Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 10 May 2013, 11:27 am


Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Present: Councillors Pat Bentley (Vice Chairman), Judith Ferris, Paul Fuller, Ray Mew and Chris Riddet
In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
Sgt Mike Sizer
Paul Harvey, Police Support Volunteer and Community Speed Watch Coordinator

There were two members of the public present


224/12-13 To receive and approve any apologies for absence.
Apologies had been received from Cllr John Pullen and IW Councillor Roger Mazillius


225/12-13  To receive any declarations of Members’ interests and to approve any written requests for Dispensations on items forming the agenda
No declarations of interest were made at this stage.  There had also been no written requests for Dispensation received


226/12-13 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer
Cllr Fuller entered the meeting room during the following item of business


Sgt Mike Sizer, as the senior officer in charge of the Cowes and East Cowes Local Safer Neighbourhood teams was in attendance to address some of the concerns raised at the previous meeting with regard to the recent changes in personnel.  Sgt Sizer explained that the changes in staffing resulted from an internal re-shuffling, undertaken at his direction and apologised for not attending the March meeting to explain the effect of this.  Sgt Sizer referred to the excellent reduction in crime rate statistics in the Cowes area.  Islandwide the total crime rate had fallen by nearly 11%, although this still awaited ratification.  Following a question, Sgt Sizer advised that no one reason had merited the change, but through partnership working with other agencies, visiting schools, alternative schemes and community working rather than taking the perpetrator to court had all combined to achieve the successful outcome.
It was queried as to whether officers’ local knowledge had been lost due to the changes.  Sgt Sizer reassured that was definitely not the case. In response to a further question, Sgt Sizer confirmed that plans were still in place for the police station to eventually move into the Cowes Enterprise College, although no timescale could be given.


227/12-13 To welcome Mr Paul Harvey, a Police Support Volunteer and a Community Speed Watch Coordinator for the Cowes / East Cowes area (inc Gurnard and Northwood) to advise of what his team are looking to achieve for the community
Mr Harvey, a Police Support Volunteer and a Community Speed Watch Coordinator for the Cowes / East Cowes area provided a brief outline of the new scheme that required volunteers’ island wide to identify vehicles exceeding the speed limit.  After being logged three times within a 12 month period details of the owner would be passed to the Hampshire Constabulary who then might take further action. Three volunteers were required to man each location.  They would each have undergone specialist training and have received high visibility jackets, wet weather equipment and monitoring equipment in order to undertake the task.
The Parish Council could assist by publicising the scheme and the contact details to enable any interested persons to receive further details.


228/12-13 To confirm and authorise the Vice Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 5 March 2013


THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2013 be confirmed and the Vice Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council


229/12-13 Matters arising on the Minutes
a. Minute 208/12-13 Report of the Local Safer Neighbourhood Officer – Cllr Riddet confirmed that the PCSO that covered Gurnard, had always been the same PCSO who covered Northwood.
b. Minute 210/12-13a Twinning Signs – The clerk confirmed that she had written to the two organisations, prior to her holiday, but had so far received no response.  She would chase the matter
c. Minute 214/12-13 WW1 Centenary Project – Gurnard Parish Council were to advertise the project in the Gurnard News, seeking interested parties from the community
d.  Minute 217/12-13 Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party – The driver recruitment day would not now occur on 23 April, as the event planned to take place at Havenstreet Station, on that day, had been cancelled


230/12-13 Town and Country Planning
Cllr Fuller had declared a personal interest in Minute 230/12-13 by reason of beiong a member of the IW Council’s Regulatory Committee.


To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
i. TCP/31399 1 The Dell, Northwood – Alterations and single storey extension to form garden room to the front of the property. Single storey extension to side to form small dressing room to the side elevations

THAT this Parish Council raises no material planning objections in respect of the application TCP/31399 at 1 The Dell, Northwood


ii. TCP/31394 Ferndale, Hillis Gate Road, Northwood – Demolition of single storey flat roof extension. Proposed single storey  extension to form new kitchen and dining room with new porch


THAT the Parish Council raises no material planning objections in respect of application TCP/31394 Ferndale, Hillis Gate Road, Northwood


b. Councillors noted that the IW Council had received amended plans in respect of the application TCP/14203/E Chawton Farm, Chawton Lane, Northwood, which were considered to be a minor revision to the scheme and had therefore been approved under delegated procedures with no further comments required.


