Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 8 May 2011, 12:00 am


Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Paul Fuller (Vice Chairman), Pat Bentley, Colin Cramp, Roger Mazillius (also the IW Cllr for Cowes South and Northwood), Chris Riddet

In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
PC Mark Thomas

There was one member of the public present.

205/10-11 Apologies
Apologies had been received from Cllrs John Fuller and Ray Mew.

206/10-11 Declarations of Interest
Cllr P Fuller declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute 210/10-11 as a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee.

207/10-11  To confirm the Minutes of the meetings held on 1 March and 15 March 2011


THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 1 March be confirmed and also the Minutes of the Extra Ordinary meeting held on 15 March 2011, subject to the substitution of the name Cllr Paul Fuller with that of Cllr John Pullen in Minute 201/10-11. The Chairman then be authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.

208/10-11 Matters arising on the Minutes
a. Minute 180/10-11 Premises Licensing Application submitted by V-Dub Island, at the County Show Ground – The clerk advised that she had circulated by email, earlier in the day, a letter received from the IW Council’s Licensing Section advising of the outcome of the hearing regarding the application. The decision to grant the licence in accordance with the application, was subject to the specific conditions proposed by the applicant within the operating schedule and also subject to mandatory conditions, which were specified in s19 of the Licensing Act 2003, but modified to such an extent as the IW Council considered necessary for the promotion of the 4 licensing objectives, that were set out in detail within the letter.
b. Minute 191/10-11 Seat at Northwood Venner Avenue Play Park – The Chairman and the clerk had met with Mr A Earley, the IW Council’s Parks Inspector who had provided information on the necessary maintenance to be undertaken to the concrete area, near to the teen shelter at the Play Park, which had been identified as a suitable position for the proposed seat.  The clerk advised that she was still waiting for a response from Ms H Williams, of Northwood Primary school, as to when the planned fund raising event was to be held.  Cllr C Riddet volunteered to make inquiries when he visited the school, later in the week.
c. Minute 186/10-11 b.ii. Northwood Primary School Planning Application – Cllrs P Fuller and J Pullen highlighted a productive informal meeting they had held with representatives of Northwood Primary School. Some staff at the school had felt rather aggrieved of the reporting in the Northwood News of the Parish Council meeting to discuss the planning application. Cllr R Mazillius advised that the application was due to be signed off the following day.

209/10-11 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer
PC Mark Thomas presented the report of the Safer Neighbourhood Officer on events that had taken place since the last meeting.  Particular mention was made of the following:
• PC Thomas had undertaken training in the use of a hand held speed laser gun.  One laser gun was to be issued for the use in the whole of the West Wight
• The front office for members of the public visiting Cowes police station had been closed temporarily, with effect from Friday, April 1, 2011
• The welcome news that a 24-year-old male had been charged with numerous offences relating to theft from motor vehicles and properties in Cowes and the surrounding area. A substantial amount of property had been recovered, not all of which had been reported as missing.  The task now was to find the correct owners in order to return their stolen belongings
• A further check on alleged speeding along Pallance Road would be undertaken

Following questions by councillors, PC Thomas confirmed that the damage at the WI Hall had not been officially reported and also that the facility outside of Cowes Police Station for members of the public to use the telephone, was still in place.

210/10-11 Town and Country Planning
The decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council were noted –
i. TCP/30130/A 42 Oxford Street, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO318PT – Conditional Planning Approval for the Demolition of conservatory; proposed single storey rear extension to form kitchen/breakfast room (revised scheme)
ii. TCP/30407 67 Green Lane, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO318QG – Conditional Planning Approval for the Proposed single storey side extension to enlarge lounge

211/10-11 To comment on the Annual Report of the Parish Council


THAT the Annual Report of the Parish Council, for 2010/11, be noted and the Chairman congratulated on his efforts.

212/10-11 To review the continuance of holding councillors surgeries
Councillors considered continuing with the practice of holding councillors surgeries prior to the meeting of the Parish Council. The scheme had been piloted over the past six-month period, with no need indicated.  It was therefore duly

THAT the holding of councillors’ surgeries prior to a meeting of the Parish Council, be discontinued.

213/10-11 To consider supporting the celebration of the Royal Wedding event
Cllr J Pullen reported the verbal request he had received for the Parish Council to consider making a donation towards the celebrations being organised in the Scouts hut on 30 April.  Councillors discussed the merits of such an event to mark the royal wedding of Prince William with Catherine Middleton.


THAT the sum of £100.00 be agreed as a donation towards the celebration of the Royal Wedding event

214/10-11 To consider engaging professional water services to water the planters/tubs in the village
Councillors were referred to the report, which set out details of two quotations received to undertake the watering of the plants/troughs in Northwood over an 18- week period, commencing in May.  Currently, the majority of the watering was undertaken by Cllr J Pullen, with very welcome assistance from local residents and volunteers.  However, it was considered that this was no longer sustainable.


THAT C&K Watering be commissioned to undertake the watering of all the plants/troughs in the village, twice a week commencing in May for an 18-week period, at a cost of £970.56, in total.

