Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 18 December 2016, 2:52 pm




Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish CPouncil, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 6 December 2016



Present: Councillors Chris Riddet (Chairman), David Jaggar (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller, John Nicholson and John Pullen
Also in attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)

There was one member of the public and one member of the press in attendance.



103/16-17 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Cllrs Malcolm Nicholson and Derek Smith and PCSO Derek-John Howard



104/16-17 Members’ interests
There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda.
Cllr Fuller declared a Personal interest in Minute 108/16-16, as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee;
Cllr Fuller also declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Minute 111/16-17, as his wife was employed by Northwood WI;
Cllr Fuller also declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Minute 113/16-17, as he had children who could benefit from such a scheme;
Cllr Fuller also declared a Personal interest in Minute 115/16-17 ii, being the IW Council’s Executive Member for Environment, Fire and Local Engagement;
Cllr Fuller also declared a Personal Interest in Minute 115/16-17 iii, being the IW Council’s Executive Member for Environment, Fire and Local Engagement;
Cllr Pullen declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Minute 122 iv, as he was the Chairman of the Community Partnership;
Cllr J Nicholson declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Minute 122 iv, as he was the Vice Chairman of the Community Partnership.



105/16-17 To receive a report on any local safety neighbourhood issues occurring since the last meeting held of the Parish Council
In the absence of any representative from the local Cowes Neighbourhood Police team (NPT), the clerk had received a report from PCSO Howard. This provided particulars of the current Cowes team together with details of the five crimes committed in Northwood, during November, in comparison to the seven crimes, which had taken place during the same period in 2015.  Councillors welcomed that the reports now provided information that was more relevant to the Northwood area.  The Cowes NPT should shortly be moving into the Cowes fire station pod, and would be sharing some rooms with the fire service personnel.

106/16-17 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 1 November 2016


THAT the Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 1 November 2016 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.



107/16-17 To receive any matters arising on the Minutes, not requiring a resolution
a. Minute 34/15-16 Request for a Speed Change along Wyatts Lane – The clerk reminded councillors of the request for a change in the Speed Limit to 20 mph along Wyatts Lane, which had been suggested at the meeting in December 2014.  A further update had now been received from Island Roads advising that no decision had yet been taken.  However, there was growing political support for more widespread 20mph speed limits and it was possible that in a year or so more residential roads would have a 20mph speed limit implemented.  Island Roads would support this process, but the decision on funding and which sites were prioritised sat with the IW Council;


b. Minute 86/16-17b Picnic Table – One picnic table had been received from the HM Prison, which, with the kind assistance of Mr Ian Lallow and Mr Reg Finch, had been moved into position on the play area.  The other picnic bench had been due to be delivered towards the end of November, but as yet had not been received.  The clerk had chased on two occasions to ascertain a delivery date and was still awaiting a response.  The Chairman, on behalf of the Parish Council, expressed his thanks to Cllrs Pullen and Smith for their work on the matter;


c. Minute 87/16-17 Letter from Roach Pitis to Mrs Hamilton of Northwood’s Woman’s Institute – The clerk had written to the Secretary of IWALC requesting the name of a contact who could provide legal advice, as instructed at the last meeting.  However, after she was asked to detail exactly the legal advice required, upon referral to councillors it was determined that she should not pursue with the request any further;


d. Minute 95/16-17 Dog Mess – As requested the clerk had erected four notices along the footpath between Venner Avenue and Nodes Road.  The advice received from the Dog Warden was to the effect that this was their normal practice when occurrences of dog fouling were reported to them.  Unfortunately, unless a dog was actually caught in the act and their owner be seen to not pick up the fouling there was little more that they could do.


e. Minute 99/16-17 a.v. 32 Day Notice Account – The 32 day Lloyds Bank deposit account was opened on 25 November, with a balance of £20,000 accruing an interest rate of 0.32%.



