Posted by Admin on 23 October 2008, 12:00 am
Chairman: Cllr John Pullen, 86 Wyatts Lane, Northwood. Tel: 01983 281250
Vice-Chairman: Cllr Paul Fuller, 74 Wyatts Lane, Northwood. Tel: 01983 289595
Chairman (Planning): Cllr Peter Brooker, 28 Uplands Road, Northwood. Tel: 01983 296958
Cllr Colin Cramp, 37 Greenways, Northwood. Tel: 01983 289996
Cllr Marie Ely, 14 Wyatts Lane, Northwood. Tel: 01983 299673
Cllr Roger Mazillius CC, 21 Oxford Street, Northwood. Tel: 01983 295556
Cllr Colin Palmerton, 40 Greenways, Northwood. Tel: 01983 282242
Cllr Eileen Turner-Palmerton, 40 Greenways, Northwood. Tel: 01983 282242
Parish Clerk & RFO: Barbara Herbert, 11 Wyatts Lane, Northwood. Tel: 01983 290086
Treasurer & Acting Secretary: Eileen Turner-Palmerton, 40 Greenways, Northwood.
Tel: 01983 282242; Email:
The views expressed are those of the contributors, and are not necessarily those of Northwood Parish Council or Northwood Community Partnership.
(Roger Mazillius CC, Tel: 01983 295556; Email:
1. Although Northwood is a declared No Cold Calling Zone, a recent incident in Wyatts Lane shows that some traders are ignoring this and calling on local residents. Thanks to the support of a resident who reported some tree services workers calling on an elderly neighbour, I reported this to Trading Standards, who in turn visited the resident concerned and offered support and to confirm details which showed that an offence had been committed through the eliciting of money from this resident. The police working with our Trading Standards will ensure the appropriate prosecution of those concerned. Northwood will not be a soft touch for unscrupulous traders.
Please remember your right not to entertain any tradespersons calling for work, services or selling goods at the door. Ring me or Isle of Wight Council Trading Standards on 01983 823396.
2. Notices advertising a 20mph speed limit around Northwood Primary School are now in place. Comments to me or the Council as soon as possible please. The roads affected are Wyatts Lane up to Pallance Lane and Uplands Road, and the lower ends of Oxford Street and Venner Avenue. This is part of the Council's “One Island” project designed to make the roads surrounding Island Schools safer for pupils, parents and other road or pavement users. The scheme obviously has my support.
3. I have identified that Northwood can apply under the Community Aggregate Fund for a grant to improve community facilities. This is being dealt with under the umbrella of Northwood Community Partnership who will be reporting further in due course.
(Colin Palmerton, Tel: 01983 282242; Email:
The partnership had vacancies for Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary.
New post holders are anticipated to be elected during October but, in the interim period, it was unanimously agreed that the Partnership will continue on the basis of ‘business as usual’.
Evidence of this can be seen by the recent clearing of planters throughout the village and the first stage of tidying the ‘Million Blooms’ gardens. There are also Grant Bids being submitted for projects to further enhance the village amenities.
After very many years of active involvement in and for the community, including, but not exclusively, the Residents’ Association, Community Forum, and the Partnership, GEORGE PIMM has decided to retire from his activities. His input has been greatly valued and his wealth of knowledge has been very much appreciated by all those associated with him. Enjoy the retirement George!
It is hoped there are residents who have appreciated the efforts of Partnership volunteers and who would be prepared to give a very small amount of their spare time, during the year, to maintain Northwood as a village proud of its individuality and its continuing success as somewhere that cares for all residents and their environment. If you believe you are such an interested resident, please come along to the next meeting on Tuesday 18th November 2008 in the main Hall at Northwood Primary School from 6pm. You will be made very welcome.
(John Pullen, Tel: 01983 281250; Email:
Very pleased to report, another quiet period over the last month, with no burglaries or serious crime in the Village. PC Mark Thomas reported that the vagrants living near Medham have been moved on, indeed one as far as New Zealand.
There has been vandalism and thefts from vehicles in the Park and Ride car park at Somerton. There have been incidents of stones being used to smash a window to gain access. On a recent visit to the car park, the Cowes police were amazed to see valuable personal belongings left on back seats in cars in plain view and SatNav systems left on the dashboard. Signs will be put up warning people to leave valuable items out of sight from thieves. The police have also advised me of extra patrols and the use of the mobile CCTV unit, whilst I understand that the hedge is due to be trimmed to aid visibility.
There are the mindless few who insist on speeding around the narrow and busy streets in the Village. This involves not only cars, but motor cycles and delivery vans. If you see a vehicle travelling at speed you feel is excessive, take details and ring the Police on 101. There is, as you may have noticed, a speed indicator in Venner Avenue near the play area. This will monitor traffic speed over the next few weeks and indicate if there is a problem with speeding at that location.
A garden wall was partially demolished in Pallance Road by a light blue car, driven by a young female, which came from the direction of Wyatts Lane. This happened on Saturday, the 4th of October at about 11.30am. The car drove away towards the Post Office. Again if you have any information, contact the police.
