Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 5 November 2016, 12:16 pm


Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 1 November 2016



Present: Councillors Chris Riddet (Chairman), Paul Fuller, John Nicholson, Malcolm Nicholson, John Pullen and John Ward
Also in attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)


There was one member of the press in attendance.


82/16-17 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Cllrs David Jaggar, Derek Smith and PCSO Derek-John Howard.



83/16-17 Members’ interests
There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda.



84/16-17 To receive a report on any local safety neighbourhood issues occurring since the last meeting held of the Parish Council
In the absence of PCSO Howard and PCSO Lisa Paul no report from the Local Neighbourhood Police team had been received.



85/16-17 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 6 September 2016


THAT the Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 6 September 2016 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.



86/16-17 To receive any matters arising on the Minutes, not requiring a resolution
a. Minute 61/16-17 Incidences of illegally parked cars – The clerk advised that she had contacted Mr Metcalfe, the Chief Executive of the IW Council and also Island Roads, as instructed, outlining the perceived problems.  However, prior to any response being given, Cllr J Nicholson had informed that with the intervention of the police, the cars had moved and the problem gone from the location in question to another outside of the Ward.  Island Roads had advised Cllr J Nicholson that they do now lift those cars that had been abandoned or found without Tax, MOT or insurance.
b. Minute 63/16-17 Picnic Table – One picnic table had been received from the HM Prison, with the other due to be delivered towards the end of November.  Due to its’ weight it would need at least four persons to lift it into the correct position on the play area.  Cllr Pullen advised that he had a number of bolts and fixings that could be used to secure the picnic table.  Cllr J Nicholson mentioned a local resident who had suitable lifting machinery and had volunteered to assist where necessary in the village. Cllr Pullen would liaise with Cllrs Smith and J Nicholson regarding the installation.
c. Minute 71/16-17 Football Nets on Venner Avenue football pitch – The new nets had been received and installed.  Following a request by the clerk, the IW Council had moved the position of the goal posts, so allowing the grass to grow back during the winter months.
d. Minute 72/16-17 Solent Mayoral Combined Authority – The report presented to the meeting of IW Full Council had not acknowledged the response submitted by the Parish Council.  The Chief Executive of the IW Council had advised that all comments received through the online consultation had been summarised as part of the wider report.  However, as promised, special mention was made at the meeting of the views submitted by the Parish Council.
e. Minutes of Planning Committee 05P/16-17 Medina Valley Action Plan – Councillors were reminded of the response to their request to the IW Council for an Examination in Public of the Medina Valley Action Plan, as a matter of urgency, which had been received from Ollie Boulter, Planning Team Leader. A revised Local Development Scheme setting out the expected timetable for the plans was due to be published shortly.



87/16-17 To consider the copy of the letter from Roach Pittis dated 5 October to Mrs Hamilton, of the WI
During discussion on the following item of business Cllr Fuller entered the meeting room.
Reference was made to the letter from Ian Bradshaw, partner of Roach Pittis.  Mr Bradshaw, who was acting on behalf of the WI had advised that in his opinion, the creation of an Underlease in favour of the Parish Council was unnecessarily complicated and expensive.  Councillors expressed their opinion that the Parish Council should obtain their own legal advice to confirm this opinion.


THAT the Parish Council seek legal advice via IWALC or HALC on the best way to keep the WI hall open as a community venture.



88/16-17 To consider the letter from IW Council with regard to the BT consultation on removing the public payphone in Pallance Road, Northwood
British Telecommunications plc (BT) had notified the IW Council of their formal consultation process regarding a programme of intended public payphone removals.  This process would also provide local communities with the opportunity to adopt a traditional red ‘heritage’ phone box for £1, if they deemed it appropriate to do so.  The payphone outside the Sub Post Office in Pallance Road had been earmarked for removal.  Only six phone calls had been made from the payphone during the previous 12 months.
Councillors highlighted the poor mobile phone signal received in Northwood stating that the area fell within the 2% of the country that could not obtain either 3G or 4G coverage.  It was questioned whether the signal could, in any way, be boosted.


i. THAT no objections be raised to the removal of the payphone outside the Sub Post Office in Pallance Road;
ii. THAT the Parish Council agree to not proceed with the adoption of the traditional red ‘heritage’ phone box;
iii. THAT in the event the payphone outside the Sub Post Office in Pallance Road being removed, BT should be requested to improve the poor mobile phone network coverage in Northwood, so to ensure that the emergency services were able to be contacted at all times.