108/16-17 Town and Country Planning
a. To consider the following planning application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
TCP/26420/A Rustholme, Pallance Gate, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5UA agricultural machinery store with workshop


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections in respect of the application TCP26420/A Rustholme, Pallance Gate, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5UA for an agricultural machinery store with workshop.



b. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council were duly noted:
i. TCP/32658 Land adjacent 119, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, PO31 8PU – Conditional Planning Permission for the Demolition of garage; proposed 2 detached dwellings; formation of vehicular access;
ii. TCP/31184/F 58 Pallance Road, Northwood, PO31 8LW – Conditional Planning Permission for proposed 2 detached dwellings with integral garages and formation of vehicular access;
iii. TCP/31184/G Land adjacent to 62, Pallance Road, Northwood, PO31 8LW – Conditional Planning Permission for Variation of condition no 2 on P/01294/14 – TCP/31184/D to allow alterations to the elevations for plot 2 (revised scheme)



109/16-17 To note the poor condition of a number of tubs and planters and to consider whether they should be removed, replaced or repaired
Cllr Pullen advised that the planter, near to the bus stop, in Nodes Road had been repaired by persons unknown.  He had an inkling as to who might have undertaken the work, but could not confirm at this present time.  Councillors expressed their grateful thanks to whoever was involved.
Cllr Pullen agreed to obtain three quotations for the replacement of those tubs/planters, which would require replacing or remedial repair in the spring.  The names of several competent organisations who could undertake the work were suggested.

THAT further consideration be given on the removal, replacement or repair of the tubs and planters around the village at a future meeting of the Parish Council.



110/16-17 To consider the suggestions of the Precept Working Party for the Precept for 2017/18
The Precept Working Party had proposed that the Precept for 2017/18 remain at £20,000.


THAT the Precept for 2017/18 be set once again at £20,000, which would include the Central Government grant that should be passed over in full by the IW Council.



Cllr Fuller having declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in the following item of business left the meeting room prior to any discussion of decision thereon.



111/16-17 To consider the report of the Northwood WI Working Party
Cllr Pullen referred to his report attached to the agenda, which set out proposals for a 99-year agreement/lease of the Northwood WI hall that had been agreed by the Women’s Institute, at their recent AGM.
Councillors were requested to consider whether the Parish Council should lease the hall for a peppercorn rent, and then pass it to the Management Committee for the day to day running and complete upkeep of the hall, with no financial implications to the Parish Council, or assist in the setting up of the Management Committee and to maintain a permanent presence on the said committee.  During discussion, it was suggested that the deputy Mayor of Cowes Town Council should be approached for his advice on a legal agreement.  The clerk cautioned that care should be taken to prevent any financial liability falling onto the Parish Council over the full term of the agreement/lease. Councillors were in agreement that the WI hall was a very important asset for the village and support should be given to retain it for Northwood residents, for the foreseeable future.


i. THAT Cllr J Nicholson approach Cllr M McNeil, the Deputy Mayor of Cowes Town Council for his advice on a legal agreement for the lease of the WI hall and report back at the January meeting;

ii.  THAT the Parish Council should, on receipt of a legal agreement, consider further leasing the hall for a peppercorn rent, and then to pass it to the Management Committee for the day to day running and complete upkeep of the hall, with no financial implications to the Parish Council



Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting room.



