Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 14 September 2010, 12:00 am


Minutes of the meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held at Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Paul Fuller (Vice Chairman), Patrick Bentley, Keith Clatworthy, Mrs Brenda Clews-Cartwright, Graham Cotterill, Colin Cramp, John Fuller

In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
IW Cllr Roger Mazillius – IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood

There were two members of the public present.

45/10-11 To receive and sign the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office


THAT the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office be received and signed.

46/10-11 Apologies
Apologies had been received from PC Mark Thomas.

47/10-11 To consider the appointment of co-opted councillors and to receive their declarations of acceptance of office

i. THAT Mrs Brenda Clews-Cartwright and John Fuller be appointed as co-opted councillors on Northwood Parish Council;

ii. THAT the declarations of acceptance of office forms from Cllrs Mrs Clews-Cartwright and J Fuller be received;

iii. THAT it be confirmed that the Register of Interests from Cllrs Mrs Clews-Cartwright and J Fuller were in order and complete.

48/10-11 Declarations of Interest
Cllr P Fuller declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute 55/10-11 as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee, a personal interest in Minute 57/10-11 as the agenda item had been received from the Leader of the IW Council  and Cllr Fuller was a member on the IW Council and a personal interest in Minute 62 a iv as, in his role as a Justice of the Peace, he came into contact with representatives of Victim Support.

49/10-11 Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 June 2010


THAT the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 June 2010 be confirmed as a true record, subject to a minor typographical error and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Minutes on behalf of the Parish Council.

50/10-11 Matters Arising on the Minutes
Minute 34/10-11 Dog Bin – The clerk referred to emails received from Colin Schooling, Senior Dog Warden confirming that notices would be placed along the Medham cycle track and from Neil Perry, the Environmental & Neighbourhood officer agreeing to undertake random patrols in that area.

51/10-11 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer, plus an opportunity to discuss local policing priorities
In the absence of PC Mark Thomas, of the Safer Neighbourhood Team, the clerk read his report on events that had taken place since the last meeting.  June had again been a very quiet month for the village of Northwood. However, there had recently been a number of reports of groups of youths noticed drinking and loitering within the grounds of the Northwood Primary school.  Patrols had been undertaken of the school grounds over the weekend and these would continue at relevant times to try to apprehend the culprits.
Street Mapping was continuing.  The exercise was about halfway through and should be completed within the next 2 – 3 months.

Councillors were informed that several local residents were keeping watch for any untoward behaviour occurring in the school grounds during the evening.

52/10-11 To appoint councillors to Outside Bodies or as the Parish Council’s official


THAT it be approved for the following councillors to serve on the Outside Bodies or as the Parish Council’s official, as listed, for the ensuing year:

Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils – Cllr John Pullen and Cllr Keith Clatworthy as his deputy
Management Committee of Cowes Youth Club – Cllr John Fuller
Northwood Community Partnership – Cllr Paul Fuller and Cllr Mrs Brenda Clews-Cartwright as his deputy
IW Council’s Steering Committee for Northwood in Bloom – Cllr Mrs Brenda Clews-Cartwright
A communications councillor – Cllr Pat Bentley
A Health and Safety councillor – Cllr Keith Clatworthy

53/10-11 To consider the appointment of members and the lead councillor to serve on Working Parties for the ensuing year (if still required)


THAT it be approved for the following councillors to serve on the Working Parties, as listed below, for the ensuing year:
Allotments Working Party – Cllr John Pullen (lead councillor) and Cllr Colin Cramp
Play Builder Working Party – Cllr Colin Cramp (lead councillor), Cllr Pat Bentley and the clerk
Northwood in Bloom Working Party – Cllr John Pullen (lead councillor) and Cllr John Fuller
Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party – Cllr Mrs Brenda Clews-Cartwright (lead councillor) and Cllr Keith Clatworthy
Youth Forum Working Party – appointments to be held pending

54/10-11 To consider establishing a Working Party and the appointment of a lead councillor to undertake a Village Design Statement for Northwood


THAT a Village Design Statement Working Party be established comprising of Cllrs Pat Bentley (lead councillor), Graham Cotterill and Paul Fuller to make recommendations to the Parish Council enabling the creation of a Village Design Statement for Northwood.

55/10-11 Town and Country Planning
a. To consider the following applications received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
Cllr Paul Fuller having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item of business retired to the public seating area, prior to any discussion or decision thereon.
i. TCP/21760/Y Aldi Store Ltd, Newport Road. Cowes – Removal of Condition 23 “No deliveries or dispatches from the premises shall take place outside the hours of 7.00 to 23.00 Mondays to Saturdays or outside the hours 8.00 to 22.00 on Sundays and Bank Holidays of the Planning Permission P/01589/09”, which sought to regulate the hours of deliveries at the store.


