Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 21 June 2011, 12:00 am


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Paul Fuller (Vice Chairman), Pat Bentley, Colin Cramp

In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)

There was one member of the public present.

1/11-12 To elect a Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year


 THAT Cllr John Pullen be elected as Chairman for the ensuing year.

2/11-12 To receive and sign the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office


 THAT the signed acceptance of office of the Chairman be received.

3/11-12 To elect a Vice Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year


THAT Cllr Pat Bentley be elected as Vice Chairman for the ensuing year and Cllr P Fuller be thanked for his services during the previous year.

4/11-12 To receive and sign the Vice Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office


 THAT the signed declaration of acceptance of office of the Vice Chairman be received.

5/11-12 To appoint councillors to the following Outside Bodies


THAT the following appointments to Outside Bodies for the ensuing year, be approved:

Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils – Cllr John Pullen, with Cllr Ray Mew as his deputy

Management Committee of Cowes Youth Club – Cllr Chris Riddet

Northwood Community Partnership – Cllr Paul Fuller and Cllr Ray Mew

Councillor to the IW Council’s Steering Committee for Northwood in Bloom – Cllr John Pullen

A communications councillor – Cllr Chris Riddet

Health and Safety Councillor – Considered to be not necessary in future

6/11-12 To appoint members and the lead councillor to serve on Committees/Working Parties


 THAT the following appointments on Committees/Working Parties be approved for the ensuing year:

Planning Committee – All councillors of the Parish Council, with Cllr Colin Cramp appointed as the Chairman

Northwood in Bloom Working Party – Cllr Roger Mazillius (as lead councillor) and Cllr John Pullen

Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party – Cllr Chris Riddet (as lead councillor and Cllr Paul Fuller

Village Design Statement Working Party – Cllr Pat Bentley (as lead councillor), Cllr Paul Fuller, Cllr John Pullen.

7/11-12 Apologies

Apologies had been received from Cllrs John Fuller, Roger Mazillius, Ray Mew and Chris Riddet and PC Mark Thomas.

8/11-12 Declarations of Interest

Cllr P Fuller declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No 12/11-12b a he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee, a personal interest in Minute 17 – The woodland at Northwood Glebe, also known as Ward’s Copse as he was a Governor of Northwood Primary school, a personal interest in Minute 18 regarding bus shelters, as he was a regular bus user and also on the IW Council’s Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee and a personal interest in Minute 21 regarding Community Payback schemes, as he was a serving Justice of the Peace.

9/11-12  To confirm the Minutes of the meetings held on 3 April 2011


THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 3 April 2011 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.

10/11-12 Matters arising on the Minutes

Minute 215/10-11 Cold Calling – The clerk advised that she had received an acknowledgment from the Office of Andrew Turner MP, to her letter of 7 April 2011.

11/11-12 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer

PC Mark Thomas, when tendering his apologies, had advised of his intention to provide a full report to the Annual Meeting of the Parish on 17 May 2011.

12/11-12 Town and Country Planning

a. To receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 19 April 2011

Cllr Pullen advised he had been informed that the application for a polytunnel at Lower Luton Farm had been refused.  The clerk had not yet received notice of this Decision and advised that this would appear on the IW Council’s website later in the week, with the reasons set out to justify why the application had not been granted permission.


THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 19 April 2011 be received.  It was noted that the clerk, Mrs B Herbert had not been in attendance.

Cllr P Fuller having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item of business left the meeting chamber.

b. To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at

i. P/00999/10 Northwood Honda, 258-260, Newport Road, Northwood, PO318PE – 1 x illuminated fascia sign; 1 x illuminated totem sign; 1 x non-illuminated free standing sign; 6 x non-illuminated post mounted parking signs; window vinyls


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material objections in respect of the proposed illuminated fascia sign, the non-illuminated freestanding sign, the 6 non-illuminated post-mounted parking signs or the window vinyls. However objections were made in respect of the proposed illuminated totem sign. It was considered that, due to its very close proximity to the highway, this sign could prove to be a distraction to passing motorists, would be visually intrusive and cause unnecessary light pollution

ii. TCP/21760Z  BAE Systems, Newport Road, Northwood – To erect a telescopic mast adjacent to an existing radar tower, to function as a lighting conductor during radar trials.  Mast to be extended to a height of 21 meters.


