Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 9 July 2010, 12:00 am


Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held at Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Present: Councillors Paul Fuller (Vice Chairman), Patrick Bentley, Keith Clatworthy, Graham Cotterill, Colin Cramp

In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
IW Cllr Roger Mazillius
PC Mark Thomas

There was one member of the public present.

27/10-11 Apologies
Apologies had been received from Cllr John Pullen who was on his annual holiday and from IW Cllr Roger Mazillius who had to attend a meeting of the IW Council.

28/10-11 Declarations of Interest
Cllr P Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 33/10-11 as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee.

29/10-11 Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 May 2010


THAT subject to amending the date of the meeting in Minute 11/10-11 to read the 4 May 2010, the Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 May 2010 be confirmed as a true record and that the Vice-Chairman be authorized to sign the Minutes on behalf of the Parish Council.

30/10-11 Matters Arising on the Minutes
a. Minute 19/10-11 IW Council budget cuts affecting the vulnerable – The clerk advised she had received an acknowledgement from Cllr David Pugh, Leader of the IW Council advising that a full response to her letter would be sent by 21 June. This was inline with the corporate standard of 20 working days for a full reply to correspondence.
b. Minute 21/10-11 Play Builder Scheme – The IW Council’s play rangers had confirmed that, as part of the consultation exercise for the project, they were to attend sessions with the scouts and Northwood Primary school, during the following week,

31/10-11 To consider the appointment of co-opted councillors and to receive their declarations of acceptance of office and Register of Financial and Other Interests
Existing councillors and the clerk gave a brief introduction about themselves. The clerk advised that she had re-advertised for interested persons to fill the two subsequent remaining vacancies.  Application forms were required to be submitted by 1 July, to enable co-option to take place at the meeting scheduled for 6 July 2010.


i. THAT Patrick Bentley and Graham Cotterill be appointed as co-opted councilors on Northwood Parish Council;

ii. THAT the declarations of acceptance of office forms from Cllrs Bentley and Cotterill be received;

iii. THAT it be confirmed that the Register of Interests from Cllrs Bentley and Cotterill were in order and complete.

32/10-11 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer, plus an opportunity to discuss local policing priorities
PC Mark Thomas presented the report of the Safer Neighbourhood team on events that had taken place since the last meeting.  May had again been a very quiet month, with virtually no crime of any note within Northwood.  Particular mention however, was made of the following:
PC Thomas was, the following day, to undertake training in the use of a speed gun. The prevention of speeding had been raised as a priority in a meeting of the Community Forum a few years previously.  For PC Thomas to become qualified in its use, would prove to be a huge bonus in addressing this issue in the Cowes/Northwood/Gurnard area.  It was considered that the main reason behind the exercise was for educational purposes rather than to be used as a punishment.
·The Street Mapping exercise to identify the top three priorities for action in Northwood was due to be completed by the end of the summer. Councillors questioned whether there would be any benefit in possible Parish Council involvement.  A decision, however, on how the Parish Council could assist would not be taken until all the results had been received and collated
A request was made for an article to appear in the Northwood News appealing for drivers to park their vehicles in a more responsible and considerate manner.  It had been noticed that some motorists were parking on the pavement without leaving sufficient room for pedestrians or those on mobility scooters to pass.
Jacquie Derby had now taken up her new position working for the Drug Action Team.  Although invited to the meeting of the Parish Council, Neil Perry, who was temporarily covering the Northwood area, was not available to attend any evening meetings.  The IW Council had undertaken a full review of the service.  The results of which should be announced shortly. Cllr Clatworthy advised that at the recent meeting of IWALC, mention had been made that Cllr Fleury had seen a document spelling out the demise of the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer (ENO) service.

33/10-11 Town and Country Planning
a. To consider the following applications received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
Cllr Fuller having declared a personal interest in the following item of business retired to the public seating area, prior to any discussion or decision thereon.
i. TCP/00464/K Hope Cottage, Church Lane, Northwood, PO31 8PQ – Demolition of garage; proposed detached garage/workshop with storage in roofspace.


THAT this Parish Council raises no material planning objections to the application TCP/.00464/K Hope Cottage, Church Lane, Northwood, PO31 8PQ

ii. TCP/25910/A 44 Venner Avenue, Northwood, PO31 8AG – Demolition of garage; single storey side extension to provide additional living accommodation to include porch


THAT this Parish Council raises no material planning objections to the application TCP/.25910/A  44 Venner Avenue, Northwood, PO31 8AG

Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting forum.

b. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council were noted. –
a. TCP/03487/B Meda, Medham Farm Lane, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the demolition of conservatory; single storey extension to side and rear; porch, chimney stack
b. TCP/30062 Northwood County Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the replacement canopy with balustrading to play area; construction of rear lobby; external storage lockers; cover to existing sandpit and new sandpit; additional walling and safety gates
c. TCP/22804/A 64 Wyatts Lane, Northwood, PO31 8QA – Conditional Planning Permission for a single storey rear extension to form lounge

34/10-11 To consider the request received for the installation of a larger dog bin at the start of Medham Lane
In accordance with the resolution taken at the meeting of the Parish Council on 3 November 2009, councillors re-considered the suggestion for a larger dog bin to replace the standard issue, at the start of Medham Lane.  The clerk read an email from the resident, who had initially submitted the request, stating that although she now felt the current bin was adequate for purpose, wondered if a couple of penalty reminder notices could be erected along the Medham cycle track.  During the summer months the track/footpath was well used by dog owners resulting in an increase in the volume of dog dirt.


i. THAT Cllr Cramp produce an article for insertion in the next issue of the Northwood News reminding all dog owners to clear up after their pets;
ii. THAT a letter be sent to the Dog Warden service requesting an increase in signage along the Medham cycle track

IW Cllr Roger Mazillius entered the meeting chamber.