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections to the request for removal of Condition 23, providing that a condition requiring the submission of an operational delivery management protocol is approved, which includes, at a minimum, the five procedures to be observed during the delivery process, as set out on page 15 of the planning supporting statement submitted by the applicant.

ii. TCP/30170 23 Wyatts Lane, Northwood, PO31 8QB – Householder Application for the demolition of lean-to extension, two storey rear extension to form kitchen/family room with additional bedroom over.


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises objections to the application on the grounds that there would be insufficient parking provision for the proposed 5 bedroom property.  Councillors also raised concerns that existing planning guidelines in respect of the dropdown of rooflines must be adhered to, in the event that planning permission be granted.

iii. TCP/03487/C Meda, Medham Farm Lane, Medham, Northwood – Householder Application for the demolition of conservatory, single storey extension to side and rear to include dormer windows on east and west extensions, porch, chimney stack (revised scheme).


THAT no material planning objections be raised.

iv. TCP/28442/A land at 66 Nodes Road, Northwood, PO31 8AD – Replacement Planning Permission (P/01241/07/TCP/28442 – demolition of garage and porch; construction of two storey end terrace dwelling, vehicular access) in order to extend the time limit for implementation.


THAT Northwood Parish Council, in the light of recent changes set out in Planning Policy Statement (PPS3), raises objections to the application.  Councillors were opposed to the forming of a terrace of housing, which would detrimentally affect the aesthetic appearance of the area.

Cllr Paul Fuller returned to the meeting forum.

b. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council were noted. –

i. TCP/02386/L Clifton Grade Ltd, Newport Road, Cowes, PO31 8PE – Conditional Planning Permission for the continued use of 1st floor residential unit as office.

ii. TCP/26203/B land at 34 Wyatts Lane, Northwood – Refusal of Planning Permission for alterations and change of use of barn from light industrial to cottage industry with associated living accommodation; parking (revised plans).

iii. TCP/1526/A 88 Pallance Road, Northwood, PO31 8LP – Refusal of Planning Permission for the demolition of shed, construction of detached double garage.

iv. TCP/30130 42 Oxford Street, Northwood, PO31 8PT – Conditional Planning Permission for the demolition of conservatory; proposed single storey rear extension to form kitchen/breakfast room.

56/10-11 To consider the report regarding Stag Lane Traffic Lights
Councillors were referred to the report, which set out the replies received from neighbouring parish councils. An email request had been circulated for comments as to whether it was generally still perceived there was a problem at the Stag Lane traffic lights.  From the twenty-seven contacted, five responses had been received, with three suggesting that they did not consider any significant improvement had been made.


THAT a letter be sent to Iain Thornton, IW Council’s Traffic Manager requesting assurance that the “final operation arrangement” would include the prevention of the traffic lights on the main road, at the Stag Lane junction, reverting to red in less than 60 seconds at any time of day.

57/10-11 To consider the email received from Cllr David Pugh, Leader of the IW Council regarding the adjustments made to the budgets for services to older and vulnerable residents


THAT the email from Cllr David Pugh be noted and no further action be taken.

58/10-11 To consider the report regarding the allotments
The clerk reported that news on the outcome of the application to COMMA for funding of £3,200 was still awaited.
On inspection of the Agreement between Georgina Lacey, the landowner and the Parish Council no mention had been made as to how the site should be left, when the Agreement expired at the end of September.  It was suggested that the Working Party should make contact with Mrs Lacey to discuss this face to face, in order to reach an amicable agreement.
The clerk highlighted that as two plots were not being kept to the standard required she had written to the allotment holders concerned, giving them 4 weeks to make the necessary improvements or else the tenancy agreement would be terminated, with the loss of their deposit.  On a second inspection at the weekend one of the plots did show that some work had been undertaken.  However, approval was requested that, if after the specified timescale the plots were still in an unacceptable condition, the allotment association could be approached for them to undertake the necessary work, receiving payment from the retained deposit monies.


i. THAT the Working Party make contact with Mrs Lacey, the landowner to reach a mutual agreement as to how the land should be left at the termination of the lease at the end of September;
ii. THAT it be agreed should the two allotments not have been cultivated to an acceptable condition by the 25 July, the clerk to approach the allotment association to seek their assistance to clear the land, being paid by the retained deposit monies.

59/10-11 To consider the report regarding the Play Builder Scheme
Reference was made to the report, attached to the agenda.  It was suggested that it might be useful to make contact with the clerk of Cowes Town Council, as they had recently improved their play area.