THAT no material planning objections be raised.

Cllr P Fuller returned to the meeting room.

c. The decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Planning Committee were noted –

i. TCP/13034/F Trees, Hillis Gate Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO31 – Conditional Planning Approval for the proposed photovoltaic panels to roof of garden store

ii. TCP/30450 Somerton Garage, 258 Newport Road, Cowes – Refusal of Planning Permission for the use of existing garage forecourt for car washing by hand.

d. The decision of the Planning Inspectorate regarding the appeal against the refusal of Planning Permission for 88 Pallance Road, Northwood was noted

13/11-12 To confirm the adoption of Standing Orders


THAT the Parish Council’s Standing Orders be confirmed, without amendment and a full review be undertaken later in the year.

14/11-12 To confirm the adoption of Financial Regulations


THAT the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations be confirmed, without amendment.

15/11-12 To confirm that all Members’ Register of Interests are in order and complete


 THAT it be confirmed that the Register of Interests from Cllrs Bentley, Cramp and Pullen were in order and complete. 

16/11-12 To approve the Risk Assessment Schedule and authorise the Chairman and the clerk to sign that the information provided is a correct record


 THAT the Chairman and the clerk be authorised to sign that the information provided in the Risk Assessment Schedule was a correct record.

17/11-12 To consider the report regarding the woodland at Northwood Glebe, also known as Ward’s Copse

Cllr P Fuller provided an oral report. The ancient woodland, known as Ward’s Copse was owned by Northwood Church.  It appeared, unfortunately, that they did not have the capacity to manage the land properly. The Church had made an approach to Northwood Primary School offering use of the woodland to enable them to undertake any environmental projects. However, the school while welcoming the offer were unable to progress matters without experienced assistance. The Parish Council had been contacted with a request for support.

Cllr P Fuller provided some background details.  He suggested that if the Parish Council were to consider becoming involved then a Woodland Management scheme could be a necessary requirement. The Footprint Trust had expressed a tentative interest in assisting and other organisations, which could be contacted for their advice, were mentioned. It was a concern that the woodland should not be left to become overgrown.

In discussion, it was cautioned that, if the Parish Council were to take on any form of ownership, they would then have a ‘duty of care’ and face possible subsequent health and safety responsibilities over those persons, particularly school children, who wished to enjoy the woodland. 


i. THAT a Wards Copse Working Party be established comprising of Cllrs Paul Fuller (as the lead councillor) and Pat Bentley, co-opting any other suitable persons to assist;

ii. THAT it be agreed for the Working Party’s Terms of Reference be ‘To consider the future potential management of Wards Copse’ and to report back with suggested options.

18/11-12 To consider the report regarding bus shelters


THAT the report be noted.

19/11-12 To note the progress in respect of providing a further seat on the play park

The clerk read from an email she had received advising that the Race Night in memory of Nicki was to go ahead on Friday, 6 May at the IW Community Club.  Tickets were available up to a capacity of 120 persons in number.


THAT this item be placed on the agenda for the June meeting, when more information as to the purchase of the seat might be available.

20/11-12 To consider what response, if any, to make with regard to the following consultations

a. Northwood House Charitable Trust
Cllr P Fuller referred to his attendance at a meeting of the Friends of Northwood House.  He highlighted that in the consultation document it suggested a possible option to raise revenue funding could see the disposal of the toilet block to enable some development of the land and it also raised the possibility of moving the car park to the Ward Avenue area.  The Trustees, in accordance with instruction from the Charity Commission, had a duty to explore all options to maximise revenue.  Cllr P Fuller stressed, therefore, the importance for the Parish Council to respond to the consultation, to express any views or concerns held.