35/10-11 To consider if further is action required regarding the traffic lights at Stag Lane
Discussion ensued on the continuing issue of the traffic lights at Stag Lane.  Some councillors were now of the opinion that over the past few weeks there appeared to have been some improvement in the sequence cycle.  However, this opinion was not unanimous.  It was suggested that Gurnard Parish Council and Cowes Town Council be approached to seek the views of their councillors on this matter and to contact Mr Iain Thornton, the IW Council’s Traffic Manager, to ascertain if any further changes had been made recently.


THAT the traffic lights at Stag Lane be an agenda item for the meeting on 6 July.

36/10-11 To give consideration to the placement and suitability of the Traffic Management measures currently in place at the top of Pallance Road
Cllr Keith Clatworthy advised that he had been approached by four parishioners specifically to make representations over the pinch points in Pallance Road and to express concern regarding the placement of double yellow lines along the top section, north of Wyatts Lane.  The residents all lived within 500 yards of the traffic management scheme.

IW Cllr Roger Mazillius provided background information as to why the IW Council had undertaken those particular measures, which addressed the consistent speeding that had been identified in that area.  It was highlighted that strict statutory guidelines had to be observed, which ruled out some other possible traffic management options.


THAT an article be inserted in the Northwood News requesting comments on the Traffic Management measures in Pallance Road to be sent to Cllr Clatworthy, by the end of July.

37/10-11 Area Action Plan Boundary Consultation and to note the response by Newport Parish Council
Consideration was given to the proposed boundaries for the Area Action Plan for the Medina Valley, in the light of the information circulated as part of the consultation, including the plan, statement and the response from Northwood Parish Council on the matter.  In addition to the Parish Council’s response, councillors were also urged to submit individual comments, if so desired.



THAT a response to the four key questions raised in the consultation be answered in line with paragraph 3, on Paper D2-2 and Point 4 of Paper D2-3, the response of Newport Parish Council.

38/10-11 Clerks Report
a. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of May 2010 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 22 were received and noted.

ii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
00129, IW Council, Clerks Salary for April
00130, £33.40, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
00131, £10.40, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying


THAT the above cheques be approved.

iii. To consider the appointment of authorised signatories on the bank accounts held by the Parish Council


THAT it be agreed for the authorised signatories on bank accounts to be Cllrs K Clatworthy, C Cramp, P Fuller and J Pullen.

b. Administration
To note that the school could be unavailable for meetings during the school summer holidays.


THAT the August meeting of the Parish Council be cancelled and for meetings of the Planning Committee to be called only if so required.  These to be held in the Northwood WI Hall, if the school was unavailable.

39/10-11 To receive the report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Cllr Mazillius provided a brief oral report.  Particular mention was made of the following:
· The site visit by Northwood Village Produce Association to the new allotment site, in Pallance Lane, on 11 June at 8.00pm.  Councillors would also be welcome to attend
· The planning application granted for Northwood Primary school
· The IW Council finances, specifically the costs of the national bus pass scheme and ongoing issues with Southern Vectis in respect of the formula used to reimburse concessionary schemes
· Details of the budget by the new Government were awaited. The possible impact for the IW Council could be in the region of £8 million
· It was anticipated that the national personalization agenda would put severe constraints on budgets
· IW Council still confident that the Highways PFI would go ahead as planned, despite the review by the new Government

40/10-11 To receive an update on the IW Association of Local Councils (IWALC)
Cllr Clatworthy, who had attended the meeting, provided an oral update on matters discussed:
· The future of the Environment and Neighbourhood Service
· The request for all Parish Plans to be uploaded to the SE Rural Community website.  It was agreed for Cllr Clatworthy to undertake this task.
· The suggestion that the IW Council favoured the organization PUSH over IWALC
· The suggested increase in costs resulting from changes in the kerbside collection service.  IW Cllr Mazillius strenuously refuted this suggestion

41/10-11 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting. The extra ordinary meeting of IWALC organized to take place at the Winter Gardens, Ventnor on 2 June, at 6.00 pm to discuss options for the Military Road was noted.  Cllrs Bentley, Clatworthy and Cotterill had all agreed to attend the training session on the Code of Conduct on 23 June at County Hall, Newport.

42/10-11 Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Fuller advised that he had led the Village Trail walk, in participation with 39 residents, raising a small sum for the Community Partnership.

43/10-11 Future Agenda Items
There were no additional items raised.

44/10-11 Brief Review of Meeting
A reasonable meeting



Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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