Northwood Parish Council

Posted by Admin on 19 June 2010, 12:00 am


86 Wyatts Lane, Northwood PO31 8PY
Tel: 01983 281250 ~ Email:

Vice Chairman:
74 Wyatts Lane, Northwood PO31 8QA
Tel: 01983 289595 ~ Email:

Chair of Planning Committee:
37 Greenways, Northwood PO31 8AN
Tel: 01983 289996 ~ Email:

95 Noke Common, Newport PO30 5TY
Tel: 01983 248287 ~ Email:

37 Pallance Road, Northwood PO31 8LW
Tel: 01983 296635 ~ Email:

8 Venner Avenue, Northwood PO31 8AF
Tel: 01983 299008 ~ Email:

Parish Clerk & RFO:
11 Wyatts Lane, Northwood PO31 8QB
Tel: 01983 290086 ~ Email:



The comments made in the following reports depict the views of the individual contributors, rather than the views of Northwood Parish Council.



The Parish Council welcomed the addition of Cllrs Bentley and Cotterill who were co-opted at the June meeting. As there still remains two further vacancies, any persons wishing to come forward and be considered and who are eligible * to serve as a Parish Councillor should submit their application to the Clerk in writing, under their own signature by 30 JUNE 2010.

Prospective candidates may be asked to make a short presentation prior to the meeting on how they can contribute to the Parish Council and the community of Northwood.

*  A local councillor must be 21 years of age or over and a British subject or citizen of the Irish republic. He/she must also be a local government elector of the Parish or a person who has:

 During the 12 months before nomination have occupied land or premises as owner or tenant in the parish or,

 During the same period resided in the Parish, or within 3 miles thereof or,

 During the same period had his/her principal or only place of work in that area.


The Parish Council, in partnership with the IW Council, have been informed of the success of the application for £50K Play Builder funding, which is available for play areas that cater for the 8 – 13 years age range. The grant will enable the refurbishment of the play equipment on the Venner Avenue Play Park. One criterion of the scheme is that the youth in the area must be consulted on the type of equipment they would like to see in place or retained and just as importantly, what they do not want there.

The Parish Council therefore kindly invite comments and suggestions from any user of the play park, parent or nearby resident to be sent to the Parish Clerk, Mrs Barbara Herbert, whose contact details are listed above, stating in what capacity they write.

NORTHWOOD HOUSE (Paul Fuller Tel: 01983 289595)

On the Village Forum there has been much comment made on the Future of Northwood House and Park.
In April the Friends of Northwood House resurrected itself to safeguard the grounds and house for the local community. If you wish to become involved, or just require more information please contact Paul Taylor on 01983 295222.

FINANCIAL TIP OF THE MONTH (Colin Cramp Tel: 01983 289996)

Summer is here and tens of thousands of visitors come to the Isle of Wight. But among them are pickpockets. PROFESSIONAL PICKPOCKETS. So this time of year you need to be particularly careful. Be suspicious of any strangers coming too close to you, or even bumping into you. At all times keep your mind, and your eye if appropriate, on your small bags, purses, wallets, mobile phones, and any other valuables on your person. And keep them out of sight if you can. Finally, if you know you have been pick-pocketed, report it to the police as soon as possible, and check if there is any CCTV / security camera footage.

CANINE EXCRETION (Colin Cramp Tel: 01983 289996)

Following complaints from Medham residents, Northwood Parish Council, at the meeting on June 1st, agreed to write to the Isle of Wight Council requesting them to erect, at the junction with the cycleway, a sign warning dog walkers to pick up the poo or they could face a fine.

Dog poo is a nuisance and it is associated with various diseases including 'toxocara canis'. Toxocara canis is a roundworm found in dogs. Roundworm eggs are found in dog poo, which can easily be picked up by young children. This causes stomach upsets, sore throats, asthma and in rare cases blindness. The eggs can remain active in the soil for many years, long after the dog poo has weathered away.

(Graham Cotterill Tel: 01983 299008)

As a recent member of the Parish Council I am still in the process of learning all the little nuances that make up a Parish Council. What strikes me is the gap between those who have put themselves forward to represent the community they live in, and the remainder of residents who in the main are reserved, no apathetic, at any attempt to improve or change areas of their lives for the better.

The voices that are heard are usually of the ‘if it’s not broken don't fix it’ brigade, then there are those who oppose any decision whether good or not so good for the sole reason that they are against ‘local busy bodies’ interfering in their lives.

In any community there are the young … ranging from the early teenagers bent on expressing themselves in whatever manner they see fit. Then there are the majority of youngsters who are at a loss how to occupy their minds during their spare time. What parent has not heard the plaintive cry, ‘I don't know what to do tonight’.

Where am I going with this? Well what I would like to achieve is feedback from as many residents as possible who feel that they can contribute in a meaningful way; as an organisation that is empowered to represent all of the community it would be a great assistance if we (the Parish Council) were provided with some advice and help in what the community wants as amenities, providing of course they are within our remit. Reminding you of course all amenities come at a price.

Within this article I am not going to list any of the schemes that I'm sure will come up in the feedback. Why? It will be seen as leading the community by some, and meaningful ideas will not rise to the surface. I know many of you will have read something very similar to this before, but as a Parish Council I feel we have to keep trying to gel the residents together to form a cohesive community who feel that they belong.

Thanks for taking the time to read this article. If you feel you have any ideas or wish certain types of facilities were available in the village for either young or more experienced residents, please let me know. I cannot promise that what you aspire to will come to fruition, but we must try for the sake of our community and our children.

(Keith Clatworthy Tel: 01983 296635)

In my capacity as a Northwood Parish Councillor I have been approached by a number of parishioners regarding the placement and suitability of the Traffic Management measures currently in place at the top end of Pallance Road.

The main area of concern was regarding the pinch point. It has been questioned if the pinch point was required and doubts have been cast as to its effectiveness in achieving the purpose for which it was initially installed.

Additionally, comments have been made about the double yellow lines and whether or not they are too restrictive.

In order to judge how widely these feelings are held and to enable the Parish Council to gain a more comprehensive view of what local residents think about this subject, I would like to invite you to contact me before the end of July to express your views on this matter. It would also be helpful if you could indicate where you live and how frequently you use Pallance Road. Thank you.


The next meetings are currently scheduled for:

Tuesday    6th July 2010 – Full Council
Tuesday  20th July 2010 – Planning Committee

There is no Full Council meeting planned for August, and the Planning Committee will only be called if applications are submitted.

Meetings are held in Northwood Primary School Hall and start at 6.30pm.

Confirmation that any meeting is proceeding as scheduled may be obtained from the Clerk – contact details above.

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