Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 6 September 2013, 9:46 pm


Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 2 July 2013


Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Chris Riddet (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller, David Jaggar, Ray Mew, John Nicholson, Derek Smith & John Ward
also In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
There were two members of the public present


56/13-14 To receive and approve any apologies for absence.
Apologies had been received from PCSO Lisa Paul


57/13-14 Members’ interests
a. To receive any written declarations of Members’ interests and Requests for Dispensations on items forming the agenda
There had been no written requests for Dispensation received
Cllr Fuller declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute 61/13-14 as a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee
Cllr Nicholson declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute 61/13-14 as a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee
Cllr Fuller declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute No 62/13-14 as a member of the IW Council’s Licensing Panel and as he knew two members of the IW Car Club Ltd
Cllr Fuller declared a potential prejudicial interest in Minute 72/13-14 b. i., if the WI hall was to be chosen as an alternative venue for any meetings held during August, if called


b. To receive the signed Register of Financial Interests from Cllr Ward
Cllr Ward advised that he would deliver his signed register of Financial Interests to the clerk, the following day.  Cllr Ward was reminded that this should have been received within 28 days of appointment as a co-opted councillor


58/13-14 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer
In the absence of PCSO Lisa Paul, the clerk read from her report.  Particular mention was made of the following
• There had been one incident of criminal damage reported, of plant pots being thrown in the road.  The police had attended but found no-one in the vicinity
• One burglary from a garage had occurred.  Investigations were on going
• Two incidents of vehicle related anti-social behaviour both with mini motos, in different areas of Northwood, on different dates.  The police had again attended on both occasions, but the vehicle users had left the area. It was noted that the police had no powers on an area of private land at the bottom of Medham.
• Contact had been made with the parking supervisor, Derek Kerley regarding the problems of parking outside the schools.  It was highlighted that when he had attended Northwood Primary School or the police undertook a patrol the nuisance vehicle users left the place they were parked in and drove away.


59/13-14  To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 4 June 2013


THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 4 June 2013 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council


60/13-14 Matters arising on the Minutes
Minute 383/13-14 b i – Seating on the Playpark – The clerk reported that by the middle of the previous week she had still not received a response from the Chair of the PTA of Northwood Primary school, regarding ownership of the memorial seat on the playpark.  She had therefore sent a reminder letter


61/13-14 Town and Country Planning
To consider the following applications received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
i. TCP/09452/A 46 Pallance Road, Northwood – Demolition of conservatory; Proposed detached dwelling with car parking and associated landscaping


THAT Northwood Parish Council raised no material planning objections in respect of the application TCP/09452/A at 46 Pallance Road, Northwood


ii. TCP/30062/D Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood – Continued siting of double mobile classroom used as playgroup/nursery


THAT although Northwood Parish Council raised no material planning objections in respect of the application TCP/30062/D Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood councillors indicated that they would ideally like to see proposals submitted for a more permanent structure, in the future


62/13-14 To consider the application for a Premises Licence for the County Showground (IW Car Club Event)


THAT Northwood Parish Council raised no objections to the application for a Premises Licence for the County Showground (IW Car Club Event), but noted that the venue was actually within the parish of Newport


63/13-14 To comment on the IW Council’s proposed changes to the local list of information requirements for the submission of applications for planning permission and other planning related consents


THAT no comments be made on the IW Council’s proposed changes to the Local List of information requirements


64/13-14 To receive an update on the proposal for seating along the cycle track
Cllr Fuller reported orally that he had been unsuccessful in sourcing sponsorship to enable the provision of seating along the cycle track. It was suggested that due to the current financial climate this item should now be withdrawn from the agenda.


THAT the proposal for seating along the cycle track be deferred until such time that Cllr Fuller considers the opportunity to obtain grant funding had improved


65/13-14 To note the letter from the IW Council regarding trees at Simmington Copse, Medham Farm, Northwood protected by the Tree Preservation Order 1993


THAT the letter dated 17 June, from the IW Council, providing consent for work to trees at Simmington Copse, to the rear of 13 Green Lane, Medham to be undertaken, be  noted


66/13-14 To receive an update on the WW1 Centenary Project 
Cllr Pullen provided an oral update advising that the group of volunteers had held an initial meeting on 3 June, with the second meeting planned for the following day.  The group had already undertaken a considerable amount of research.  It was their intention to produce a booklet to commemorate the 48 local men who had died during the World War 1 conflict, with any proceeds being donated equally to the British Legion and Help the Heroes.
The group had considered there might be some value if they were to become a Working Party of the Parish Council, so to assist in obtaining grant funding.  Councillors reminded that any Working Party would need to abide by Local Government regulations and this could prove to be very restrictive.


