Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 12 October 2014, 5:29 pm



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 1 July 2014


Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Chris Riddet (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller, John Nicholson and Malcolm Nicholson
Also in attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
Sgt Gary Knight
PCSO Derek Howard


There was one member of the public in attendance.


50/14-15 To receive and approve any apologies for absence.
Apologies had been received from Cllrs Jaggar and Smith


61/14-15 Members’ interests
There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda. 
Cllr Fuller declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute 65/14-15 a, b and c, as he was the Chairman of the IW Council’s Planning Committee
62/14-15 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer, plus an opportunity to discuss local policing priorities
Sgt Gary Knight was welcomed to the meeting, presenting the report of the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) team on matters arising since the last meeting.  Particular mention was made of the following:
• Crime Update – comparing crime figures for Northwood and Gurnard combined with the same period last year.  Although there had been a 44% increase, in reality this was only 4 crimes and still lower by 24%, on the figure for 2012/13.  All crimes were classed as non-serious, with no theme or connection to each other. 
• Current priority still remained the prevention of cycling along Cowes High Street during times of prohibition.  Four cyclists had been stopped and issued with a verbal warning, as well as an educational letter.  There had been no repeat offenders.
• Beat Surgeries – next surgery to be held on 10 July, between 6 – 8 pm at Cowes police station.  Due to the lack of attendance by the general public the  surgeries would continue for a further six months, then be subject to a review to ascertain if the service was an efficient use of police time 
• A Speedwatch event undertaken on 18 June along Pallance Road, when 110 vehicles passed by with no breaches of the speed limit found
• Update provided on the proposed move of the police station in October

A number of  questions were raised by councillors with regard to Operation Serenity and also to back door break-ins.  Sgt Knight advised that the island was a very safe place to live, when compared to parts of the mainland.  However, residents should be vigilant at all times. Walk-in burglaries were a problem, but were not prevalent and could occur throughout the year, not just in summer time.  Contact names of the LSN team could be found on the website.  Sgt Dave Sanderson of the Roads Police Unit, would be the best contact to discuss any potential use of s106 monies ring-fenced for highway safety schemes in Northwood.


63/14-15 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 3 June 2014


THAT the Minutes of the meetings held on 3 June 2014 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.


64/14-15 To receive any matters arising on the Minutes, not requiring a resolution
a. Minute 35/14-15 Island Roads – Cllr Fuller reported that the meeting scheduled between Island Roads and local IW Councillors had been arranged for 7 July, at 3.00pm  
Cllr Pullen mentioned the disappearance of the “No Cold Calling” signs from Uplands Road.  Mike Pearson, Street Furniture Manager at Island Roads had arranged for them to be replaced.  However, when doing so the positioning of them required some tweaking.  Cllr Pullen would arrange to rectify this.
b. Minute 39/14-15  Football Pitch on Venner Avenue Play Park – The clerk advised that she had met with Nigel Leppard and Gina Troke on site, when it was verbally agreed that the IW Council would undertake the required works.  It was anticipated that the cost would remain the same or incur only a marginal increase, to that as previously reported.    The works should be undertaken in September/ October, during schools term time.
c. Minute 40/14-15 The seat on the play park –  Cllr Pullen advised that he had been unable to ascertain the original treatment used to varnish the seat.  It was suggested that contact be made with the clerk to Cowes Town Council as they had resolved a similar issue.  It was thought best to leave the work until after the summer period.
d. Minute 45/14-15 b iii Grounds Maintenance Contract – The clerk advised that arising from the Devolution Workshop organised by IWALC, she had been informed of details of a planned focus group to look at the Grounds Maintenance contract.  Attendees, in the first instance should be from areas that were mainly covered by elements that were to cease/be devolved as the sessions would concentrate on contract detail. The clerk would await the letter from Lee Matthews, Recreation and Public Spaces Manager setting out the IW Council’s proposals for the play park area before requesting the names of any interested councillor who wished to attend.
e. Minute 48/14-15 Quality Parish Scheme – Cllr Pullen had requested that this matter be a future agenda item.  The clerk advised that the scheme was still under review


65/14-15 Town and Country Planning
a. To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
Cllr Fuller having declared a personal and prejudicial interest left the meeting room prior to any discussion or decision thereon
i. TCP/31897 44 Wyatts Lane, Northwood – Proposed single storey extension on rear elevation to enlarge two bedrooms 


