Northwood Parish Council

Posted by Admin on 18 April 2016, 6:36 pm

Northwood Parish Council Members



Meetings of the Parish Council are held on the first Tuesday of the month, commencing at 6.30pm.
The meeting of the Planning Committee, if required, is held on the third Tuesday of the month, commencing at 6.30pm.


N.B. Copies of the associated meeting papers are available upon prior request to the clerk or can be obtained after each meeting.



unless otherwise stated.




The comments made in the following articles represent the views of the individual contributorsA, rather than Northwood Parish Council




PCSO Derek Howard presented the report of the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) team on matters arising since the last meeting. Particular mention was made of the following:
the change of leadership of the team, with temporary Inspector Andy Mcdonald having now taken over from Inspector Henderson-Parish;
eight crimes had been committed during March, compared to only two for the same period in 2015.  Councillors expressed their disappointment that the Crime Reports website had been discontinued.  PCSO Howard was unable to provide any explanation as to the reason why.  Councillors suggested that a letter of complaint be sent to the Hampshire Constabulary and to the Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner.  PCSO Howard advised of the website Police.UK. However, the information this site provided was generally two months out of date.


It was approved that the Chairman signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Parish Council and Northwood Community Partnership.
The clerk advised that although the six wooden seats showed no signs of deterioration and would need little maintenance, they all required some upkeep to bring them back to good order.  Cllrs Smith and M Nicholson and a local resident had volunteered to undertake this task.  Reference was made to the Condition report on the Parish and Community Notice Board, that had been compiled and circulated to councillors in January.  This detailed the works necessary, as little had been done since its installation, and could cost upwards from £350.  Some minor urgent works were required and councillors were reminded that approval had been granted for these in January. It was decided the clerk obtains quotations, in line with Financial Regulations, for the refurbishment of the Parish and Community Notice Board.


Cllr J Nicholson advised that the scouts would be prepared to assist, where appropriate, in any tidy up of Northwood. Mindful that the judging of the Best Kept Village competition was due to take place in May and June, councillors initially suggested for the event to take place on 2 May. During further discussion, it was considered that this could pose a risk to the health and safety of the scouts should they assist in any litter pick along a roadway. Clearing the Cut between Venner Avenue and Nodes Road, would be a more suitable venue, on any day or time convenient to them.  The clerk had a small supply of litter pickers, green bibs and bags if required.
Cllr J Nicholson agreed to request Island Roads to undertake a litter pick, in particular along the lower end of Pallance Road, Hillis Gate Road, Saunders Road and the Newport Road.
The clerk confirmed that she had written to three local businesses as requested at the last meeting.  BAE Systems had responded stating that they fully supported the campaign to keep Northwood clean. However, their site plans showed the fence in Place Road as their boundary, not the hedgerow.  Cllr Fuller was of the view that this had been planted by a now disbanded voluntary organisation, many years ago.  Cllr J Nicholson agreed to contact Island Roads with a view to having it trimmed back.


Two councillors had approached the Chairman requesting that a discussion be held on the possibility of reducing the number of Parish Council meetings held in each year. A debate ensued highlighting possible advantages and disadvantages for a change in the frequency of meetings.  It was suggested for each councillor to set out, in time for the next meeting, parameters as to how they considered the proposal could be achieved or not.  The clerk advised of certain timeframes, which had to be adhered to for the setting of the annual Precept and for holding the annual meeting of the Council.
It was decided that further consideration of the necessity of holding monthly meetings to form an agenda item for the annual meeting of the Parish Council, in May.

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