Posted by Admin on 27 May 2013, 11:15 pm
Northwood Parish Council Members
Meetings of the Parish Council are held on the first Tuesday of the month, commencing at 6.30pm.
The meeting of the Planning Committee, if required, is held on the third Tuesday of the month, commencing at 6.30pm.
unless otherwise stated.
The comments made in the following articles represent the views of the individual contributors, rather than Northwood Parish Council.
At the Annual meeting of Northwood Parish Council, John Pullen was re-elected as Chairman, with Chris Riddet becoming Vice-Chairman.
The Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) officer, PCSO Lisa Paul, explained that she had now taken over responsibility for the Beat Area for Northwood and Gurnard, replacing PCSO Steve Oatley who had been transferred to East Cowes. She considered Northwood to be a lovely place to live, with very little crime taking place. Since the last meeting calls had been taken reporting go-carts being driven in Bookers Car Park, also two incidents of anti-social behaviour. These related to mini motes once again being driven along the Cowes/Newport cycle path and excessive noise caused by a few people walking along Nodes Road. The landowner of the land on the river side of the cycle path did not live in the area, so subsequently was un-perturbed by the disturbance raised by the mini motes. However, real concerns had been reported with regard to the noise and speed of the vehicles, to the safety of any persons walking or cycling along the cycle track.
A member of the public mentioned that a window in the bus shelter outside of Northwood stores had been broken.
Cllr Riddet referred to the traffic gridlock caused by the large crowd that had attended the flypast by the Lancaster bomber, during the afternoon of May 6th. The holdup would have prevented any emergency vehicles from accessing the Esplanade, if it had been necessary, due to the volume of traffic. Cllr Riddet requested for thought to be given for a 1-way system to be put in place during any planned major events, such as Cowes week.
Cllr Smith also reported on the parking on double yellow lines in Oxford Street, particularly at the end of the school day. PCSO Paul advised that this had been investigated on several occasions, but no problem had been evident. It was suggested for Cllr Smith to advise local residents to report any incidents to the IW Council Highways section, as they had the authority to take action, she suggested that the best contact was now Derek Kerley.
In discussion Councillors questioned the validity of undertaking a Housing Needs survey, given the prohibitive costs and return rate experienced by other parish councils.
Cllr Fuller advised that potentially funding streams were available. However, prior to the next meeting contact should be made with Gurnard Parish Council to ascertain their aspirations in undertaking such a survey.
It was decided to get the view of Peter Griffith, Principal Officer, Housing Policy, when he visits the Council next month.
Councillors noted that in the recent IW Council local elections held on May 2nd, Cllr John Nicholson was duly elected the new Ward member for Cowes South and Northwood.
Councillors were united in agreeing to extend good wishes to Roger Mazillius, the previous long-serving member. Over the past 15 years Roger had worked tirelessly and achieved much for the people of Northwood. Roger and Jill, his wife, were wished the best of luck for the future and for a long and happy retirement.
A discussion was held on the reversal of the priority direction for traffic approaching the pinch points situated at the top of Pallance Road.
The IW Council had indicated that they would share the request for the reversal of the priority direction for traffic approaching the pinch points, which were situated at the top of Pallance Road, with Island Roads, for review in their Annual Network Integrity report and Network Safety Improvement report. However, Councillors stressed the importance of ensuring that there were no long term plans for further traffic calming measures along the lower section of Pallance Road, before being content with that line of action.
Parish Council