89/16-17 To consider making an appropriate response on the IW Council Consultation regarding Changes to the Local Council Tax Support scheme


THAT the Council Tax Reduction Scheme consultation be noted without comment.



90/16-17 To consider the format of future agendas


THAT this item “To consider the format of future agendas” be withdrawn.



91/16-17 To receive an update on the new Parish Council website
Cllr Ward advised of the serious issues with the clerk’s laptop and internet connection, which had prevented training on the use of the new Parish Council website.  Following consultation with Staples, in Newport and the clerk’s internet provider the computer had been completely reformatted.  The situation appeared to have now improved. Arrangements would be made for a further training session to take place.



92/16-17 To note the result of the IW Best Kept Village awards
Cllr Pullen had attended the awards evening where the Northwood Parish had been placed runner up in the Best Kept Village competition.  Unfortunately, no score sheet had been provided, making it difficult to ascertain how improvements could be made for the next year.  Cllr Pullen would continue to chase for this information.



93/16-17 To note the Coastal Community Team application form


THAT the application form to establish a Coastal Community team for the Medina Valley was noted.



94/16-17 To note the timetable of Proceedings for the IW Council and Local Elections to be held on 4 May 2017
The clerk advised that nomination forms for both IW Council and Local Elections would be available in hard copy and on the IW Council website, with effect from 6 January.


THAT the timetable of Proceedings for the IW Council and Local Elections to be held on 4 May 2017, was duly noted.



95/16-17 To receive the report on Community Wellbeing and the report of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood, both for information
The Director of Public Health had requested assistance on identifying problems with excessive alcohol consumption by young people.  Cllr J Nicholson invited councillors to highlight their views on the matter. It was generally considered that there had been very few incidences in Northwood.  Occurrences were more prevalent in Cowes and along the sea front in Gurnard, although the perception was voiced that there was not really a great problem of alcohol abuse in the Cowes area
Councillors noted the report for information of the Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood.  Particular mention was made of the following:
• the Beer and Buses festival, which had been attended by well over 10K persons.  The event had gone ahead without not even one single incident involving Police attendance.  It was suggested that the beer and buses event could be an educator on how to socialise and treat alcohol with respectful enjoyment.  Cllr J Nicholson was congratulated on all the hard work put in to make the event such a success;
• further mention was made of the illegal vehicles parked on the public highway.  Although no current reports had been received, Cllr J Nicholson was confident that the problem either still remained or would reoccur again;
• the digging up of newly laid roads by Utility Services;
• the reported excessive dog fouling along the footpath between Venner Avenue and Nodes Road.
The clerk was requested to erect a number of signs in the vicinity of the footpath to try and discourage the owners of those dogs responsible from leaving their mess behind.  The clerk to also write to the dog warden seeking his advice in solving the problem.



96/16-17 To receive progress reports for information from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet advised he had no urgent matters to report.  However, volunteer bus drivers continued to be sought, in the hope that the Service 32 community bus service could be provided on six days a week.
Cllr Fuller mentioned the arrangements for a meeting with Cllr J Nicholson and Mark Roberts, the Asset Manager at Island Roads, in a few weeks.  Councillors were invited to advise him of any matters of concern that they wished him to raise.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Pullen reported that a few local residents had assisted with clearing the tubs and planters of the summer planting.  Some of the containers were showing serious signs of wear and tear and thought would need to be given early next year as to whether they should be replaced or removed. The winter planting had been received.  The planters and tubs required replenishing with compost before the planting out of these could be undertaken.  Any volunteers to assist would be welcomed.
c. Parish Plan Working Party
There was no information to report as a meeting had not taken place.
d. Green Space Project Working Party
It was agreed to delete this item from future agendas, for the time being.



97/16-17 To receive the report of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
This item had been covered earlier in the meeting.



