Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 23 January 2010, 12:00 am


Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in the Women’s Institute Hall, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 1 December 2009.

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Paul Fuller (Vice Chairman), Peter Brooker, Colin Cramp, Marie Ely, Roger Mazillius
In attendance: 
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
PC Mark Thomas

There were no members of the public present.

130. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Cllrs Colin Palmerton and Mrs Eileen Turner-Palmerton and from Jacqui Darby, the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer for Northwood.
131. Declarations of Interest
Cllr P Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 136, as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee, a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute 140 as he was a member of the Northwood Community Partnership and a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute 143 as he was a member of the Governing body of Northwood Primary School and as his wife worked for the Woman’s Institute.
Cllr R Mazillius declared just a personal interest in Minute143 as, although he was a member of the Governing body of Northwood Primary School, the IW Council’s monitoring officer had confirmed that due to the nature of the business to be considered it was in order for him to take part and vote on this item.
Cllr R Mazillius also advised that he had now resigned from the Northwood Community Partnership.

132. Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 November 2009


THAT the Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 November 2009 be confirmed as a true record and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Minutes on behalf of the Parish Council.

133. Matters Arising on the Minutes
Minute 94 Island Insulation Scheme – The IW Council’s Fair Trading Officer had confirmed that the company concerned had now been audited and the follow up investigations were being undertaken.  It was not anticipated that there would be any problems with them joining the Buy with Confidence scheme, but it would be confirmed to the Parish Council when all the necessary checks had been completed.  Mr Jim Fawcett, the IW Council’s Principal Officer (Environment) had obtained a copy of the letter planned to be delivered to all households and a couple of sample articles, which when it had been confirmed of the company’s registration would be sent to the clerk to enable the council to sign off their agreement of the scheme.
Minute 124g Northwood in Bloom Working Party – The Chairman expressed his thanks to Cllr R Mazillius for all his hard work and contribution to the maintenance of the plant troughs and gardens in the village.
134. Report of the Local Safer Neighbourhood Officer
PC Mark Thomas presented the report of the Safer Neighbourhood Officer on events that had taken place since the last meeting.  November had again been a very quiet month, with virtually no crime of any note within Northwood.  Particular mention however, was made of the following:
The street mapping for all of Gurnard had nearly been completed.  It was planned to continue this exercise throughout Northwood, starting in the New Year and would take approximately four to six months to complete.  The exercise involved individual streets being targeted in turn with a questionnaire drop. This would be collected the following week, providing a broader idea of the needs and concerns of residents in Northwood.
The Under 21 scheme, a new initiative being undertaken jointly by the police and the IW Council in Newport, Ryde and Ventnor was due to be rolled out in Cowes shortly.  Local shop keepers had all agreed to take part in the permanent venture to refuse the sale of alcohol after 6.00 pm, on a Friday and Saturday night, to those persons under 21 years of age.  It was considered that the majority of those found guilty of underage drinking stemmed from having been supplied with alcohol purchased by persons aged between 18 – 21 years old. Although Cowes did not have a major problem, it was considered that any action to reduce alcohol misuse would be beneficial.  The scheme would be monitored to measure its success.

135. Report from Jacqui Darby, the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer (ENO) for Northwood
Councillors noted the report of Ms Jacqui Darby, the ENO on a number of issues arising in Northwood, which the clerk circulated in her absence. 

136. Town and Country Planning

a. To approve the Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on 17 November 2009


 THAT the draft minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2009 be received.

Cllr Fuller, having declared a personal interest in the following item of business, retired to the public seating area, prior to any discussion or decision thereon.

b. To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at

TCP/04340/T Land between The Travellers Joy and 83 Pallance Road, Cowes – Detached dwelling (revised application)


 THAT this council raises no material planning objections on the application TCP/04340/T regarding land between the Travellers Joy and 83 Pallance Road, Cowes

Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting forum.

c. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Planning Committee were noted:

i. TCP/29443/A Skinners Farm, Pallance Road, Northwood – Conditional approval of reserved matters for the development of a replacement agricultural worker’s dwelling
 ii. TCP/24497/C land adjacent, 127 Wyatts Lane, Northwood – Conditional planning permission for a proposed detached dwelling with parking; vehicular access

137. To consider if any further action is required in respect of the Northwood Forum
Discussion ensued on the appropriateness of some anonymous comments placed on the Northwood forum. Several councillors and the clerk had been contacted by trustees of Northwood House advising of defamatory remarks contained in the thread regarding the future of Northwood House. 
It was noted that following the concerns raised by the police at last meeting of the Parish Council, the clerk had highlighted these to the webmaster.  He had been very re-active to the comments made and had been unaware of the possible consequences of some anonymous blogs.  The webmaster confirmed that the site was constantly monitored and postings were blocked on a regular basis if he perceived they were blatantly intended to offend or denigrate someone’s character. It was noted that the webmaster also sought advice if he had any doubt over the content of entries posted.  Some councillors expressed their concern with this, particularly if the blog referred to an organisation of which the person whose advice was sought, was a member. The police had confirmed they were content the webmaster was now aware and alert to the potential pitfalls.
As the Northwood Parish Church and not the Parish Council owned the site domain, Cllr Brooker agreed to contact the web master to suggest that a statement making clear the ownership of the domain was publicised on the Northwood Village web site and in the Northwood News.