A gentleman has complained to the police that he was assaulted by a female outside the Primary School at 8.50am on the 2nd October. He alleges he was flagged down and then subjected to verbal abuse and slapped across the face. Anyone with any information should contact the police.
In the Cowes area there are reports of people being approached to buy gold items. Apparently the items are made from real gold, but being sold at very high prices.
Some of Northwood’s coordinators have now had their property marked with Smart Water. It is an excellent crime prevention initiative. We have been in contact with an insurance company to see what support they would be prepared to offer.
Several villagers have received the Electronic Timers and low energy light bulbs and we still have a stock waiting for anyone who needs them. I will deliver them and if needed, explain how they work. The nights are getting longer and it is very useful to have a device that switches on lights automatically. This especially if you are going away and your home is unoccupied.
These are provided free of charge by the Safer Neighbourhoods Police team as an Anti-Burglar Initiative, to elderly or vulnerable people.
If you need a black plastic bin for recycling paper and glass or a green organic bin for waste foodstuffs, please contact me if you are interested. I will deliver to your house.
The numbers to ring for the police are:
08450454545: to speak to a police Officer or Staff member or report a crime
999: for emergencies
101: to report vandalism & graffiti, noise nuisance, threatening & abusive behaviour, abandoned vehicles, dumping & fly-tipping, broken street lighting and drug-related anti-social behaviour.
Do not forget you can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
(Paul Fuller, Tel: 01983 289595; Email:
At the October meeting, Keith Simmonds gave a presentation to Councillors and members of the public regarding the pending school reorganisation and the impact this will have in reverting to a two tier system, scheduled for September 2010.
Mariah Greenham from Somerton Middle School won the Design the Logo competition for the Parish Council. Congratulations and many thanks to Somerton and to all those who contributed!
On behalf of Northwood Parish Council, Councillor Roger Mazillius is applying for funds from One Million Blooms to brighten up the top of Coronation Avenue.
Northwood Parish Council has agreed to help fund the emptying of dog bins for the coming year.
At November’s meeting, Councillor David Pugh will be our Guest Speaker, and will be invited to answer questions from members of the public. Residents as always are welcome to attend!
All meetings are held in Northwood School Hall, where the public and press are welcome to attend. Please enter Northwood School via the playground to the south, where parking is available. Prior to each meeting there is an opportunity for attendees to ask questions.
Northwood Parish Council, 7.00pm Tuesday 4th November (Agenda to include Guest Speaker, Cllr David Pugh CC, Leader of the Isle of Wight Council and to agree Parish Precept First Draft for public Consultation).
Northwood Parish Council, Planning Committee, 8.00pm Tuesday 18th November (To be confirmed – contact Barbara Herbert on 01983 290086 for details).
The Sustainable Communities Act has received cross-party political support, and was promoted by Local Works an umbrella organisation representing 85 national groups, such as the Women’s Institute, the Countryside Alliance, Help the Aged, the Campaign For Real Ale, the National Association of Local Councils, the Co-op and Shelter.
The aims of this new law is to make local councils take action to prevent local communities declining. This includes saving post offices, pubs and shops, promoting energy efficiency, promoting local food and giving communities greater participation in decision-making.
If you want to know how, see the websites: and ,
call 020 7278 4443, or email:
With winter fast approaching, and energy costs seemingly skyrocketing there are a number of initiatives available to enable energy consumers to be more fuel-efficient.
The most accessible of the initiatives is the Warm Front Grant, which provides a package of insulation and heating improvements up to the value of £2700 (or £4000 if oil central heating is recommended). It is a Government-funded initiative managed by the EAGA.
If you own your own home, or rent from a private landlord you may be eligible for a grant.
Step 1: Qualification. If you are over 70 or receive certain benefits you may be eligible for a Warm Front Grant.
Step 2: Assessment. One of the Warm Front Assessors will visit your home and will suggest improvements which should be made under the scheme.
Step 3: Installation. An approved installer will make the required improvements to your home.
Step 4: Quality Check. Warm Front regularly check their installers’ work, so you can have confidence in the quality of the service provided.
For further information Freephone 0800 316 2805, or contact
If you are not entitled to a grant through Warm Front, the government has allocated funding to energy providers who are providing a multitude of grants to encourage energy conservation. Most energy suppliers are currently offering grants or savings on Cavity Wall and Loft Insulation.
It is simple to switch Energy Suppliers, in order to save you money. Although some energy suppliers do canvass you (or harass you – depending on your frame of mind at the time of being asked!) when they have special offers, the best way to switch often proves to be through a price comparison site. remains the best known site, can also compare insurance and other quotations and has a Freephone number, for those not connected to the internet (contact: 0800 404 7908). Alternatively, contact on 0845 009 1780. Both sites are approved by Energywatch, the suppliers’ watchdog.
Suggestions from the Energy Saving Trust include: switch to Direct Debits and paperless billing, take regular meter readings, compare suppliers, make some home improvements and save energy.
According to the Trust, switching off appliances can save up to £37 per year, turning thermostats down by 1°C can save up to £65, converting to energy-saving light bulbs can save £45 and closing curtains at dusk, fixing taps and taking showers (or sharing baths!) can all help reduce energy costs.
For further information contact the Energy Saving Trust on 0800 512 012.
Parish Council