Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 17 July 2015, 11:23 am


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Present: Councillors Chris Riddet (Chairman), David Jaggar (Vice Chairman), John Nicholson, Malcolm Nicholson, John Pullen, Derek Smith and John Ward
Also in attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)


There were no members of the public or press in attendance.


52/15-16 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Cllr Paul Fuller and Ms Sarah Hussey, Head Teacher of Northwood Primary school.


53/15-16 Members’ interests
There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda. No Declarations of Interests were made at this stage.


54/15-16 To welcome and receive a presentation from Sarah Hussey, the Head Teacher of Northwood Primary school
Cllr J Nicholson advised that due to unforeseen circumstances Ms Hussey was unable to be present.  It was hoped that she would be able to attend the September meeting.
Cllr J Nicholson gave a brief outline on Chimp Management, or Mind Management, which had been developed by Dr Steve Peters, when a psychiatrist at Belmarsh. The initiative was then put into practice in the sporting world, allegedly resulting in some amazing Olympic sporting successes. A performance programme had been designed for use in schools and the Head Teacher of Northwood Primary school was leading the way on the Island using the development to enable a better learning capacity for the children and teachers alike.  A model had also been produced for use within the public health sector and talks were due to take place with the Director of Public Health and the IW Council to determine how best to promote the use of the programme.


55/15-16 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 2 June 2015


THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2015 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.


56/15-16 To receive any matters arising on the Minutes, not requiring a resolution
There were no matters arising reported.


57/15-16 Town and Country Planning
a. The Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 16 June were approved.


b. Councillors noted the decision taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council with regard to TCP/32262 125 Pallance Road, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for a single storey rear extension to enlarge living accommodation.


c. Consideration was given to the report of Cllr Pullen on the meeting organised by IWALC, on 19 June, to discuss how proposed changes to the IWC Planning Services could impact on Town and Parish Councils.  Details of possible barriers to working electronically and suggested solutions to these had been drawn up by Ruth Jones, Organisational Change and Property Rationalisation.  There were some areas not scheduled for change.   However, of biggest concern was that the distribution of paper copies of the planning applications, via the Royal Mail, was due to cease, with effect from 31 August.  At the meeting those clerks and councillors present had quite forcibly stressed that not all councils had the resources or time availability to print off anything larger than A4 copy of the relevant plans.  Councillors considered the advice provided by the IW Council to be very condescending.  The speed of change was quite outrageous and very high-handed.  The quality of downloadable applications would not provide the degree of detail required to make effective and constructive comments. It was noted that the current service would continue for any major planning developments and a definition of a major development, provided in the Town and Country Planning (General Development) Order, was read out.  Some councils, particularly the smaller authorities were restricted in the venues available to them, did not have the appropriate hardware or were constrained by the clerk’s hours to easily undertake the provision of legible plans.  For the IW Council to facilitate a cost saving, it was suggested that the paper plans should be given to each individual ward member who could then deliver them personally to the relevant parish or town clerk


THAT a letter of strong objection to the proposals be sent to Ruth Jones, Organisational Change & Property Rationalisation indicating that Northwood Parish Council request for the current system, whereby paper copies of all planning applications are provided to town and parish councils, continues.


58/15-16 To confirm that the Register of Interests form of Cllr Fuller is in order and correct
In the absence of Cllr Fuller it was suggested that this matter be an agenda item for the next meeting of the Parish Council.


59/15-16 To consider any action required following the annual inspection of the Parish Council’s assets
Cllr Ward advised that during the inspection of the Parish Council’s assets he noted the potentially dangerous condition of some of the benches around the village, which belonged to the Community Partnership.  The Notice Board at the junction of Newport Road and Nodes Road was also in need of renovation.  Councillors felt it would be a dereliction of their duty, if these matters were not highlighted to the Community Partnership.


THAT a letter be sent to the Community Partnership outlining the concerns raised by the Parish Council with regard to the condition of some of their benches and the Notice Board, suggesting that they should undertake an inspection of their assets as a matter of urgency.


