Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 9 May 2010, 12:00 am


Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held at Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Peter Brooker, Colin Cramp, Marie Ely, Roger Mazillius
In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
PC Mark Thomas

There were 13 members of the public present.

Prior to the start of the meeting the Chairman, Cllr J Pullen, reported the tragic death of Mr Grahame Deacon, the former ENO for Northwood and paid tribute to the work he had undertaken for the benefit of communities in the Cowes, Gurnard, Northwood area.  His funeral was to be held on Monday. 19 April at 12 noon in the Newport Minster, St Thomas’ Square, Newport.

219. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Cllrs Fuller, Palmerton and Mrs Turner-Palmerton and Jacqui Darby, the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer for Northwood

220. Declarations of Interest
Cllr P Brooker declared a personal interest in Minute No 225 a. i. as he knew the wife of the applicant.
Cllr R Mazillius declared a personal interest in Minute No 225 a. i. as he knew the wife of the applicant.

221. Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 March 2010


THAT the Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 March 2010 be confirmed as a true record and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Minutes on behalf of the Parish Council.

222. Matters Arising on the Minutes
Minute 208 Big Tidy Up – Jacqui Darby had advised that she had tried to make contact with Somerton Middle school to talk to the children about the antisocial behaviour of dropping of litter, but the school had not returned her calls.  She had arranged to speak at Northwood Primary school, but has had to cancel due to a funeral arranged for the same day.

223. Report of the Local Safer Neighbourhood Officer
PC Mark Thomas presented the annual police report for Gurnard and Northwood on behalf of the Safer Neighbourhoods Team.  It was noted that crime in both villages had been typically very low over the past year, with only 101 crimes in total reported, in comparison to 104 in 2008/9 and 131 in 2007/8.   Reported criminal damage had also fallen by just under 10% in 2009/10.  It was noted that there had been19 reports of violence against a person, the majority of which were domestic related and a drop to only 1 report for house burglary for both villages.  The Cowes Safer Neighbourhoods Team would continue working hard, in order to reduce crime and the overall fear of crime.
During questions raised, mention was made of incidents of illegal dumping along the Medham Lane/Church Lane footpath.  PC Mark Thomas agreed to look into this.  IW Cllr R Mazillius advised that he could be contacted at any time in the future, as he was be able to organise the removal of any such illicit rubbish.
PC Thomas stated his opinion that the reduction in the crime rates was due to the positive effects of local policing, which concentrated more on those individuals known to cause problems.


THAT PC Thomas and the Safer Neighbourhoods Team for Cowes be thanked for their efforts in making Cowes, Gurnard and Northwood one of the safest places to live on the Isle of Wight.

224. Report from Jacqui Darby, the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer (ENO) for Northwood
In the absence of Jacqui Derby, the ENO for Northwood, her quarterly report was received and noted.

225. Town and Country Planning
a. To consider the following applications received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at

i. TCP/03487/B Meda, Medham Farm Lane, Cowes – Householder Application for the demolition of conservatory; single storey extension to side and rear; porch; chimney stack


THAT this Parish Council has no material planning objections to application TCP/03487/B.

ii. AGN/30042 OS Parcel 6360, off Medham Farm Lane, Cowes – Agricultural Prior Notification for proposed storage building


THAT as the IW Councillor for Northwood and Cowes South had signed off the application, in accordance with planning officers recommendation, no comment be made on the application.

iii. TCP/30062 Northwood County Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood – Replacement canopy with balustrading to play area, construction of rear lobby; external storage lockers; cover to existing sandpit; additional walling and safety gate



THAT this Parish Council has no material planning objections to application TCP/30062.

iv. TCP/22804/A 64 Wyatts Lane, Cowes, PO31 8QA – Householder Application for a single storey rear extension to form lounge


THAT this Parish Council has no material planning objections to application TCP/22804/A

v. TCP/02386/L Clifton Grade Ltd, Newport Road, Cowes PO31 8PE – Continued use of 1st floor residential unit as office


THAT this Parish Council has no material planning objections to application TCP/02386/L

vi. TCP/26202/B land at 34 Wyatts Lane, Cowes, PO31 – Alterations and change of use of barn from light industrial to cottage industry with associated living accommodation parking


THAT this Parish Council expresses concern over the proposed permanent feature of the 6ft high brick wall, which would have a visual impact upon the street scene and have a detrimental over encompassing effect, due to its height and length, on the neighbouring property at No 34 Wyatts Lane and also those residents in Chessel Close that are adjacent to this application. It was also a matter of concern regarding the lack of information defining the proposed cottage industry, as no mention could be found as to what actually was planned.

b. The decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Planning Committee, were noted –
i. TCP/29136/A 16 Greenways, Cowes – Conditional Planning Permission for the retention of decking
ii. TCP/21760/X BAE Systems (Defence Systems) Ltd, Newport Road, Cowes PO31 8PF – Conditional planning permission giving full consent for retail foodstore with associated parking, landscaping and balancing pond; vehicular access from Three Gates Road (revised plan)

c. Details of amended plans, which had been considered a minor revision to the scheme and therefore approved under delegated procedures, with no further comments required were noted –
TCP/30005 59 Wyatts Lane, Cowes, PO31 8QA – Proposed single/storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation
d. To note the application for Hedgerow Removal at the corner of Wyatts Lane/Pallance Lane Northwood

Cllr Mazillius tabled the letter, dated 12 April, from Mr Matthew Chatfield, the IW Council’s Parks and Countryside Manager, which confirmed that the hedgerow at the corner of Wyatts Lane/Pallance Road might be removed.  This was subject to the hedge being checked for the presence of nesting birds, if removal took place between March to the end of August inclusive.  Should any occupied nests be found then removal had to be delayed until the chicks had fledged to avoid contravention of the Wildlife and Countryside Act.

