Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 18 February 2016, 1:44 pm



Minutes of the ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 2 February 2016


Present: Councillors Chris Riddet (Chairman), David Jaggar (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller and John Nicholson


Also in attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)


There were no members of the public or press in attendance.


184/15-16 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Cllrs Malcolm Nicholson, John Pullen, Derek Smith, John Ward and PCSO Derek Howard.
The Chairman explained the reason for the absence of Cllr Ward.  Councillors requested the clerk to purchase a card and to pass on their best wishes for a speedy recovery.



185/15-16 Members’ interests
There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda.
Cllr Fuller declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute 187/15-16 as his wife was a self-employed cleaner for Northwood Women’s Institute.


186/15-16 To receive a report on any local safety neighbourhood issues occurring since the last meeting held of the Parish Council
In the absence of any representative from the Local Safety Neighbourhood Team, the clerk read from the report she had received.  Particular mention was made of the following:
• Seven crimes had been committed during the month of January, compared to eight crimes committed for the same period in 2015;
• At the recent PACT meeting three new community priorities had been agreed and these would remain unchanged until mid-April.  The priorities being:
To prevent and detect non-dwelling burglaries in the Cowes, Northwood and Gurnard area;
Reduce the number of reportable incidents at Cowes Enterprise College;
To prevent speeding along Mill Hill Road, close to the zebra crossing with Love Lane;
• A recent Speed Watch activity had taken place on 7 January.  A total of 141 vehicles had passed through the checkpoint, with 6 cars recorded as having breached the 30mph limit, at 35 mph or above.


187/15-16 To consider the proposition from the Northwood Women’s Institute
Cllrs Fuller, Pullen and Riddet and the clerk had attended two informal meetings with representatives of Northwood Women’s Institute to discuss their concerns for the future and the best way forward.  It had been suggested that any formal proposition must have the mandate of the members of Northwood Women’s Institute.  As that had not yet been sought and the first opportunity to do so would be at their next meeting, scheduled to take place on 4 February, it was therefore

THAT consideration of any proposition from Northwood Women’s Institute be deferred until the meeting of the Parish Council on 1 March.


188/15-16 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 5 January 2016


THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 5 January 2016 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.


189/15-16 To receive any matters arising on the Minutes, not requiring a resolution
a. Minute 171/15-16 c Posts at the top of Uplands Road – The clerk advised that the work to replace a number of the wooden posts had been completed on 29 January
b. Minute 171/15-16 d Draft MOU with Northwood Community Partnership – As previously advised two copies of the revised MOU, together with a list of the Partnership’s known assets, had been sent to the Secretary of the Community Partnership, in December.  Unfortunately, the clerk still awaited a response. Following inquiries, it was now known that the Partnership’s January meeting had been cancelled due to several of their members being unwell. The next meeting was scheduled for 15 March.  As Cllr Pullen would be away on holiday it was suggested that Cllr Smith be approached to see if he would be free to attend.
c. Minute 174/15-16 Precept for 2016/17 – Details of the Central Government grant for 2016-17 had recently been received.  The amount to be passed over to the Parish Council was £645, which when compared to the current financial year when the sum of £911 was received, showed a decrease of £266.


190/15-16 To note the one-off payment of £5k to be used for the benefit of the residents in Northwood and to consider any appropriate projects
The clerk advised that she received two copies of the Deed of Offer and the Bribery Act 2001 compliance form, which had all been duly signed by the Chairman. The one-off payment should be received within two months of the date of the Deed being signed by all parties.  The Offer had to be used for the benefit of the community.  In discussion it was agreed that this could provide a one-off opportunity to raise a substantial amount of money if matched grant funding could be obtained. Councillors suggested that initial inquiries be undertaken into the feasibility of providing a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) on the Venner Avenue playpark.


THAT the clerk be instructed to explore the possibility of constructing a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) on the Venner Avenue playpark and report back to a future meeting.

191/15-16 To note and comment on the letter from Mr Neil Ennis, the Network Transformation Programme Director of the Post Office Ltd, dated 5 January
The clerk circulated a letter, dated 1 February, from Mr Adrian Skinner, Network Transformation Area Manager of the Post Office Ltd, which Miss Calver had passed to her earlier in the day.  This letter set out an alternative approach proposed by Post Office Ltd and appeared to be far more positive in ensuring a long term sustainable Post Office service in Northwood, covering a period of at least 12 months.  The situation would then be reviewed as the circumstances of both parties could very easily have changed within that timescale.


THAT the letter from Mr Adrian Skinner, Network Transformation Area Manager of the Post Office Ltd be welcomed.


