Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 14 October 2010, 6:24 am


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Paul Fuller (Vice Chairman), Pat Bentley, Keith Clatworthy, Colin Cramp, Mrs Brenda Clews-Cartwright, John Fuller

In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)

There were two members of the public present.

49/10-11 Apologies
Apologies had been tendered by IW Cllr Roger Mazillius

50/10-11 Declarations of Interest
Cllr J Pullen declared a personal interest in Minute No 65a iiia Northwood School Gardening Club as he was a neighbour and friend of the applicant
Cllr P Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 56/10-11 b as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee and a personal interest in Minute No 65a iiia Northwood School Gardening Club as he was a Governor of the school.

51/10-11 To confirm the Minutes of the meetings held on 6 July and 3 August 2010


THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 6 July 2010 and of the Extra-Ordinary meeting held on 3 August 2010 be confirmed and the Chairman be authorized to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.

52/10-11 Matters arising on the Minutes
There were no matters arising.

53/10-11 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer
There was no representative present, nor had any report from the Safer Neighbourhood team been received by the clerk.

54/10-11 To note action taken in respect of the resignation of Mr G Cotterill
The clerk reminded that since the last meeting, Mr G Cotterill had tendered his resignation from the Parish Council. As the Returning Officer had received insufficient requests calling for an election, the Parish Council were able to follow the procedures for co-option. Notices had subsequently been placed in the noticeboard, at the post office and on the Parish Council’s web site requesting expressions of interest to be submitted to the clerk, by 29 September, to enable an appointment at the October meeting.

55/10-11 To receive the quarterly report from the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer for Cowes, Gurnard and Northwood
The quarterly progress report covering the period 1 April to 30 June 2010 was received and noted.

56/10-11 Town and Country Planning
a. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Sub Committee held on 3 August 2010


THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Sub Committee held on 3 August 2010 be approved.

b. To consider the following applications received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
Cllr P Fuller having previously declared a personal interest in the following item of business retired to the public seating area, prior to any discussion or decision thereon.

i. TCP/ 05982/K Hillisgate Riding Stables, Hillis Gate Road, Newport, PO30 5UB – Proposed stable block and tack room


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections to application TCP/05982/K Hillisgate Riding Stables.

ii. TCP/11391/L Land adjacent 263 Newport Road, Cowes, PO31 – Replacement of planning permission (P/00143/08 – TCP11391/K: single storey industrial building to include offices, kitchen, wc and storage area, parking and turning area) in order to extend the time limit for implementation.


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections to application TCP/11391/L Land adjacent 263 Newport Road, Cowes.

iii. A/00035/J BAE Systems (Defence Systems) Ltd, Newport Road, Cowes, PO31 8PF – 2 double sided pole mounted signs with illuminated logo sign and non-illuminated information sign for approved foodstore.


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections to application A/00035/J BAE Systems (Defence Systems) Ltd, Newport Road, Cowes.
Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting forum.
c. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Planning Committee were noted –
i. TCP/03487/C Meda, Medham Farm Lane, Cowes – Conditional Planning Permission for the demolition of conservatory; single storey extension to side and rear to include dormer window on east and west elevations; porch; chimney stack (revised scheme)
ii. TCP/21760/Y BAE Systems (Defence Systems) Ltd, Newport Road, Cowes – Refusal of Planning Permission for the removal of Condition 23 on P/01589/09 – TCP/21760/X which restricts the times of deliveries to/dispatches from the approved retail foodstore
iii. Tcp/28442/a LAND AT 66 Nodes Road, Cowes, PO31 8AD – Refusal of planning permission (for the replacement of planning permission TCP/28442 – demolition of garage and porch; construction of two storey end of terrace dwelling; vehicular access) in order to extend the time limit for implementation.

