant parts as the whole report will be published in the Northwood News.

5. Northwood In Bloom:-
 The Secretary reported that she had been in contact with the I.O.W.Council regarding ‘Wight in Bloom’. There has not been any decision made as to whether Wightlink will be sponsoring the event this year. If no sponsorship is available, then there is money within the Parish precept to maintain the Village flowers and gardens.

6. Ideas for future projects:-
Discussion took place on this subject and the following ides were put forward –
Concert for the village – arrangements be made for people unable to access the hall.

Big band evening  – music from 60’s, 70’s 80’s, and serve tea and coffee.  
 50p Day in 2011 –  all sideshows, refreshments to cost 50p.
 At any event, smoke alarms and timers may be available for distribution. An invitation be sent to Trading Standards to attend. An advert to be placed in Northwood News and Village Talk, for resident to give their ideas on an event they would like to happen.

7.         Fence in Uplands Road and state of road:-
There is a request been sent to the IOW  Council by the Parish Council for the replacement of the  fence posts. The roads in the village have suffered from the very bad weather and there are many potholes and also damage around manhole covers. This situation could be potentially dangerous to motorists and cyclist, especially with the heavy rain lying on the roads. The roads that are most urgent seem to be Uplands Road, Pallance Road, Nodes Road and Wyatts Lane. The meeting requested the Secretary to write to the Parish Council with their concerns and give our support to any action that may be taken by them on this matter.
8.       Fence in Newport Road:-
 The Secretary reported that she had again been in contact  with the I.O.W.Council regarding the 
 fence adjacent to the gardens in Newport Road, expressing concerns  re the danger of the fence falling and the electric fence behind it. She was informed that the Inspector responsible for dealing with this complaint was on leave. The Secretary was assured that another Inspector  would be asked to visit the site. A telephone call was received on the same day to say that temporary measures had been put in place, pending further investigations when the Inspector returns from leave.

9.       Confirmation of date of Annual General Meeting:-
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 23rd March 2010, 7.45pm at the W. I. Hall, Northwood. J Pullen agreed to advertise this on the Northwood Village Website and in Village Talk. Thanks were expressed to John.
10. Future Agenda Items:-
Bi-monthly meetings.
Residents event.
50p Day.
Future of the Bus service.

11.  Date of next Meeting:-
The next meeting will be the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING to be held on

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9 .10pm, thanking all for their attendance.




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