192/15-16 To consider the s106 balance held by the IW Council as at 20 January 2016
Councillors noted the s106 balance of £15K, held by the IW Council, to be spent on traffic management safety schemes within Northwood.  At the current time there were no specific schemes identified.  However, councillors would remain mindful of the monies available should a scheme present itself in the future.


193/15-16 To provide any feedback to Island Roads on roads considered a priority for inclusion in their future programme planning within Northwood
Councillors considered the request from Island Roads, as set out in the January/February edition of their Councillor Update, for details of any roads that could be considered as a priority for inclusion within their carriageway resurfacing programme for 2016.


Councillors agreed that the resurfacing of Oxford Street should be suggested as a priority for inclusion within Island Roads future carriageway resurfacing programme planning.


194/15-16 To note the progress of the draft “Welcome to Northwood” booklet
Cllr Riddet reported that he was due to meet with the map designer on Thursday. This would enable his suggestions to be reported back to the March meeting.  In the meantime, Cllr Riddet agreed to furnish the clerk with a copy of the proposed text for the “Welcome to Northwood” booklet, to be circulated to councillors for their comments.


195/15-16 To receive a report on the meeting of the Community Waste Forum held on 12 January
In the absence of Cllr Smith, councillors noted the Minutes of the Community Waste Forum circulated on 21 January.  Cllr Smith had advised that the meeting with representatives from Amey had been very informative and constructive.


196/15-16 To receive a report on the meeting of the Executive of IWALC held on 21 January
In the absence of Cllr Ward and that the Minutes of the meeting had not yet been received, no comment was made thereon.


197/15-16 To receive a report for information on Community Wellbeing
Cllr J Nicholson provided an oral report on various areas of progress.
• The meetings of the Health and Wellbeing board were planned to increase in frequency;
• MLAFL was gathering in momentum, providing a front for a revolution in community interaction;
• Establishment of the Richmond Fellowship on the Island, a main resource in addressing mental wellbeing issues
• It was anticipated that further information on the ABCD initiative would be circulated in the near future.


198/15-16 To receive progress reports for information from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet advised that five new volunteer drivers were undergoing training.  The financial situation of the Community Bus scheme appeared to be in a healthy position, for the remainder of 2016.  Once the new volunteers were all fully qualified, potentially the No 32 Community Bus route could resume operation on six days a week.
Cllr J Nicholson referred to the problems caused by the road closure along part of Newport Road, while the installation of a new 450mm size water main took place.  Cllr Nicholson been part of the discussions held between Southern Water, Island Roads and IW Council officers.  The disruption, due to the necessary, major civil engineering works, could not be speeded up, as access to premises had to be maintained along that stretch of the roadway.  Cllr J Nicholson would keep a watchful eye on the situation and provide a further update at the next meeting.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
There were no matters to report.
c. Parish Plan Working Party
There was no further update to report.
d. Green Space Project Working Party
There were no matters to report.


199/15-16 To receive the report for information of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Cllr J Nicholson referred to matters set out in his report. Particular mention was made of the following:
• The new water main work, which was planned to reach Northwood garage junction at Easter, when the school traffic should be at a minimum and would provide a window of opportunity to minimise the disruptive effect of passing Medham Lane and the junction with Nodes Road;
• A reminder to register concerns regarding any post resurfacing damage caused by Utility companies;
• The work of the IW Technology group, of which Cllr J Nicholson was a member, that supported local technology firms;
• Community Wellbeing


200/15-16 Clerk’s Report
a. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of January 2016 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 90 were received and duly noted.


ii. Cheque No 000443.


THAT approval be granted retrospectively, for the payment of cheque 000443 in favour of Community Action IW, for £762.87, for the clerk’s salary, on 11 January 2016.


iii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:


THAT the following cheques be approved for payment:
000444, £48.90, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000445, £35.00, Information Commissioner, Data Protection Registration


201/15-16 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.  Particular mention was made of –
Item u. The informative training session provided by Gurnard Parish Council that Cllr Fuller had attended;
Item jjj. The changes to the membership and areas of responsibilities of those members of the IW Council’s Executive;
Item kkk. The changes to Parish/Town Council and Local Councillor notification of planning appeals.


202/15-16 Councillors’ reports
Cllr J Nicholson reported on flooding problems along part of Pallance Lane, caused by the change in camber of the roadway during resurfacing works of that stretch of the roadway.  Cllr J Nicholson was requesting that the works be undertaken again, as soon as possible.


203/15-16 Future Agenda Items
There were no additional items raised.


Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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