THAT Cllr Brooker contact the web master to request that a statement making clear the ownership of the domain was publicised on the Northwood Village web site and in the Northwood News.

138. To approve the Guidance to Parish and Town Councils on Notifications


THAT the Guidance to Parish and Town Councils on Notifications was received and noted.

139. To comment on suggested proposals for inclusion in a Northwood Traffic Order
At the instigation of Cllr Mazillius, as the ward member for Northwood, the IW Council’s Highways and Transport Services section had forwarded two potential areas to form a possible traffic order for Northwood.  These being the lay-bys, on the east and west side of the Newport Road and in Uplands Road at the junction of Greenways and at Fieldway Crescent.  However, the Highways and Transport Services section had suggested that the situation in the specified areas be monitored at the present time.


i. THAT the suggestion for the situation to be monitored in the first instance be agreed;
ii. THAT an advertisement be included in the Northwood News inviting residents to identify and send to the Parish Council for consideration, any potential proposals that could be included in a future Northwood Traffic Order.

140. Northwood Community Partnership
        Cllr P Fuller having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following items of business left the meeting chamber prior to any discussion or decision thereon.

a. To consider the letter dated 6 November requesting retrospective permission with regards to the planting of the council’s troughs

THAT respective permission for the Northwood Community Partnership to plant the council’s troughs be granted.

b. To consider the application for grant funding of £100 towards the Autumn plants


THAT the application received from the Northwood Community Partnership for grant funding of £100 towards the Autumn plants be approved.

c. To consider the appointment of up to two parish councillors on to the Northwood Community Partnership

Cllr P Fuller returned to the meeting room, but took no part in the discussion or decision thereon.

The Terms of Reference for the Northwood Community Partnership, which had been submitted with the grant application, in accordance with financial regulations, made mention that up to two parish councilors could be appointed by the Parish Council to serve as voting members.  It also stated that the Northwood Community Partnership was advisory to the Parish Council, which was not the case.

i. THAT Cllr P Fuller be appointed as the Parish Council’s representative on the Northwood Community Partnership;
ii. THAT a letter be sent to the Northwood Community Partnership explaining that they were not advisory to the Parish Council and requesting that this statement be removed from their Terms of Reference

141. To consider what response, if any, to make with regard to the consultation on The Dog Exclusion (Isle of Wight) Order 2010


 THAT the proposed Dog Control Order be noted.

142. To note the response from the Leader of the IW Council regarding the termination of the tripartite agreement


THAT the generic response from the Leader of the IW Council, Cllr David Pugh to all parish and town councils regarding the termination of the tripartite agreement be noted.

143. To consider the venue and start times of future meetings of the Parish Council
Cllr Fuller having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item of business left the meeting chamber prior to any discussion or decision thereon.

Councillors were of the opinion that the move to the WI Hall had not been successful in attracting the attendance of members of the public at meetings. As it was more cost effective and an earlier start time could be achieved, it was suggested that all meetings again be held in Northwood Primary School. The clerk had already made enquiries to confirm whether the venue was available.  The terms and conditions would be very similar to that when the venue was used previously. 
To assist any members of the public it was suggested that signage to direct the correct way of entry to the meeting hall, be used.


THAT, subject to any required period of notice to the Woman’s Institute, with effect from 1 January 2010 the venue for all meetings of the Parish Council to be Northwood Primary school commencing at 6.30 pm.
Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting chamber.

144. Clerks Report 
a. Administration
i. To approve the continuing placement of up to 3 pages of news articles in the Northwood News, at a cost of  £279 for the 10 issues during 2010

During the discussion Cllr P Brooker and Cllr R Mazillius both declared personal interests as regular worshipers at Northwood Church.


THAT it be approved to continue to place up to 3 pages in each issue of the Northwood news during 2010.

ii. To consider changing the date of the meeting in April, from the 6 to 13 April 2010.

        It was highlighted that if it be agreed to change the date of the meeting, this would necessitate a change to the meeting of the Planning Committee from 16 March to 23 March 2010.

THAT it be agreed for the date of the meeting of the Parish Council to be changed from 6 to the 13 April and for the meeting of the Planning Committee scheduled for 16 March to be postponed to 23 March 2010.

b. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of November 2009 was received and noted. The clerk agreed to present the bank reconciliation with Statement No 16, to the chairman at a later date.

ii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000094, IW Council, Clerks Salary for October
000095, £36.88, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000096, £7.63 Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000097, £18.00, Mrs E Turner-Palmerton, Poppy Wreath
000098, £279.00, Northwood Parish Church, Advertisement in Northwood News


   THAT the above cheques be approved.
145. To receive progress reports from Working Parties:
a. Allotments Working Party
Councillors were referred to the report, which advised that the padlock had once again jammed.  As this was the third time this had occurred it was suggested that a stronger padlock be purchased.  The recent severe weather had caused the area to flood.  However no complaints from the allotment holders had been received.  The clerk would shortly be formally writing to the landowner to agree an extension to the lease for a further year.