THAT although Northwood Parish Council raised no material planning objections with regard to the application at 44 Wyatts Lane, Northwood, concern was expressed with regard to the close proximity that the proposed works would have to the bungalow in Harry Cheek Gardens


ii. TCP/30062/E Northwood Primary school – Continued siting of double mobile classroom


THAT although Northwood Parish Council raised no material planning objections in respect of the application TCP/30062/E Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, councillors repeated their view that they would ideally like to see proposals submitted for a more permanent structure, in the future


Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting room.


b. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council, were duly noted:
i. TCP/04459/A  9 Coronation Avenue, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the Demolition of garage; replacement garage
ii. TCP/31857 23 Pallance Road, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for new dormer windows and Velux  folding balcony/roof light to existing attic
iii. TCP/21499/D 93 Pallance Road, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the retention of 2 outbuildings (One providing ancillary living accommodation and the other providing a hot-tub room with 2 sheds attached)


c. The decision of the Planning Inspector to refuse the appeal with regard to the application TCP/09778/H land at rear of 34 Wyatts Lane for a bungalow with parking and turning areas, was noted


d. The Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 24 June were received and approved
Councillors expressed their thanks to Cllr Jaggar for the work he had undertaken in this regard.


THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 24 June be approved and, subject to a few very minor typographical errors,  be ratified as the response of the Parish Council to the Island Plan, Medina Valley Area Action Plan Informal Discussion Document


66/14-15 To receive and sign the outstanding Declarations of Interest forms from Cllrs Fuller and Ward


THAT it be confirmed that the Declarations of Interest forms from Cllrs Fuller and Ward had been received.


67/14-15 To consider the application for a Premises Licence at the Conflict History and Remembrance Museum, Newport Road, Northwood full details found on applications


 THAT councillors express their whole hearted support in respect of the application for a Premises Licence at the Conflict History and Remembrance Museum, Newport Road, Northwood.  The site was considered to be a good resource and if the Application helped to sustain its future then that would be welcomed.


68/14-15 To give consideration to updating the “Welcome to Northwood” booklet
Cllr Pullen advised that a copy of the “Welcome to Northwood” booklet was held on CD, by the Community Partnership.  He would obtain the disc to facilitate appropriate amendments to bring the information up to date.  Cllr Riddet had agreed to proof read the existing document, prior to the meeting scheduled for September.  Cllr Riddet’s only concern was the accuracy of the footpaths in the area.  Cllr Pullen agreed to verify these.  It was noted that when the booklet was originally printed, funding was obtained from CEEDA to provide 1200 coloured copies.  The clerk advised that no monies had been set aside in the budget to undertake the project, although funds were contained within balances if councillors agreed to progress the scheme.  An alternative would be to maintain an electronic copy on the Northwood website, which could easily be kept updated and downloaded by interested local residents.


THAT further consideration be given to updating the “Welcome to Northwood” booklet at the meeting in September


69/14-15 To confirm arrangements for the “Big Tidy Up” event to take place on Saturday, 5 July
Cllr Pullen welcomed the information that there was such little litter found in the Medham area, that a large group of volunteers would be unnecessary to clear the area.  Cllr Jaggar and his wife had indicated that they would undertake this task..
Cllr J Nicholson had been unable to make contact with Mr Derek Finch to  ascertain the level of interest of the local scout group in helping with the “Big Tidy Up” and to help in trimming back some of the local footpaths.  It was therefore duly 

THAT the arrangements to hold a “Big Tidy Up” event on Saturday, 5 July be cancelled until such time as Cllr J Nicholson had made contact with the local scout group.  This to be discussed again at the meeting scheduled for September.