THAT a written report be presented to a future meeting setting out the consensus of opinion of the group undertaking the WW1 Centenary Project on how they view the way forward


67/13-14 To receive an update on the suggestion to move the Twinning signs nearer to the boundary with Cowes
Cllr Pullen reported orally explaining that the proposed meeting between the representative of the Cowes-Deauville Twinning Association and Cllr Riddet and himself had not taken place.   Cllr Pullen admitted that as one of the two organisations concerned had stated they would only consent to the Twinning signs being moved to the junction at Place Road/Three Gates Road, subject to a further similar sign being placed near to the Somerton Roundabout.  The cost to move the signs and provide additional signage would fall to the Parish Council.  Due to the Parish Council’s finances councillors considered that this was not a feasible option.  Councillors therefore


THAT no further action be taken on the suggestion to move the Twinning signs nearer to the boundary with Cowes


68/13-14 To receive progress reports from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet referred to the response that PCSO Lisa Paul had received from Island Roads to the suggestion for alternative traffic priority measures to be considered, so to prevent the traffic gridlock that had occurred when a large crowd had attended the flypast by the Lancaster bomber, in May.  Mention was also made of another event held in Cowes, which Island Roads appeared to have had little knowledge of or understanding of the consequences caused by the large crowd who attended.   As both events fell outside of the parish of Northwood it was suggested that it would be more appropriate for Cllr Fuller to progress these issues.  However, Cllr Riddet agreed to highlight both matters at the next meeting of IWALC on 19 September.
It was mentioned that Island Roads had invited the Chairman and the clerk to visit their offices (at St Christopher House) on Monday, 8th July from 11:15-13:15.  This would provide an opportunity to get a better understanding of how they work, ask questions about their service and meet with the District Steward, Richard Baker.  Cllr Riddet agreed to attend in place of the clerk.
Councillors suggested that an invitation should be extended for island Roads to attend the meeting of the Parish Council on 1 October.


Cllr Riddet reported on his attendance at the recent meeting of the Community Bus Management Committee, when much to everyone’s surprise it became clear that the new bus contract had still to be formalised between the IW Council and Southern Vectis.  A further meeting was scheduled for 18 July, when it had been requested for a copy of the contract to be made available.  Due to the many changes in personnel at the IW Council, there seemed to be limited staff with knowledge of the Community Bus scheme.  Cllr Conrad Gauntlet, the ward member for Havenstreet, Ashey and Haylands and also the Chairman of the Management Committee agreed to make enquiries.


b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr J Pullen advised that all the planters and tubs had been filled.  A small supply of compost was purchased for use where necessary.  The planter at the entrance to Northwood, along the Newport Road, had been moved slightly to a better position.


c. Parish Plan Working Party
i. Update of the meeting of the Working Party held on 28 June
Cllr Fuller reported that a brief meeting of the Working Party had been held on 28 June to discuss if sufficient support could be mustered and the potential funding availability to undertake a Housing Needs Survey (HNS) for Northwood.  As several questions remained unanswered councillors suggested that a meeting should be held with Peter Griffiths, IW Council’s Principal Officer, Housing Policy to discuss the feasibility of producing a HNS in greater detail.  This had been arranged for 16 July, to be followed by an extra ordinary meeting of the Parish Council later that evening.  However, the clerk questioned the timing as a written report would need to be circulated to all councillors so that an informed decision could be taken.
Cllrs Smith and Riddet had met with representatives of Fishbourne Parish Council to discuss the progress/problems of their HNS, which they had produced as Fishbourne’s contribution to the Ryde Area Action Plan. They had been advised that the IW Council had provided Fishbourne Parish Council with financial support and assistance.  Councillors were keen to confirm the level of support provided and if the IW Council had similar financial resources available for Northwood to access.
Cllr Pullen agreed to try and make arrangements for an earlier meeting with Peter Griffiths, so to enable adequate time for a written report to be circulated on the outcome of the meeting to Councillors.
A copy of Fishbourne’s HNS and covering letter were available for councillors information.