60/15-16 To consider the list of suggested areas of special responsibility for councillors
Councillors were referred to the report suggesting potential changes to the list of areas of special responsibilities for councillors. Questions were raised as to the exact range of each duty so that they could be undertaken appropriately.


THAT apart from the special responsibility for Health and Safety should focus more on the condition of the Parish Council’s assets rather than the highway works carried out by Island Roads or the performance of contractors on behalf of the Parish Council, the areas of special responsibilities remain unchanged.


61/15-16 To consider the provision of picnic tables on the play park area
The clerk advised that at the previous meeting authorisation had been approved for £1,000 to enable the purchase and installation of a picnic bench.  However, the official IW contractor had quoted £300 for the laying of the concrete base.  In addition, as the cost of an extra-large picnic table from HMP Isle of Wight remained at £720 plus £12.50 delivery charges, the total exceeded the agreed budget.  Two further quotations from Island companies had been obtained but it was considered that these benches would not be sufficiently durable for the purpose required.  Storeroom2010 had been in contact advising that their students were more than capable of making picnic benches.  No details of sizing or materials used were available.  However this would be at cost price and could result in a considerable saving.


THAT Cllrs John Nicholson and Malcolm Nicholson be instructed to compare the picnic tables made by HMP Isle of Wight and Storeroom2010, so that a judgement could then be made on quality and best value.


62/15-16 To consider applying for funding under the Small Authorities Transparency Fund
The clerk reminded that the Parish Council had a duty to comply with the Transparency Code for Smaller Councils which came into effect in April 2015.  She had attended a training session where it was stressed that this Code was mandatory for councils with an annual turnover of less than £25K.  To enable compliance funding was being made available by the Department for Communities and the Local Government (DCLG).  Grant application forms should be made available on 17 July and the clerk had already expressed an interest in receiving the relevant forms.  The funding could assist in the setting up of a parish council website and the purchase of
new hardware, such as a printer, photocopier and scanner.


THAT the clerk and Cllr Ward liaise to determine the best way forward to ensure the Parish Council fulfils its obligations under the Transparency Code for Smaller Councils.


63/15-16 To consider participating in the Big Pathwatch, an initiative aimed at motivating communities to survey the rights of way network
Councillors were referred to the report advising of the project to be launched by the Ramblers on 13 July.  Cllr Pullen advised that he had already registered an interest on behalf of the Parish Council and would be pleased to take the lead on the project.  He considered that some footpaths and bridleways in Northwood had disappeared over time and would consult with Cllr Fuller, Rights of Way and the Ramblers to establish if his thoughts were correct.


THAT Cllr Pullen be appointed as the lead councillor of the Big Pathwatch initiative.


64/15-16 To receive an oral progress report on the revision of the “Welcome to Northwood” booklet
Cllr Riddet advised that the revision of the booklet was very nearly complete.  Subject to confirmation of the footpaths in Northwood, the booklet should be finalised in time for the September meeting.


65/15-16 To receive a report for information on Community Wellbeing
Councillors noted the update report provided by Cllr J Nicholson on Wellbeing Developments, namely the MLAFL initiative, ABCD scheme and the new development, the Chimp Mind Management programme involving Northwood Primary School.