70/14-15 To receive progress reports for information from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
.Cllr Riddet reported on highway issues he had encountered last Saturday.  These related to the traffic lights along the Forest Road that had caused a long tailback and delay. In addition the signage in Whitehouse Lane, Thorness had stated that the road was closed to traffic, when in fact the road was passable.  It appeared the problems had been exacerbated due to the volume of traffic attending the County Show, along the Newport Road and motorists attempting to find an alternative route, to avoid the area.
The clerk was requested to raise this matter with Island Roads.  Cllr Fuller also agreed to mention the issue at the meeting planned for 7 July.


b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Pullen advised that all the plants were in, being watered and growing well.  The clerk referred to an email received from Jason Wadsworth, who undertook the watering. He advised that he had made an extra visit every week, for the past four weeks, as there had been little rainfall.  Mr Wadsworth wondered if he should continue doing this during the current prolonged dry spell.  Councillors agreed that the extra watering should continue for the time being.  Hopefully the number of occurrences would balance out, particularly if there was a period of wet weather.
Cllr M Nicholson volunteered to green stain the planters in Nodes Road, providing funding was available to purchase the goods.  It was agreed for Cllr M Nicholson to be recompensed for the materials used.
Cllr J Nicholson advised of the open offer from a local resident of the use of his digger and pick-up to assist in any work identified by the Parish Council.


c. Parish Plan Working Party
Councillors were continuing to deliver and collect the Housing Needs survey forms from within their allocated areas.  The returned forms should all be dropped to the clerk by the end of July.  They would then be delivered to Pete Griffiths, Principal Officer, Housing Policy who would arrange their collation, as promised.  Cllrs Pullen and J Nicholson agreed to split the Newport Road section at the junction by Northwood garage.


d. Emergency Plan Working Party
No report had been submitted.  Cllr Fuller advised that prior to the meeting with Island Roads on 7 July, he and Cllr J Nicholson were to attend a Resilience meeting, with the Emergency Management team.


71/14-15 To receive an update on the Annual General Meeting of the Executive Meeting of IWALC held on 19 June
Councillors were referred to the notes of Cllr Pullen on the Annual General Meeting of IWALC held on 19 June 2014.  The loss of both Newport Parish Council and Totland Parish Council was noted.  An increase in subscriptions would be necessary over the next three or four years as at the present time IWALC was in a negative balance and needing to use reserves to keep subscriptions low.


72/14-15 To receive the report for information of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Councillors were referred to the report of Cllr J Nicholson, which had been circulated prior to the meeting.  This covered his work as the Ward Councillor and his responsibilities at the IW Council.
Particular mention was made of
• Vehicles using the public footpath to access Chawton solar farm to replace the faulty solar panel.  Cllr J Nicholson advised that this would be referred to Planning Enforcement to ensure the correct procedure was followed in future
• The unexpected, but welcome news that the unfinished pathways on the Persimmon Estate had been finished 
• Action to prevent further flooding of the Recreation Ground
• The presentation by Taylor Events regarding their concession on the Parade during Cowes week and how all those concerns previously highlighted had been taken on board


Cllr Riddet left the meeting chamber at 8.00pm


73/14-15 Clerk’s Report
a. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of June 2014 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 71, were received and noted.

ii. To authorise payment of cheques


 THAT the following cheques be approved for payment
000365, £105.28, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks expenses
000366, £19.10, Mr J Pullen, Clear Punched Pockets


b. Administration
To consider terminating the contract with Douglas Tonks Ltd, the current payroll provider
The clerk advised of the problems that had occurred over the past months with regard to late payment of PAYE and contributions to her pension scheme.  Details of two quotations from other payroll providers were noted.  Although it was suggested that contact be made with the SLCC for their recommendations, the clerk indicated that it might be more favourable to appoint a local payroll provider.


THAT the clerk be authorised to investigate an alternative payroll provider and if necessary, to seek approval of cheques for any salary payments due prior to the next meeting


74/14-15 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.


75/14-15 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Pullen advised of the brilliant Armed Forces Day event that he had attended on 21 June, on behalf of the Parish Council.
Cllr Pullen also reported on the recent information session provided by Vintage Vacations on their expected planning application for six holiday units at Hillis Gate
Cllr Fuller mentioned that the Place Road planning application was due for consideration by the IW Council Planning Committee on 22 July.


76/14-15 Future Agenda Items
September meeting
To debate the continuing membership of IWALC – Cllr Pullen
To consider the necessary action to restore the two large flower beds at the top of Uplands Road and the white Northwood sign, by Cranleigh Gardens, to good order
To consider the purchase of picnic benches for the play park – Cllr Fuller
Quality Status accreditation – Cllr Pullen


77/14-15    To undertake a brief review of the meeting
No comment was made




Signed …………………………………………….  Dated …………………………….. 



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