215/10-11 To consider the lobbying of Andrew Turner, MP to bring in a bill to make “Cold Calling” a criminal offence


i. THAT the draft letter requesting that he consider introducing a Private Member’s Bill, in Parliament, to make “cold calling” a criminal offence, be sent to Andrew Turner MP;
ii. THAT a copy of the letter be sent to IWALC inviting all parish and town councils to endorse the letter and to lobby Andrew Turner MP to take action.

216/10-11 To consider applying for membership of the Public Sector Mapping Agreement


THAT it be agreed to apply for membership of the Public Service Mapping Agreement, at no cost.

217/10-11 Clerks Report
a. Finance

i. The clerk circulated an updated version of page two of the interim budget statement to the end of March 2011.  It was noted that cheque No 000152 for £20, being the deposit refunded to an allotment holder remained outstanding. The clerk had made several attempts to resolve the matter. The bank reconciliation with Statement No 32 was received and noted.

ii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000192, Post Office, Clerks salary for February
000193, £57.31, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000194, £13.41, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000195, £50.00, IW Council, No Cold Calling Stickers
000196, £11.00, CommuniCorp, Annual Subscription for Clerk and Councils Direct
000197, £146.38, Northwood Community Partnership, Donation towards Autumn Bedding Plants
000198, £17.96, John Pullen, Charge for purchase of wood preserver


THAT the above cheques be approved for payment.

iii. Consideration was given to the letter dated 16 March 2011 and the separate invoice for £25.62, being the outstanding difference between the above cheque No 00197 and the cost of the autumn planting and bulbs purchased by the Community Partnership.


THAT Councillors agreed to stand by their previous decision and resolved not to make any further payment in respect of this matter.

218/10-11 Report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
The report of Cllr Roger Mazillius was received and noted.  An update was provided of a number of matters, namely:
• The planning application for the music event over the weekend of 19 – 22 August.  Cllr Mazillius and Cllr Cramp had both spoken at the meeting of the IW Council’s Licensing Committee to express concerns raised.  Cllr Mazillius advised that he was now reasonably satisfied with the decision taken;
• Sites for housing development identified in the Island Core Strategy.  The sites were considered to be deliverable within the next five years and could meet the perceived need for local housing on the Island, in 2027.  The list was a rolling programme, which would be updated every three months;

219/10-11 Progress reports from Working Parties
a. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Pullen confirmed that Wightlink had agreed to the Wight in Bloom scheme for 2011.  On behalf of the Parish Council, the Working Party had submitted a written expression of interest in taking part and a claim for the allocated floral credits.  However, the value of the credits was still unknown.  Cllr Pullen expressed his pleasure in the decision to contract an outside organisation to water the planters/troughs in future.  Mention was also made of the Millennium Gardens, which all required some care and attention.  The Working Party would prepare a written report for the next meeting.

b. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet provided an update of the situation, which was moving forward very well.  Some concern was expressed that the volunteers were not being kept informed and Cllr Riddet agreed to investigate.  Councillors welcomed the report, expressing their thanks to all the Working Party and to the clerk of Gurnard Parish Council for their work in bring the scheme to a hopeful fruition, by 1 September.
It was noted that the IW RCC were to take on the responsibility of the rostering and assessing the suitability of the volunteer drivers.  Discussions were still ongoing regarding the feasibility of expansion of the proposed service, although this had to be complimentary with any Cowes service and reflect the needs of villagers.
Cllr Mazillius gave a brief explanation of the National Sustainable Transport Fund and the possible benefits this could have for the IW Council and community transport schemes.

c. Village Design Statement Working Party
Cllr P Bentley advised of his attendance at the recent informative Localism Bill seminar.  It had been highlighted that surprisingly the National Policy Planning Framework had not been included in the Bill and a number of changes were continually taking place. Cllr Bentley was currently working through the draft Island Core Strategy and other documents comparing information with work previously undertaken on a Village Design Statement.  The Chairman, on behalf of the Parish Council expressed his gratitude to Cllr Bentley for all the work he was undertaking.

22010-11 Update on the IW Association of Local Councils
Cllr J Pullen advised that the clerk would be circulating the minutes of the meetings of IWALC, in due course, as per normal.  Mention was also made that Planning Aid was no longer in existence and that, unfortunately, there was no other agency/organisation established to replace the work it undertook.

221/10-11 Correspondence.
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.

222/10-11 Councillors’ reports
Cllr P Fuller reported on his contact with the Footprint Trust regarding Ward’s Copse.  The need to establish a Working Party was suggested in order to progress matters.  This to be an agenda item for the next meeting.
Cllr P Bentley requested items for the Northwood News by 12 April.
Cllr C Cramp advised of his attendance at the hearing for the Licensing Application for the County Show Ground.
Cllr J Pullen reported his attendance at the Chairmanship Skills Course.
Cllr J Pullen also highlighted that an illuminated sign had recently been installed in a bus shelter in Nodes Road.  Councillors were rather displeased, as they had raised objections to the planning application, when submitted in 2009. The clerk was requested to investigate.

223/10-11 Future agenda items
May Meeting
Ward’s Copse – Cllr P Fuller
Bus Shelters

224/10-11 To undertake a brief review of the meeting.
Not too bad a meeting.



Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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