231/12-13 To consider the interim results of the Parish Plan Survey – a final report will be circulated at the meeting
Councillors confirmed that they were all in receipt of the final results of the Parish Plan survey, which had been circulated by email on 28 March.
The clerk had forwarded a copy to Mr Peter Griffiths, the IW Council’s Principal Officer – Housing Policy who had shared the results with other colleagues within his team, so to provide assistance with the work of the Medina Valley Area Action Plan being undertaken.


THAT any decision on further work arising from the results of the Parish Plan Survey be deferred for consideration by the incoming Parish Council


232/12-13 To approve the Annual report of the Chairman on activities of the Parish Council


THAT the Annual report of the Chairman for the year 2012/13 on activities of the Parish Council, be approved


233/12-13 To consider writing to the IW Council’s Highways section requesting a pedestrian refuge along Nodes Road, near to the junction with Uplands Road
Cllr Fuller advised that he had been approached by a local resident who had experienced some difficulty in crossing Nodes Road, particularly during periods of a high volume of traffic, to gain access to the bus stop, nearly opposite to the junction with Uplands Road.
The clerk had been aware that this matter had been raised with IW Cllr Mazillius, sometime previously, so had emailed him to ascertain if there was any resolution to the situation.
The matter had been addressed by Kevin Burton, of the IW Council about eight years ago when the traffic island, just before the Four Cross junction, was installed.  At the time there were certain road width and traffic issues, which made a further island untenable.  However, Cllr Mazillius had suggested restrictions might have changed during the intervening period.


THAT the clerk writes to the IW Council/Island Roads to highlight the problems in accessing the bus stop and to clarify if restrictions remain in force to have a traffic island installed along Nodes Road, near to the junction with Uplands Road.


234/12-13 To give further consideration to the matter of Dog Waste along the Medham footpath/cycle track
Councillors were referred to the various email correspondence between a local resident and the IW Council regarding the issue of dog waste being left along the cycle track, in the vicinity of the gate and pathway to Medhams.  Cllr Fuller advised that this matter had been discussed widely at the meeting of the Local Action Group (LAG) held last month.
The costs of providing a new dog bin, its installation and subsequent emptying were noted.  The clerk advised that no provision had been made in the budget to undertake this action, although the cost of signage at approximately £15 per sign depending on the wording would be feasible.
An alternative approach was suggested, which could have a positive effect on people’s attitude. In an attempt to engage and highlight the problem to young people, for a competition to be run,  to design a sign advocating a responsible approach to the disposal of dog waste.  The local schools and other local councils could be approached, with a small prize for the winning entry.


THAT a decision on the matter of Dog Waste along the Medham footpath/cycle track be deferred to the June meeting of the new council


235/12-13 To consider the quotations for watering of tubs and planters during the 18 week summer period
The clerk referred councillors to the report setting out two quotations for the watering of tubs and planters around the village.  A third quotation had not been obtained as the clerk had not been able to discover anyone willing to undertake the task.


i. THAT Mr J Wadsworth be approved to water the tubs and planters twice per week, for an eighteen week period as in previous years;
ii. THAT the Northwood in Bloom Working Party give consideration to the use of water crystals in the tubs and planters and report back to a future meeting with costings, if considered to be desirable.


236/12-13 To consider making a response to the consultation on the Navitus Bay offshore wind farm located off the Dorset & Hampshire coasts
Councillors noted the correspondence received with regard to the Navitus Bay offshore wind farm, which had also been obtained and circulated by Cllr Ferris. Navitus Bay Development Ltd had updated and re-issued a detailed Statement of Community Consultation with regard to the proposed offshore wind farm located off the Dorset & Hampshire coasts.  As the planning application was not scheduled to be submitted before April 2012 it was duly


THAT no comment be made at present in respect of the consultation on the Navitus Bay offshore wind farm located off the Dorset & Hampshire coasts


237/12-13 To note the response of the IW Council to the request for the pinch point at the top of Pallance Road to have the priority direction reversed
Cllr Ferris explained the problem, which arose specifically during periods of heavy traffic.  It was suggested that by reversing the priority direction this would resolve the situation.