THAT the report be noted.

60/10-11 To approve the Complaints Procedure
Consideration was given to the draft Complaints Procedure and a number of minor amendments and an additional paragraph suggested.


THAT following the revision of the Complaints Procedure to include the suggested amendments raised, the policy be approved and a copy circulated to all councillors.

61/10-11 Temporary Event Notice
The Temporary Event Notice, submitted to the IW Council under the Licensing Act 2003, was noted. The event in the notice would take place at Horseshoe Inn, 353 Newport Road, Cowes on 11 July 2010. The premises user would be selling alcohol and providing regulated entertainment between the hours of 14:00 and 18:30.

62/10-11 Clerks Report
a. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of June 2010 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 23 were received and noted.

ii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000132, IW Council, Clerks Salary for May
000133, £53.40, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000134, £6.93, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000135, £, IW Council, Costs of the recent uncontested election


THAT the above cheques be approved.

iii. To consider the letter from the IW Playing Fields Association dated 11 June 2010, requesting a donation


THAT the request from the IW Playing Fields Association for a donation of £25 annually, be refused as they had not complied with the Parish Council’s approved grant criteria.
iv. To consider the letter from Victim Support dated 14 June 2010, requesting a donation


THAT the request from Victim Support for a donation of £500, be refused as they had not complied with the Parish Council’s approved grant criteria.

b. Administration
It was noted that Mr S Tester had undertaken the Internal Audit of the Parish Council’s accounts and duly signed the Annual Return agreeing that the internal control objectives had been duly met

63/10-11 To receive the report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Cllr Mazillius had provided a brief report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting.  Particular mention was also made of the following:
• A complaint had been received of incidents of horse riding along the footpath from Nodes Road to Somerton garage.  This has been passed to the relevant department
• Speeding along Three Gates Road.  It was hoped that the local police officer would undertake random speed checks with the mobile speed gun
• The comments of the Parish Council regarding the Aldi planning application had been noted

64/10-11 To receive an update on the IW Association of Local Councils (IWALC)
Cllr Clatworthy, who had attended the meeting on 17 June, referred to his brief report that had been circulated prior to the meeting.  The main item had been the presentation given by Astrid Davies from the Island Strategic Partnership.  The next meeting of IWALC would take place on 15 July.

Cllr Pullen referred to his report outlining the meeting of IWALC’s Finance and General Purposes Sub-Committee and the recommendations agreed.  A copy of the report on the meeting held between representatives of IWALC and the IW Council, on 24 June, to discuss the future of the Military Road was tabled.  The report included the options considered by the IW Council and a promise that IWALC would be kept informed and involved.  Copies of the slides used at that meeting would be made available through IWALC.


THAT the reports be noted.

65/10-11 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.
Cllr Paul Fuller suggested that he provide an article for the Northwood News on the planned re-organisation of the Island’s schools.

66/10-11 Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Clatworthy advised that he had collated the 6 responses, received to date, on the Pallance Road pinch points issue and forwarded them to IW Cllr Roger Mazillius to be passed to the relevant officer for information.
Cllr Bentley reported that he had visited the Venner Avenue play park on several occasions recently and was very impressed as to how much it was used by the local youth.
Cllr Cotterill referred to a residents concern over parking problems with his neighbour.  The matter had been reported to PC Mark Thomas who had investigated the problem.
Cllr Paul Fuller mentioned the proposed cuts in the Wight Bus service.  The No 32 service would not be affected.  However, the Pallance Road/Hillis Gate/Rew Street could be as this service was only guaranteed to September.
Cllr Paul Fuller advised of the overloading on some bus services, between the hours of 3 – 4 pm, due to school children. Following a letter to Southern Vectis they had kindly agreed to provide a double decker bus during those times to alleviate the problem
Cllr Paul Fuller reported his attendance at Cowes High School to appoint the new principal designate.  Cllr Fuller was full of praise for the successful candidate and looked forward to him taking up his post in January.
Cllr Cramp referred to his article in the recent issue of Northwood News on canine excretion and it’s associated dangers if not picked up.  However, it had failed to have the desired effect as the situation had not improved.
Cllr Pullen advised that the allotment association had expressed some concern that the new landowner had still to sign the lease agreement.
Cllr Pullen suggested that he produce an induction pack for new members, which would contain a list of useful contact details.  He would also liaise with councillors during the summer break to arrange an informal gathering.

67/10-11 Future Agenda Items
September meeting
Parking problems near to the Travellers Joy – Cllr Clatworthy
To establish a Precept Working Party

68/10-11 Brief Review of Meeting
A reasonable, well conducted meeting


Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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