THAT the thanks from both Cllrs Smith and Riddet be formally recorded to Fishbourne Parish Council, for their assistance and help, and indeed the hospitality shown to them when meeting to talk about their HNS


ii. The report of the clerk was noted, which set out the response she had received back from the clerk to Fishbourne Parish Council, as requested at the June meeting.


69/13-14 To receive the report for information of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Cllr Nicholson referred to his report expanding on each point in turn.  Particular mention was made of the recent appearance of double yellow lines in Arctic Road, which the Parish Council appeared to be unaware of.  However, the clerk advised that although a notification should have been sent by the IW Council last June, a copy of the anticipated Delegated Decision report had been circulated by email to all councillors on 7 February.  This would not have provided sufficient time for the matter to be considered by the Parish Council.  Nevertheless, there was sufficient time for representations to have been submitted by councillors, as an individual, prior to the due date of 14 February.  A councillor questioned the legality of the Traffic Regulation Order. Another councillor suggested that he would have proposed representations for the on-street parking to be on the Northwood side of the road, citing health and safety concerns, if the matter had been placed before the Parish Council.
Councillors suggested for Mr Marc Griffin, the IW Council’s Highways PFI Contract Manager to also be invited to attend the meeting of the Parish Council in October.


70/13-14 IW Association of Local Councils (IWALC)
a. To receive an update on the meeting of the Annual General Meeting of the Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils on 20 June
Cllr Riddet provided a brief summary of the recent meeting of IWALC, which had been attended by the leader of the IW Council, Cllr Ian Stephens and Cllr Steve Stubbings, the deputy leader.  Councillors suggested for an invitation to be extended to Cllr Stubbings to attend the September meeting of the Parish Council to talk on the Community Asset Transfer scheme.


b. To appoint a representative and their deputy for the ensuing year


THAT  Cllr Riddet be appointed as the Parish Council’s representative on the IW Association of Local Councils with Cllr Ward as his deputy, for the remainder of the ensuing year


71/13-14. To receive a report on the meeting of the Community Waste Advisory Group held on 23 May
Cllr Smith advised that he had received notification of the date of the meeting too late, to enable him to attend.    He is aware of the date of the next meeting and should be available.


72/13-14 Clerks Report
a. Finance

i. The interim budget statement to the end of June 2013 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 59 were received and noted.


ii. To authorise payment of cheques:


THAT the following cheques be approved for payment:
000322, £67.64, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000323, £19.10, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000324, £200.00, Northwood Primary School Gardening Club, contribution towards the cost of the visit to the Royal Parks Education Centre, in London
000325,£63.44, John Pullen, cost of summer planting and bags of compost


b. Administration
Cllr Fuller, having previously declared a prejudicial interest, left the meeting room prior to any discussion or decision on the following item of business


i. Councillors noted that the school would be unavailable during the school holidays and suggested that inquiries for the hire of the WI hall should a meeting be necessary

Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting room


ii. It was agreed that in the event that no meeting is called to approve that the clerk can obtain authorisation for payment of any invoices received prior to the next meeting in September, providing that they fall within a previously approved budget.
iii. The list of training dates organised by IWALC was noted and councillors were requested to advise the clerk of any interest in attending


iv. Councillors’ agreed for photographs to be included on the Parish Council section of the Northwood Village website.  The clerk requested for all councillors to review their details as some of the information was rather dated.


73/13-14 Correspondence.
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.


74/13-14 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Mew referred to the request for a pedestrian refuge along Nodes Road, near to the junction with Uplands Road, which had been raised at a previous meeting.  He was aware of several residents who would welcome such a scheme.  However, the clerk advised that the outcome of this request had been reported back to the May meeting.  The clerk had thought the response was that there were certain road width and traffic issues, which made a further island untenable.


NB. However, subsequent to the meeting the clerk noted that the correct response should have been that the request would form part of the review by Island Roads in their Annual Network Integrity report and Network Safety Improvement report.  A copy of the Minutes of the May meeting has been sent to Cllr Mew.



75/13-14 Future agenda items
September Meeting
Presentation on the Community Asset Transfer scheme and the Community Right to Buy scheme and possible implications for Northwood.   – an invitation to be sent to IW Cllr Steve Stubbings to attend and for him to also advise of his view on the role of parish councils in the eyes of the new Council


76/13-14 To undertake a brief review of the meeting
The meeting was closed prior to the brief review being undertaken.




Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..


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