THAT the clerk writes to IW Council/Islands Roads to seek their opinion on reversing the priority direction for traffic at the pinch points at the top of Pallance Road.


238/12-13 To note the views of the IW Council on the request for the bus stop in Nodes Road to be moved
Cllr Ferris suggested that the bus stop near to the hairdressers along Nodes Road was perceived to be in a blind spot for both bus drivers and those passengers waiting for the bus to Cowes.  Cllr Bentley advised that he had recently travelled along this route in order to question some of the bus drivers and passengers, but no problem had been reported to him.  The clerk also referred to the results of the Parish survey where this perception had also not been reported by any respondent.
A member of the public, who was present, advised that when waiting inside the bus shelter it was impossible to view along the road to see if a bus was approaching.  This made it rather unpleasant having to constantly stand out to check when the weather was inclement.
The IW Council had informed the locum clerk that due to the close proximity of the tight bend at the Four Cross junction, the bus stop was required to be situated within the lay-by in order to maintain the traffic flow along this busy section of road.


THAT the clerk writes again to the IW Council/ Island Roads seeking their opinion in writing on the perceived problem with the bus stop in Nodes Road, near to the hairdressers at the Four Cross junction


239/12-13 To note that the judging for the Best Kept Village Awards was due to take place in April, May or June and to consider if a Big Tidy Up should be organised


Councillors, although noting the timeframe for judging of the Best Kept Village competition, agreed to defer any decision on undertaking a Big Tidy Up until after the elections in May


240/12-13 To note the letter dated 20 March with regard to Islands Roads, the contractors of the Highways PFI
The letter from Island Roads, which introduced themselves and explained the forthcoming changes to the highway service was noted. The District Steward for the Cowes area was to be Richard Baker


241/12-13 To receive progress reports from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet advised of the outcome of the recent Management Committee meeting when discussion had ensued on the Service 25 bus route.  A solution to the problem of driver shortage had been devised.  A further meeting would take place in a few weeks to check on that all was still working well.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
In the absence of Cllr Pullen, no report had been received.
c. Parish Plan Update Working Party
Cllr Bentley expressed his thanks to the clerk for her work in collating all the forms.  The return rate of over 43% had been excellent, this was due largely to the time undertaken in their collection.  It was suggested that any use of the interesting information should be down to the new council to progress.


242/12-13 To receive the report for information of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Councillors confirmed the receipt of the report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood, which had been circulated by email.  No matters were raised.


243/12-13 IW Association of Local Councils (IWALC) 
Cllr Riddet apologised for not attending the most recent meeting of IWALC held on 21 March and explained the reasons for this.  A copy of the draft minutes of the meeting had already been circulated to councillors by email.


244/12-13 Clerk’s Report
a. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of March 2013 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 55 were received and noted


ii. To authorise payment of cheques


THAT the following cheques be approved for payment:
000307, £49.30, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000308, £10.92, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000309, £3,000.00, IW Community Bus Partnership, Contribution to running costs of IW Community Bus scheme
000310, £306.13, IWALC, Annual subscription
000311, £111.85, R H Blezzard, Locum Clerk
000312, £432.00, Urbaser Ltd, Emptying of Dog Bins
000313, £12.00, CommuniCorp, Annual Subscription for Clerks & Councils Direct


iii. To give consideration for the Parish Council to become a corporate member of Northwood House, at a cost of £30 per annum (Paper I)


THAT it be agreed for Northwood Parish Council to apply for membership of Northwood House Charity Trust Co Ltd at a maximum cost of £30 per annum


245/12-13 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.


246/12-13 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Ferris advised that a meeting of the Waste Management Committee had still not taken place.  She was hopeful that one would be organised during April.


247/12-13 Future agenda items
No additional items were raised.


248/12-13 To undertake a brief review of the meeting
Councillors considered that the meeting had been short, sharp and to the point.




Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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