66/15-16 To receive progress reports for information from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet advised that with effect from early September, the IW Council would not be involved in the running of the Community Buses, as the subsidy was to be withdrawn.  Some services would be cut.  However two, including the Route 32, were to remain unchanged.  Some problems, mainly caused by the Southern Vectis drivers, had affected the Monday service.  One driver had refused to take any donations and a driver refused to stop anywhere other than at a bus stop.  This had affected some residents of Briary Court, for example.  Discussion had taken place with the Chairman of the Management Committee with a view to switching the provision of the service from a Monday to a Saturday from September.   Assurances had been given as to the sufficient availability of volunteer drivers on a Saturday.  The final operating costs were still awaited before a decision could be taken as to the viability in doing so.  This was particularly important as Southern Vectis had earlier advised that to provide a bus alone on a Saturday would cost £100 per day. It might, however, be possible to bring the Monday service back into operation, but that was dependant on drivers becoming available when other routes ended    Mention was also made of a possible source of funding that could provide financial assistance towards the Community Bus.  Exact details of the scheme were unclear at the present time, but would be reported on further at the next meeting.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
A grant of £200 had once again been received from Wight in Bloom, covering all the costs of the summer planting and leaving a small surplus towards the plants required in the Autumn..
c.  Parish Plan Working Party
A meeting of the Working Party had taken place.  A large subsidy had been obtained to publish the original Parish Plan in 2007.  The Working Party considered that the best option now would be for a review of the original document to be undertaken and to then to upload the relevant sections onto the proposed new website.  This would enable easy revisions and additions to take place in the future, so to keep the Parish Plan the needs of the community
d. Emergency Plan Working Party
Cllr Smith advised that he had made good progress.  A small amount of further input was required to bring the Plan to fruition.


67/15-16 To receive the report for information of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Cllr J Nicholson referred to his report attached to the agenda.  This covered his work as the Ward Councillor and his responsibilities at the IW Council over the past month.  Particular mention was made of the following:
• Continuing problems with BT, this time with their phone cable in Pallance Road
• The use by Island Roads of drain suckers to clear inspection chambers after completion of their work
• Travellers Joy was about to commission its new kitchen and could possibly look to expand its culinary business
• Lanesend Primary School to aspire to using the Chimp Management programme.  They were also seeking adults to act as mentors to some of their students


68/15-16 Clerk’s Report
a. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of June 2015 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 83 were received and duly noted.


ii. Payment of cheque No 000413


THAT approval be granted retrospectively for the payment made on 9 June with regard to cheque No 000413, Community Action IW, £767.48, for the clerk’s salary.


iii. To authorise payment of cheques:


THAT the following cheques be approved for payment:
000414, £99.62, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000415, £287.20, Go South Coast Ltd, Supply of a driver for Route 32 for Mondays during the month of June
000416, £10.00, SLCC, Clerks attendance at training session on the new Audit Regulations
000417, £172.32, Go South Coast Ltd, Supply of a driver for Route 32 for Mondays during the month of April as a replacement for cheque No 000409, which appeared to have been lost in the post
000418, £275.71, Go South Coast Ltd, Supply of a driver for Route 32 for Mondays for the month of July as payment was required prior to the next meeting in September


69/15-16 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.
Particular mention was made of the following:
tt. Report from Cowes Neighbourhood Policing team – Cllr Pullen mentioned that Sgt Lyth was reluctant to issue crime statistics so as not to increase the fear held by some members of the public of a potential crime taking place
rr. Cllr Riddet wished to attend the Transport meeting on 5 August
vv.  Planning Application TCP/21526/C 88 Pallance Road, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for Demolition of conservatories: single storey rear extension to form pool house
Councillors noted that details of a planning application P/00548/15 on land between 28 and 30 Oxford Street for a proposed detached double garage required comments by 31 July.  The plans would not be available until Friday. Subject to all councillors being content with the proposal no meeting of the Planning Committee would be called.


70/15-16 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Pullen advised that a letter should be received shortly by the Parish Council from the Trustees of Northwood Cemetery thanking them for their support in the successful application to the Heritage Lottery Fund
Cllr John Nicholson advised of a complaint he had received from a local resident regarding the overgrown vegetation along the Cut, between Venner Avenue and Nodes Road.  He had spoken to the Island Roads District Steward who would look into the matter.  Anyone could, on an unofficial basis, cut back the growth.
Cllr Ward wished for the Parish Council to write congratulating the IW NHS on winning a national award for recycling
Cllr Riddet wished for the Parish Council to write congratulating Cllr Harrison, the Chairman of Gurnard Parish Council on receiving an MBE in the Queen’s birthday honours list for his work on behalf of the Fire Brigade Charity


71/15-16 Future Agenda Items
No further additional items were requested.



Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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