112/16-17 To consider any appropriate action with regard to the forthcoming closure of Lloyds Bank and HSBC in Cowes
Following the recent closure of Nat Westminster Bank in Cowes, it was now reported that the two remaining banks in the town would also be closing.  The HSBC bank was due to close in the New Year and Lloyds Bank in mid-April.  This would result in the chaotic situation, particularly during the busy summer months, of Cowes then having available only two cash dispensing machines for the whole of the town.  Councillors highlighted that Cowes was an important Gateway to the Island and was considered to be one of the main tourist towns.
It was reported that Lloyds Bank had indicated the possibility of providing a mobile facility.  However, no firm details were available of when or where the route would potentially take. Several councillors pointed out, that as Lloyds Bank was partially public owned, should there have been a public consultation?  This clearly had not happened.  Some councillors believed that the HSBC had advised of a partnership arrangement established with the Post Office, which had a branch just a short walk away from their current premises.  Unfortunately, the Cowes Town Waterfront Trust Ltd, which owned the land where this post office branch was temporarily situated, required the land back for operational activities, by 1 May.
Currently, no other suitable venue had been identified for use by the Post Office within the vicinity of Cowes High Street.  Of real concern was that the post office could be relocated to the Co-Op stores in Mill Hill Road, putting the viability of the sub post office in Pallance Road, at risk.


i. THAT a letter of representation be sent to Lloyds Bank and the HSBC, to determine what alternative banking facilities were going to be provided for their customers;

ii THAT a copy of the letter be sent to Andrew Turner, MP and IWALC, to seek their support in preventing the closure of the banks.



113/16-17 To consider the suggestion of contributing to the provision of an evening Youth Bus Service ticket for Northwood teenagers only


THAT in the absence of Cllr Ward and no report having been received this item be deferred until the meeting in January.



114/16-17 To note the letter from IW Community Rehabilitation Company and to consider if they could be of service
The letter from IW Community Rehabilitation Company was noted.  A number of unpaid tasks were suggested, including undertaking the thorough clean of the six wooden seats around the village, which would be necessary in the spring.


THAT the clerk make an approach to the IW Community Rehabilitation Company to identify a suitable project that could be undertaken for the benefit of the village.



115/16-17 To consider making appropriate responses on the IW Council’s Consultation:
i. Guidelines for Parking Provision as Part of New Developments Draft Supplementary Planning Document


THAT Northwood Parish Council, being aware that cars nowadays are being made larger, suggested that an examination of the actual size of car parking space required to ensure easy ingress and egress from the vehicles, should be made to ensure that the parking provision as part of any new developments be fit for purpose, including those spaces specifically designed for use by the disabled.



ii Guidelines for Recycling and Refuse Storage in New Developments Draft Supplementary Planning Document


THAT Northwood Parish Council considered the Guidelines for Recycling and Refuse Storage in New Developments to be good common sense and as such was fully supported.


iii. Household Recycling and Waste Services on the Island


THAT Northwood Parish Council, as part of the customer service survey, suggests Amey should highlight, in any revision of the Waste and Recycling services booklet, those items, which cannot be recycled.



iv. Regulatory and Community Safety Services Enforcement Policy


THAT Northwood Parish Council supports the Regulatory and Community Safety Services Enforcement Policy, without making any detrimental comment.



116/16-17 To receive an update on the new Parish Council website and to approve the clerk’s additional 4 ½ hours involved with this


i. THAT in the absence of Cllr Ward, the update on the new Parish Council website be deferred until the next meeting;


ii. THAT it be approved for the clerk to be paid for an additional 4 ½ hours work to be taken from the Transparency Fund budget.



117/16-17 To receive the report on Community Wellbeing and the report of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood, both for information
Cllr J Nicholson referred to his report covering Local Prosperity and that of the Island; the Health and Social Care Crisis and Mental Health Crisis, which had been circulated by email earlier in the afternoon. Particular focus was given as to how the Parish Council could develop a proactive policy to support, encourage and facilitate wealth creation in it’s area.  In discussion, the possibility of the three local councils working together on this was suggested.  As an initial step an audit should be undertaken to determine the make-up of the village and the number and type of industries within the parish.  Reference should also be given to the Health Profile 2016 and latest census information.


THAT councillors support the proposition for the Parish Council to develop a proactive policy to support, encourage and facilitate wealth creation in the Northwood area, in principle and to discuss the matter in further detail at the January meeting.