98/16-17 IWALC
a. To receive an update of the meeting of the IWALC Executive held on 15 September
Cllr Ward referred to the Minutes of the meeting highlighting specifically:
• The Community Safety Partnership had been kick started by the IW Council;
• Cllr Tim Wakeley would be IWALC’s representative on the Prevent Board;
• The proposed Planning Enforcement scheme had depended on the support of all Parish and Town Councils. Of the responses received from 20 of the 33 councils, only 12 were in favour with 8 against.  It was therefore agreed that the proposal was not viable;
• Ventnor Town Council had made a presentation on possible options for the future structure of IWALC.
• Youth Services on the Island. Young people in Shalfleet had the opportunity to travel for £1 per child, in the evenings.  Shalfleet Parish Council contributed towards the cost involved.  Cllr Ward would investigate the model used and bring it to a future meeting for discussion;
• the 20mph Seminar held on 5 October.



b. To make an appropriate response on the consultation of the Restructure of IWALC


THAT no comment be made on the proposals for the restructure of IWALC.



c. To receive a report on the meeting with the IW Council held on 24 October
Cllr Fuller had attended the meeting and provided a brief summary on matters discussed.  These covered Principal Parks; the involvement of Parish and Town Councils in regeneration proposals; the time provided for responses to any consultations being too short; the Youth Offer; Island Roads and the need for improvement in the quality of repairs; Devolution; changes to the colour of Planning Notices.



99/16-17 Clerk’s Report
a.        Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of October 2016 and the bank reconciliation with Statement Nos 98 & 99 were received and duly noted.  The clerk advised of the omission of the sum of £30 for the cost of the poppy wreath in the total accrued payments column.  This had no effect on the overall figures.



ii. Payment of cheques Nos 000475 – 000480 and 000482

THAT the respective payments made with regard to the following cheques be duly approved:
Cheque No 000475 for £773.47, Community Action IW for the clerk’s salary on 6 September;
Cheque No 000476 for £335.61, Mr K Jacobs for renovation of the Parish Noticeboard on 3 October;
Cheque No 000477 for £160.00, Forest View Nurseries, Winter Planting on 4 October;
Cheque No 000478 for £773.47, Community Action IW for the clerk’s salary on 18 October;
Cheque No 000479 for £110.68, Mrs B Herbert for the purchase of goal nets and fixings on 18 October;
Cheque No 000480 for £30.00, Royal British Legion for a Poppy Wreath on 18 October;
Cheque No 000482 for £85.37, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses for September on 18 October.



iii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000483, £43.95, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000484, £28.41, Mr K Jacobs, final payment for the renovation of the noticeboard
000479, £360.00, Mr T Hewitt, maintenance of the six gardens around Northwood



iv. To consider the following requests for a grant/sponsorship
a. Isle of Wight Music, Dance and Drama Festival


THAT the request for sponsorship towards the Isle of Wight Music, Dance and Drama Festival be declined.



b. IW Council towards “School Swimming and School Safe”


THAT the application received from the IW Council’s Sports Unit to provide support in the “School Swimming and School Safe” scheme, be declined.



v.  To consider the letter from Scottish Widows Bank and to approve the opening of a Lloyds Bank 32 Day Notice Account


THAT subject to further inquiries to ensure that Lloyds Bank were not intending to reduce their rate of interest to that of 0.15%, then the account held with Scottish Widows be closed and the funds transferred to a new 32-day Notice Account with Lloyds Bank.



vi.  To approve payment of the clerk’s additional 35 hours accrued, due principally to taking annual leave and IT problems


THAT it be approved for the clerk to be paid for the additional 35 hours accrued.



b. Administration
To determine the dates of Parish Council meetings up to and including May 2017


THAT Parish Council meetings return to being held on a monthly basis, up to and including the date of the next annual meeting.



100/16-17 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.



101/16-17 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Fuller reported on a number of items:
• that the matter of the sign at Greenways Close had been resolved;
• he had contacted Island Roads with regard to a number of overgrown hedges;
• had been informed that the pavement, hedge and fence at the four-cross junction belonged to the IW Council;
• following a complaint, Amey were looking into re-arranging their waste collection time along Nodes Road, on a Monday morning, to slightly later in the day so as not to hold up work traffic.



102/16-17 Future Agenda Items
No additional items were requested.




Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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