226. To approve the Annual Report 2009/10


THAT the Annual report 2009/10 be approved, subject to a minor amendment to the paragraph regarding the Housing Needs Working Party.

227. To consider any action regarding the potholes in the unadopted road between Church Lane and Chawton Lane


THAT as the road in question was an ‘unadopted’ road, no further action be taken.

228. To consider a copy of the letter sent by Newport Parish Council to the IW Council’s Head of Highways and Transportation
Cllr Mazillius referred to his robust exchange of emails with the IW Council’s Head of Highways and Transportation.  He had anticipated in being able to announce the successful achievement for a simple detour enabling cyclists to go around the affected area.  However, although discussions were going well matters were not quite finalized.  Councillors, having regard to the letter sent by Newport Parish Council to the IW Council’s Head of Highways and Transportation, proposed that, should the discussions not lead to a successful fruition, a similar letter be sent supporting the representations over proposals for the temporary closure of the cycle track at Stag Lane, Newport


THAT a letter be sent to IW Council’s Head of Highways and Transportation opposing any proposals for a temporary closure of the cycle track at Stag Lane, Newport.

229. Clerks Report
a. Administration
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

THAT in the light of the parish election not being contested, the annual meeting of the Parish Council be arranged to take place on Tuesday, 18 May 2010.
b. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of March 2010 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 20 were received and noted.

ii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000114, IW Council, Clerks Salary for February
000115, £35.90, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000116, £8.61, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000117, £294.81, IW Association of Local Councils, Annual Subscription
000118, £25.00, Mr C Hobday, refund of allotment deposit
000119. £25.00, Mr & Mrs S Day, refund of allotment deposit
000120, £285.00, Mrs G Lacey, Fee for 19 plots taken until September


THAT the above cheques be approved.

230. To receive progress reports from Working Parties:
a. Allotments Working Party
Mention was made of telephone objections received by Cllr Mazillius from the occupants of 1 and 2 Luton Cottages, which overlook the proposed new site for allotments.  It was suggested that the owners be invited to make any representations to the parish council, which could then be considered at the next meeting.  However, although sympathetic, councillors felt that if either of the residents were that strongly opposed to allotments being established in the vicinity, they would no doubt submit written objections.
A proper dialogue was now necessary with Mr Coventry, the landowner of Lower Luton Farm to resolve a number of issues, prior to a proper legal agreement being drawn up.
Mr Paul Morris, the chairman of the Allotment Association was present and addressed the Parish Council on a number of issues. In particular, whether the allotment holder of plot 11 could utilize part of the vacant plot 6, due to poor drainage on their original plot. It was suggested that the Allotment Association write formally to the clerk with points they would like to be taken into account when consulting with Mr Coventry, the landowner.


THAT it be agreed for the allotment holder of plot 11 to utilize part of plot 6 at no extra cost, due to drainage problems on her original site.

b.  Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
A meeting of the Working Party had not been able to be arranged since the last meeting of the Parish Council.

b. Youth Forum Working Party
A meeting of the Working Party had not taken place.

c. Play Builder Working Party
The Chairman advised that a site meeting was due to take place on 20 April, between himself and the clerk and Mr Lee Mathews, of the IW Council.

d. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllrs Pullen and Mrs Turner-Palmerton had attended a meeting of the Steering Group for Wight in Bloom on the 30 March.  An application form for grant funding had been completed and details and an application form for the Wight in Bloom competition was received.
Councillors welcomed that the fencing along the Newport Road, near to the Gateway sign and flowerbed, had been replaced.  However, the three planters there required some attention to be made safe.   Councillors also commented as to how lovely the flowers beds and planters looked, that they were a credit to all who looked after them.

174. To receive the report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Northwood
There were no matters to report.

175. To receive an update on Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils (IWALC)
Cllr Pullen referred to his report highlighting that the IW Council had offered the use of County Hall, free of charge, for all future meetings of IWALC.  This could lead to the rescheduling of some dates to coincide with other evening meetings planned at that venue.

176. Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda.

177. Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Cramp highlighted that the synchronization of the traffic lights along the Newport Road at the junction with Stag Lane, still continued to be inconsistent.  Cllr Mazillius agreed to raise the matter again with Mr Ian Thornton, at the IW Council.

178. Future Agenda Items
4 May Meeting – Safety of flower planters in the Newport Road
June Meeting – To consider writing to the IW Council criticising them for cutting budgets affecting the vulnerable, whilst not cutting the budget for communications or the ENOs – Cllr Cramp

179. Brief Review of Meeting
No comments were made.



Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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