THAT Councillors submit their own individual comments in respect of the Northwood House consultation

b. IW Council’s Core Strategy – Local Development Framework
Reference was made to the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA), which identified several sites in Northwood as being land suitable for residential development between now and 2027.  It was highlighted that the list of sites, although not definitive, formed a rolling programme and had not been actually allocated for development, only that they could be considered suitable for this.  Any proposal would require the submission of a planning application and be subject to normal planning regulations.  However, councillors were very concerned that if the areas identified did eventually obtain planning approval, this could treble the local housing provision in Northwood.   It was suggested that the Parish Council should make strong representations against any future development, particularly on the scale being suggested.  Some residents, living adjacent to the sites identified, had expressed their concern and feared that their land/homes would now be blighted.
Cllr Cramp agreed to prepare a draft response, which would be considered at the next meeting of the Planning Committee.  This to be held immediately following the Annual Meeting of the Parish on 17 May 2011.


THAT in order to gather the views of local residents a consultation on the IW Council’s Core Strategy – Local Development Framework proposals be included on the agenda for the Annual Meeting of the Parish on 17 May 2011.

c. Special Education Needs and Disabilities Consultation


THAT Councillors submit their own individual comments in respect of the Special Education Needs and Disabilities Consultation

21/11-12 To note the letter dated 4 April 2011 regarding Community Payback schemes


 THAT the letter regarding Community Payback Schemes be noted.

22/11-12 To note the Quarterly Progress Report of the Community Support Officers


 THAT the report of the Community Support Officers be noted.

23/11-12 Clerks Report

a. Finance

i. The interim budget statement to the end of April 2011 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 33 were received and noted.

ii. To authorise the Chairman to sign the Statement of Accounts and to approve the Annual Governance Statement for 2010/11 for submission to the Audit Commission


i. THAT the Accounting Statements in the annual audit return for the year ended 31 March 2011, be approved and the Chairman and clerk be authorised to sign that they present fairly the financial position of the Parish Council;

ii. THAT approval be given to the Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31 March 2011 and the Chairman and the clerk be authorised to sign on behalf of the Parish Council.

iii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000199, Post Office, Clerks salary for March
000200, £43.92, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000201, £9.73, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000202, £297.22, IW ALC – Annual Subscription
000203, £7,500.00, Northwood Parish Council, transfer to Scottish Widows Account
000204, £100.00, Northwood Community Partnership, donation towards the Royal Wedding event


THAT the above cheques be approved for payment.

b. Administration

To approve the purchase a new computer


THAT it be agreed for the clerk to purchase a new computer, within the budget set of £600, which best suits her needs and provides best value.

24/11-12 Report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood

The report of Cllr Mazillius was received and noted.

25/11-12 Progress reports from Working Parties

a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party

The clerk read the email received from Cllr Riddet, in his absence, which advised of the meeting of the Cowes, Northwood and Gurnard Community Bus Forum held on 28 April.  The main points that had arisen were that the IW RCC although prepared to manage the volunteer drivers would require £2,750 per scheme based on all eight schemes being involved.  Southern Vectis were due to meet with the RCC and the IW Council on Friday, 13 May and the Community Bus Forum had agreed to await the outcome of this, before going any further.  The idea of employing an independent person or volunteer to run the scheme had been suggested.

b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party

Cllr Pullen advised that the summer plants ordered, costing £147 of the £300 allocated credits, were due to be delivered on 26 May.  The Working Party and any willing volunteers had the task of initially clearing away the winter planting before they could commence re-stocking the planters/tubs.  Mention was also made of the Wight in Bloom 2011 competition.

c. Village Design Statement Working Party

Cllr Bentley spoke of the time-consuming task to keep informed of the many proposed changes in legislation and new policies, which could affect the proposed Village Design Statement for Northwood.

26/11-12 Update on the IW Association of Local Councils 

Cllr Pullen advised of the good response received at the meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee on 21 April 2011, to the request for support to lobby Andrew Turner, MP regarding Cold Calling.  The Executive Committee, of IWALC on 19 May 2011, would consider this matter further.

27/11-12 Correspondence

Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.

28/11-12 Councillors’ reports

No reports were made.

29/11-12 Future agenda items

June Meeting
To consider writing to Andrew Turner MP endorsing the letter by Ms J Pearce – Cllr Cramp

The Football Pitch on the Venner Avenue Play Park – Cllr P Fuller

New Government legislation to change the Allotments Act – Cllr P Fuller

30/12-12 To undertake a brief review of the meeting

A great meeting.




Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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