118/16-17 To receive progress reports for information from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet advised that three additional volunteer drivers had now qualified.  The Community Bus Service 32 was running very well, although it was not yet possible, at present, to provide the service on six days a week, at present.  Cllr Riddet was thanked for all his work involved and for keeping the Parish Council apprised of the situation.



b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Pullen had no further information to advise councillors.


c. Parish Plan Working Party
Unfortunately, due to circumstances, the meeting of the Working Party had not still taken place.  Cllr Pullen was currently scrutinising the existing Parish Plan to identify those sections still current and would then circulate to other members of the Working Party for their views.



119/16-17 To receive the report of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
This item had been covered earlier in the agenda.



120/16-17 IWALC
a. To receive an update on the meeting of the IWALC Executive held on 17 November
The Minutes of the meeting had been circulated by email on 29 November.  Particular note was made of the appointments of Cllr John Ward, as IWALC’s representative on NALC and SERCAF.



b. To consider writing to Andrew Turner MP and Marcus Jones MP opposing the Government’s proposal to extend council tax referendum principles to local parish and town councils
Councillors noted the response of Andrew Turner MP, dated 1 December, to the Secretary of IWALC with regard to government proposals to extend council tax referendum principles that had been circulated by email earlier in the day.


THAT a letter be sent to Andrew Turner MP and Marcus Jones MP opposing the Government’s proposal to extend council tax referendum principles to local parish and town councils.



121/16-17 To receive an update on the meeting of the Community Waste Forum held on 15 November
The Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November were attached to the agenda and were duly noted.



122/16-17 Clerk’s Report
a.        Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of November 2016 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 100 were received and duly noted.



ii. Payment of cheques Nos 000486 and 000487



THAT approval be granted retrospectively with regard to the following cheques:
Cheque No 000486 for £22.48, Mr J Pullen, Compost for tubs and planters on 14 November;
Cheque No 000487 for £1,449.63, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks salary and additional hours accrued.




iii. To authorise payment of cheques


THAT the following cheques be approved for payment:
000488, £79.15, Mrs B Herbert, Clerk’s Expenses;
000489, £300, Northwood Parish Church, Advertisement in Northwood News.



Cllrs J Nicholson and Pullen having declared Personal and Prejudicial Interest left the meeting room, prior to any discussion or decision thereon the following item of business.



iv. To consider the following request from the Northwood Community Partnership for a grant of £600
Councillors were informed that on average 20 local residents usually attended each of the eleven monthly events held.  However, a clearer and more detailed budget statement would need to be provided before the Parish Council could consider making any further additional contributions.RESOLVED :

THAT councillors expressed their support of the aims and objectives of the Northwood Community Partnership, but considered that they were unable to make any decision until they had been furnished with a more detailed financial statement on the running of the Partnership.



Cllrs J Nicholson and Pullen returned to the meeting room.



b. Administration
To approve that the meeting scheduled for 4 April, be deferred until 11 April due to the clerk’s annual leave.


THAT it be agreed for the meeting scheduled for 4 April, to be deferred until 11 April due to the clerk’s annual leave



123/16-17 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.  Particular mention was made of the following:
vv. Invitation to visit Storeroom 2010 – Cllr Riddet expressed his interest in visiting;
yy. Invitation to attend the Rural Crime Conference on 15 February – Councillors declined the invitation.



124/16-17 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Fuller advised that a local resident had volunteered to re-design the Parish Council logo.  It was agreed that this should form an agenda item for the meeting in January.
Cllr J Nicholson advised that the funding for local Diabetes training was to be withdrawn.  He would investigate this further and provide a report for consideration at the February meeting.
Cllr Pullen reported on the continuing problems caused by parents parking on the hatchings and double yellow lines outside of Northwood Primary school.  He advised that the school did have a frustration with the parking problem and were trying to address the matter through their newsletter.  Councillors were requested to forward any complaints made to them or photographs of cars causing an offence to the school.



125/16-17 Future Agenda Items
To consider making an annual award for the best building development undertaken in the parish, with due care and consideration – Cllr J Nicholson







Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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