THAT it be approved for the purchase of a robust padlock for the allotment field.

b. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
There was no further progress to report.  A meeting was scheduled to take place on 7 December.  Mr L Measures had been invited to attend.

c. Housing Needs Working Party
There was no further progress to report.  A meeting was being organized with Ms S Packer, the Rural Housing Enabler to discuss the way forward.

d. Youth Forum Working Party
A meeting of the Working Party had not taken place.

e. Play Builder Working Party
In addition to the report received, it was advised that the promised details from Mr Lee Matthews, the IW Council’s Community and Leisure Development Manager were still awaited.  A figure had not been identified as to the initial funding, which might be required in advance.  It was noted that in the weekly News and Information sheet provided by the Rural Community Council details of the Awards for All scheme were outlined, which could assist in meeting any shortfall.  The priority now was to amend the original Expression of Interest form and to undertake consultation with potential users and interested parties.  Cllr Pullen advised that he would contact the two recommended companies to determine at what stage they should become involved. 

f. Precept Working Party
Consideration was given to the proposals presented by the Working Party for the Precept for 2010/11.  This identified a decrease of 11% on last years figure. The draft budget would be advertised to enable any resident to comment, prior to final approval in January


THAT the recommendations be approved, subject to the few minor amendments made, for being advertised for comment.
g. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Reference was made to the report received.  It was suggested that as the management of the project was to now become the responsibility of the Parish Council, those members of the Community Partnership and any other volunteers interested in the planting and maintenance of the troughs and flower beds should be co-opted onto the Working Party.


i. THAT it be agreed for the Parish Council to take over the future management of the Northwood in Bloom project;
ii. THAT Cllr Mrs E Turner Palmerton be appointed as the Parish Council’s representative on the IW Council’s Steering Committee to oversee the allocation of grant funding;
iii. THAT those members of the Community Partnership and any volunteers interested in assisting with the planting and maintenance of the troughs and flower beds be co-opted onto the Northwood in Bloom Working Party to assist with the project.
146. To receive the report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Northwood
The report of IW Cllr R Mazillius, which had been circulated with the agenda was noted.

147. To receive an update on IWALC
Cllr Pullen provided a verbal report on the recent meeting of IWALC held on 19 November and the workshop held on 5 November. 
· It seemed very unlikely that those parish councils that had resigned from IWALC would rejoin and others might follow their example. 
· The proposed subscription for Northwood Parish Council for 2010/11, was anticipated to rise to £294.81. 
· Denise Perry had been appointed as the new secretary to IWALC. 
· A change in venue for future meetings was being considered. 
· A 10 point action plan had been devised to provide a way forward for the future. 
· The demise of training courses was considered to be a fear and those councils no longer members of IWALC had to pay for any councillor who wished to attend a training course.  It was suggested that, in the light of the election next year, the parish council should continue with its membership
148. Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda.

149. Councillors’ Reports
Cllr P Fuller advised that he had been in dialogue with Mr L Measurers regarding highway issues in Pallance Road.
Cllr Mrs M Ely reported her attendance on the Management of Meetings training course.
Cllr J Pullen advised of his attendance, along with Cllr C Cramp at the briefing of the Highways PFI.  The clerk had circulated the Power Point presentation used.
Cllr J Pullen also mentioned that he was scheduled to attend the seminar on flooding.
Cllr J Pullen reported that seven rotted/damaged posts in Uplands Road, between Nodes Road and Venner Avenue were to be replaced by the IW Council.
Cllr C Cramp gave a brief outline of some points highlighted in the PFI presentation.

150. Future Agenda Items
January Meeting :
Presentation from Mrs L Mackenzie on Northwood House, its future and the role of the trustees
Membership of the Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils (IWALC)
Consideration of a Northwood Parish Council website
Approval of the Precept for 2010/11
The traffic lights at Stag Lane

151. Brief Review of Meeting
No comments were made.

152. To approve that in view of the confidential nature of the item of business to be discussed, it is advisable in the public interest that the public and press be excluded for the following item and they are instructed to withdraw – in accordance with Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1(2) and Standing order no.63


THAT it be agreed for the public and press to be excluded for the following item of business in accordance with Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1(2) and Standing order no.63.

153. To consider payment of the clerks additional hours worked, as an overtime payment, in accordance with clause 13 of her contract of employment.
Mrs B Herbert, the clerk, declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item and left the meeting chamber prior to any discussion or decision thereon.


THAT it be agreed for the clerk to be paid the additional 60 hours worked, in accordance with clause 13 of her contract of employment.

Mrs B Herbert returned to the meeting room.





Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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