Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 11 January 2017, 8:06 pm



Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 3 January 2017



Present: Councillors Chris Riddet (Chairman), David Jaggar (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller and John Pullen
Also in attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)


There were eleven members of the public and one member of the press in attendance.



126/16-17 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Cllrs J Nicholson and M Nicholson.


127/16-17 Members’ interests
There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda.
Cllr Fuller declared a Personal Interest in Minute 131/16-17 a. iii being a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee, and so would refrain from voting or making any pre-judgement on the application.
Cllr Pullen declared a Personal Interest in Minute 143/16-17 a. iv as he was the Chairman of the Community Partnership.



128/16-17 To receive a report on any local safety neighbourhood issues occurring since the last meeting held of the Parish Council
During discussion on the following item of business Cllr Fuller declared a Personal Interest as he was the IW Council’s Executive Member for Environment, Fire and Local Engagement, which included police liaison.



In the absence of any representative from the local Cowes Neighbourhood Police team (NPT), the clerk had received a report from PCSO Howard. This provided particulars of the current Cowes team together with details of the five crimes committed in Northwood, during December, in comparison to the one crime that had taken place during the same period in 2015.
In discussion, mention was made of the disappointing decision of the new Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Michael Lane to shelve plans for the Isle of Wight to be equally represented in the police authority’s name.


THAT IWALC be requested to make representations over the decision by the new PCC to drop plans for the Isle of Wight to be equally represented in the police authority’s name.



129/16-17 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 6 December 2016


THAT the Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 6 December 2016 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.



130/16-17 To receive any matters arising on the Minutes, not requiring a resolution
Minute 107/16-17b Picnic Table – The clerk advised that the second picnic table was due to be completed by the end of January. Mr Ian Lallow had agreed to assist once again in positioning the second picnic table.  His contact details and the bolts and fixings would be passed onto Cllr Smith.



131/16-17 Town and Country Planning
a. To consider the following planning application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
i. TCP/10406/C Rose Cottage, Pallance Lane, Northwood – Demolition of garage; outline for detached dwelling with parking (revised plans) (re-advertised)


Cllr Fuller declared that he supported refusal of the application, based on the facts put before him at the meeting of the Parish Council.



i THAT Northwood Parish Council considered the revised plans TCP/10406/C for Rose Cottage, Pallance Lane, Northwood had failed to address any of the concerns that had been raised previously by councillors and therefore it was agreed that the representations made against the original application should continue to stand;
ii. THAT, in order to avoid any misunderstanding, the Local Planning Authority be requested to include a letter from the agent or applicant specifying exactly all the revisions that had been made in any re-advertised application.



ii. TCP/32097/B Unit 25 to 26, Somerton Industrial Park, Newport Road, Cowes – 2 polytunnels on concrete bases


THAT Northwood Parish Council raised no material planning objections to the application TCP/32097/B at Unit 25 to 26, Somerton Industrial Park, Newport Road, Cowes for two polytunnels on concrete bases.



iii. TCP/32897 land adjacent to Harry Cheek Gardens, and rear of 31 to 61 Pallance Road, Northwood – Outline for residential development of 31 properties with access to road and footpath network
Mr Price agreed to act as the representative for the number of local residents present and outlined their representations against the application.
Cllr Jaggar referred to the many comments that had been submitted on the IW Council’s website.


THAT Northwood Parish Council recommends refusal of the application TCP/32897 on land adjacent to Harry Cheek Gardens, and rear of 31 to 61 Pallance Road, Northwood citing the following concerns:
i. the proposal by reason of its position, size, design and external appearance would be a visually intrusive development that would have a detrimental effect on the character and appearance of the site and surrounding area contrary to the aims of policies SP1 (Spatial Strategy) and DM2 (Design Quality for new Development) of the Island Plan Core Strategy;
ii. the proposal would have a severe detrimental impact on the surrounding highway network, including the junction of Newport Road/Nodes Road, which the IW Council has previously determined to be at a maximum level.  This decision by the IW Council had been made prior to the subsequent approval of the development of 86 properties in Place Road and other planning development approvals in Gurnard and Cowes;
iii. the latest Northwood Housing Needs survey forecast a requirement to provide 27 homes over five years, to meet local needs.  However, this has been more than adequately covered in the Cowes sub market area (identified in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2014);
iv. exacerbate the problems for cars when egressing and/or ingressing Harry Cheek Gardens will be exacerbated due to the lack of visibility along Wyatts Lane and the on-street parking at the junction, within Harry Cheek Gardens;
v. the number of empty properties currently available in Northwood;
vi. the public footpath No CS14 running though the site must be retained in its present position as it was deemed to be an important and well used footpath, reflecting the rural character of the area;
vii. the car parking provision is deemed to be unacceptably inadequate to cater for future needs;
viii. the local Cowes Medical Centre has advised that there is no capacity to expand their facilities and are struggling to cater for the whole of the wider Cowes area;
ix. the local Northwood Primary school is currently oversubscribed, with no opportunity for future expansion;
x. should planners be mindful to approve the application then the following concerns must be considered;
a. nearby properties suffer from subsidence, so full structural surveys must be undertaken;
b. an ecology survey should be undertaken as the site is an area important to the natural environment, frequented by foxes, badgers and slowworms;
c. an increase in parking spaces must be identified to prevent encroachment into nearby streets;
d. Wyatts Lane has no footpath along the majority of the highway and a s106 agreement must be agreed towards improving the safety of school children and other pedestrians along this currently, reasonably quiet lane;
e. the proposed density of 31 dwellings per hectare to be too high and should be reduced to be at least in line with the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA);
f. the proposed development is out of keeping with the adjacent residential development of bungalows in Harry Cheek Gardens.



