Northwood Parish Council

Posted by Admin on 26 May 2017, 12:00 am

Public Forum
There was one member of the public in attendance who referred to problems caused by inconsiderate parking on the estate, particularly in Horseshoe Close. On occasions cars in this area were being parked on double yellow lines preventing easy access to properties. It was suggested that this could have a potential, detrimental effect on Public Service vehicles responding in a timely manner to any emergency situation arising towards the end of the Close. Councillors were questioned as to how this matter could be resolved. Cllr Nicholson advised that, while out canvassing for the forthcoming elections, he had observed parking problems in the vicinity of the junction of Wroxall Close and Venner Avenue. It was generally considered that increasingly, residences these days had more than one car. However, the properties in this area tended to only have the ability to park one car off road. Several large work vehicles were also being parked in the locality.
Chairman’s Report (written for the meeting of May 2nd)

“In preparing this report, I looked back at the last 12 months, and asked the question, just what have we achieved.
We now have two new picnic benches, which will be well used. We have commented on planning applications, and, thanks to David, have also made observations on a number of documents, such as the Medina Valley plan. The question is, does anyone take any notice of what we have said. It appears that although deadlines are set, sometimes at very short notice, responses are zero.
My predecessor has represented the Council on a committee to respond to a request from the WI hall to look at its future. Whilst the Council will continue to have an input into the Hall’s future, I do not believe it should be involved in its running.
In the upcoming elections, out of 25 Parish Councils, and I have not included town Councils, there are contests in just 3. The question that needs to be asked is simple, are there too many on the Island? In my view, yes.
The former Mayor of Cowes, Geoff Banks, has long advocated, the three councils on this side of the Medina, coming together. That I feel would be, in effect, a Cowes takeover. However, with Gurnard and ourselves being 7 Councillors short, should a merger be looked at? Food for thought.”
Chris Riddet
Post Office in Cowes
Cllr Nicholson stated that he was aware a Central Food-store was due to be located in Cowes High Street. On the mainland, Central Food-stores were the host to nearly 40 local post offices. A representative of Central Food-stores had apparently been in contact with the Post Office Ltd inviting discussions on the suggestion to facilitate relocation of their service within the town. However, the Post Office Ltd had been very dismissive of the proposal. Cllr Nicholson advised of his intention to write to the Post Office Ltd, with a copy to the County Press and the local town and parish councils, requesting that this opportunity to retain Post Office services with the heart of Cowes, be investigated as a matter of urgency.
Picnic Tables
The clerk reported that HMP Isle of Wight had advised that the first picnic table was to be totally refurbished. This would involve the removal of the damaged finish and it being re-sprayed with a suitable water-based preservative to give a lasting protection. To achieve this the bench was to be completely taken apart and all finishes removed so that it could be re-sprayed and continuity kept with regards to the colour etc. The clerk also advised that, on two separate occasions, while on the play area she had been requested to pass on compliments to the Parish Council on the installation of the picnic benches. Cllr Nicholson advised that similar praises of the picnic tables had been made to him during the past month.


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