Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 12 January 2014, 8:12 pm


Minutes of the Extra Ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Monday, 16 December 2013


Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Chris Riddet (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller, David Jaggar, Ray Mew and John Nicholson

also In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
Mr Ollie Boulter, Team Leader, Planning Policy, Conservation and Design


There were no members of the public in attendance


169/13-14 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Cllrs Derek Smith and John Ward


170/13-14 Members’ interests
There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda.
Cllr Jaggar declared a non-prejudicial interest in Minute 171/13-14 as he lived in close proximity to the area covered within the proposed Area Action Plan for the Medina Valley
Cllr Fuller declared a non-prejudicial interest in Minute 171/13-14a as he was a member of Cowes Town Council and Gurnard Parish Council and involved in both the neighbourhood Plans or similar
Cllr Riddet declared a non-prejudicial interest in Minute 172/13-14 as he knew the applicant socially and he had been a signatory on his nomination form

171/13-14 To consider making comments regarding the Medina Valley Area Action Plan (AAP), a requirement of Regulation 18 consultation and part of the SA/SEA Scoping Consultation
The Chairman welcomed Mr Ollie Boulter to the meeting, who provided additional information on the SA/SEA objectives and indicators that had been used in the Core Strategy.
In discussion, concern was expressed regarding the lack of mention for allocated employment sites to demonstrate there would be no adverse impact on air quality. This could detrimentally effect the elderly and those with respiratory problems, particularly given the prevalence of recorded incidents of asthma rising.  Reference was made to the application, earlier in the year, for the proposed asphalt plant at Medina Wharf, when it appeared that only a desk top assessment exercise of air quality had been undertaken.  It had been alleged then that on the Isle of Wight the incidences of asthma in children aged between 5 -15 years of age was 36% more than the normal average. Councillors suggested that environmental considerations required robust, balanced investigation to dispel any pre-conceived views on their importance.
Mr Boulter indicated that two sites had been designated for employment use, these being land at the bottom of Stag Lane and that north of St Mary’s hospital.  Councillors again stressed the need for a rigorous approach to be taken to balance job creation and the affect on the environment.
Focus was then given to the value of tourism in Cowes and the wider area with the suggestion that more emphasis should be made of its importance. As identified by Tourism South East a few years ago, yachting and subsequent organised events generated a substantial financial income to the area and employed many local residents.  Mention was also made of the beneficial effect of the cycle track on both sides of the River Medina, which as part of the national network attracted many walkers and cyclists to the area. Additionally the Medina Valley played host to the annual IW Festival and ensuing benefits the event provided.  Councillors, in the light of the present economic climate, were mindful that sites for employment use with access to the water should be protected and a realistic view was necessary during the life period of the plan to 2027.
During further debate, it was suggested that an approach be made to the Environment Agency to determine any issues they consider should be raised as part of the consultation process with regard to the water quality of the River Medina.
Mr Boulter advised of the Strategic Housing Marketing Assessment (SHMA) used to identify the number of dwellings to be allocated for the Medina Valley area, based on actual need.   Following an assessment, the 1,350 dwellings currently identified in the Core Strategy could be reduced.  However, it was stressed that the total would be determined by objectively assessed need, projected forward for the period of the Plan, until 2027.
A question was raised with respect to centres for recycling and minimisation of waste querying whether there were any implications for the Medina Valley.  Mr Boulter provided an appropriate response referring to matters both at a local level and island wide.  Policies were contained within the Local Strategy that related to sustainable issues.
Once all comments had been received in relation to the Medina Valley AAP, these would be collated and then circulated to the consultees.
The Chairman expressed his grateful thanks, on behalf of councillors, to Mr Boulter in giving up his time to attend the meeting.


THAT the following response be made to the IW Council in respect of the consultation to inform the SA/SEA of the Area Action Plan for the medina Valley
i. THAT the Environmental Health section should undertake a comprehensive investigation/examination of the air quality in the Medina Valley, as recommended by the IW Council’s Regulatory Committee on 25 February when considering the application for an environmental permit for the proposed asphalt plant, at Medina Wharf, off Arctic Road, Cowes;
ii. THAT a rigorous approach should be taken in the balance of job creation/protection and any environmental considerations identified;
iii. THAT more emphasis should be given to the benefits that yachting brings to the Medina Valley both in terms of tourism and as an employer
iv THAT care should be taken to create a balance of the needs of a working river and the value of tourism to the area;
v. THAT Cllr Fuller contact the Environment Agency to inquire of any concerns they might wish to highlight with regard to the water quality of the River Medina, as part of the consultation exercise


172/13-14 Town and Country Planning
To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
TCP/09778/H rear of 34 Wyatts Lane, Northwood – Proposed bungalow with parking and turning areas


THAT the application TCP/09778/H rear of 34 Wyatts Lane, Northwood – Proposed bungalow with parking and turning areas be deferred until the meeting in January




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