b. To note the following decision taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council:
TCP/26420/A Rustholme, Pallance Gate, Newport, Isle Of Wight, PO305UA Conditional Planning Permission for an Agricultural machinery store with workshop



132/16-17 To consider the forthcoming bank closures in Cowes and to appoint representatives to attend the meeting with Andrew Turner MP on 6 January
Councillors noted the responses to letters sent to Lloyds Bank, IWALC and Andrew Turner MP regarding the proposed bank closures in Cowes.  Disappointedly, no response had been received from HSBC even though this bank was due to close immanently. The Lloyds Bank was due to shut in April, which would then leave Cowes without any bank at all.  Councillors were reminded that the Post Office would have to vacate their current temporary position shortly, as Cowes Town Waterfront Trust Ltd required the land back for operational activities by 1 May.  Andrew Turner MP had agreed to meet with representatives of Northwood Parish Council, Gurnard Parish Council and Cowes Town Council on Friday, 6 January to discuss the matter


THAT Cllrs Riddet and Jaggar represent Northwood Parish Council at the meeting with Andrew Turner MP on Friday, 6 January, at 4.45pm, to discuss the proposed bank closures.



133/16-17 To consider further the removal, replacement or repair of the tubs and planters around the village
Cllr Pullen advised that quotations were being sought for the replacement of the tubs and planters.  Fortunately, those in need of urgent remedial work had been secured or repaired.  The remaining could await until the spring. The small broken planter along the Newport Road would be removed.



134/16-17 To consider the report of the Northwood WI Working Party
In the absence of Cllr J Nicholson, no update on a legal agreement for the lease of the WI hall could be provided.



135/16-17 To consider the suggestion of contributing to the provision of an evening Youth Bus Service ticket for Northwood teenagers only


THAT in the absence of Cllr Ward and no report having been received, this item be deferred until the meeting in February.



136/16-17 To receive an update on the new Parish Council website


THAT in the absence of Cllr Ward and no report having been received, this item be deferred until the meeting in February.



137/16-17 To consider making an appropriate response on the Consultation regarding the Proposed Changes to the Admissions Arrangements at Cowes Enterprise College
Cllr Riddet reported that the proposed changes were currently being actioned by the school.  The revised Admissions Policy sought to confirm the process being followed.


THAT the proposed changes to the Admission Arrangements be noted.



138/16-17 To consider in detail the proposition to develop a proactive policy to support, encourage and facilitate wealth creation in the Northwood area
This item was included in the report of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood, appearing later in the agenda.



139/16-17 To consider making an annual award for the best building development undertaken in the Parish of Northwood
This item was included in the report of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood, appearing later in the agenda.



140/16-17 To receive the report on Community Wellbeing
This item was included in the report of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood, appearing later in the agenda.


141/16-17 To receive progress reports for information from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Councillors considered that the recent closure of Medina Road, to its junction with the Chain Ferry Slipway, in connection with the reconstruction of the floating bridge could potentially impact on traffic congestion through Newport.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
There were no matters to report.
c. Parish Plan Working Party
Cllr Pullen had identified a number of amendments to be made in the Parish Plan.  It would be helpful for a downloadable copy of the Plan to be made available to facilitate the changes identified. The clerk advised that she had previously been unsuccessful in sourcing such a copy.



142/16-17 To receive the report of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Councillors confirmed the receipt of the report of Cllr J Nicholson, which had been circulated earlier that afternoon.  Particular mention had been made of the following –
• Local Prosperity = Prosperity for the Island;
• Health and Social Care Crisis;
• Domestic Abuse – The Spector in our Midst;
• Mental Health;
• Planning Award.


THAT In the absence of Cllr J Nicholson, his report be deferred until the February meeting.



143/16-17 Clerk’s Report
a.        Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of December 2016 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 2 were received and duly noted.



ii. Payment of cheque No 000490

THAT approval be granted retrospectively with regard to the following cheque:
Cheque No 000490 for £773.47, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks salary on 8 December



iii. To authorise payment of cheques


THAT the following cheques be approved for payment:
000491, £118.87, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000492, £275.00, Came & Co, Annual Insurance premium 2nd year of a Long Term Agreement
000493, £14.37, Mr J Pullen, bolts for securing the picnic tables
Cllr Pullen having declared Personal and Prejudicial Interest left the meeting room, prior to any discussion or decision thereon the following item of business.


iv. To consider further the following request from the Northwood Community Partnership for a grant of £600
The report from the Chairman of the Northwood Community Partnership addressed a number of the queries raised by councillors at the December meeting.


THAT a grant of £220 to the Northwood Community Partnership to cover the hall hire costs for the Residents Day monthly events be approved.



Cllr Pullen returned to the meeting room.



b. Administration
i. To consider arrangements for the Annual Meeting of the Parish.
The clerk advised that the scheduled meeting of the Parish Council was due to take place on 2 May.  Due to the forthcoming local elections, the Annual General meeting of the Parish Council would need to be held within 14 days of the councillors taking office.


i.THAT the Annual Meeting of the Parish be arranged to take place on 2 May commencing at 6.15pm, being immediately prior to the scheduled meeting of the Parish Council;
ii. THAT the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council take place on 16 May 2017.



ii. To approve Mr Mike Cox, as the Internal Auditor for the 2016/17 accounts.


THAT Mr Mike Cox, be approved as the Internal Auditor for the 2016/17 accounts.



144/16-17 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.



145/16-17 Councillors’ reports
Councillors provided no additional reports.



146/16-17 Future Agenda Items
To revamp the Parish Council logo – Cllr Fuller

Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..


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