57/10-11 To consider Responses to Consultations
a. Isle of Wight Shoreline Management Plan 2
The draft document set out policy and management of coastal flooding and erosion risks around the Isle of Wight coastline and estuaries. The public consultation period would end on 23 October 2010, enabling the final SMP to be completed in December 2010 and to be adopted by the IW Council and the Environment Agency Regional Flood Defence Committee. A number of roadshows and exhibitions were also planned, one being held at Northwood House on 13 September.


THAT no response be made to the consultation in respect of the IW Shoreline Management Plan 2.

b. The Isle Of Wight Council’s Community Governance Review of the Isle Of Wight Council Local Authority Area
In the light that both Northwood and Cowes parish areas were deemed to have ‘protected’ electoral arrangements as their existing electoral arrangements had been established within the past five years, it was duly


THAT no representation be made in respect of the review of Community Governance Arrangements within the IW Local Authority Area

c. The Isle of Wight Council’s Review of the Polling Districts and Polling Places within the Constituency of the Isle of Wight


THAT the IW Council be advised that it should effect no change to the current premises used in the polling district of Northwood.
d. Consultation on Planning Applications, Notifications and Emails
As part of the IW Council’s scrutiny of all budget areas in an effort to identify where savings might be achieved, Planning Services proposed that, in future, all information to parish and town councils be exchanged and corresponded via the email system.  Details of all planning applications and decision notices would only be provided via the IW Council website.


i. THAT the response of Northwood Parish Council include a request that details of all planning applications continue to be sent in hard copy in order to support the inclusiveness of all members of the community.  This would enable those interested who are without internet access or the ability to visit the planning department to view the plans at a parish council meeting;

ii. THAT all other correspondence and notices be sent to the clerk via email;

iii. THAT the Parish Council be advised of the budget savings that the Planning Services anticipate could be achieved by any proposed changes to the current system.

58/10-11 To consider the results of the Pallance Road Traffic Management Survey
Councillors were referred to the report which set out the results of the formal study undertaken as instructed at the June meeting of the Parish Council.  As at the deadline date 12 responses in total had been received.  A summary of the significant points raised was detailed in the report. However there was no clear consensus of opinion in the proposals suggested.  It was noted that there were several potentially serious and significant Health and Safety issues raised and two photographs attached to the report emphasized the points made.
Cllr Clatworthy was thanked for his hard work and excellent report into the matter.


THAT the IW Council be recommended to consider the installation of double yellow lines in Pallance Road from the pinch points, on both sides of the road,  to the junction with Wyatts Lane, due to the Health and Safety issues set out in the report.

59/10-11 To consider the Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, IW)  (Speed Limits) Consolidation Order No 1 2010
Consideration was given to the proposals set out in the Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, IW)(Speed Limits) Consolidation Order No1 2010.  However, in view of the email from Ian Middleton, of the IW Council Highways and Transport department, that had been circulated by IW Cllr R Mazillius, stating that the proposals would not change any speed limits in Northwood, it was agreed to just note the Consolidation Order. Mr Middleton had stated that the proposals would in fact correct anomalies identified when a review of speed limits had been undertaken and would ensure that the speed limits in the area would be clear and enforceable in future.


THAT the Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, IW)  (Speed Limits) Consolidation Order No 1 2010 be noted.

60/10-11 To consider taking part in the Green Towns project
Natural Enterprise, a company formed through the merger of Island 2000 Trust and the IW Economic Partnership, were seeking 6 local communities willing to join the Green Towns project, due to be officially launched at a workshop on 23 September. The central idea of the project was to encourage local communities to take action to improve the environmental performance of their town or parish, providing support on funding opportunities and specific environmental initiatives.  Councillors in discussion pointed out that for the scheme to work well the whole community would need to get behind the Green Towns concept.  There was some doubt expressed as to whether this would be feasible.


THAT Cllr P Bentley attend the event on behalf of the Parish Council, to provide an update at the next meeting before any decision is taken.

61/10-11 To note the letter from the South East Region Association (SERA) Forum and Chris Borg of NALC regarding proposed Council Tax Increase Referendums


THAT the letter to the Rt. Hon Eric Pickles MP, the Secretary of State, from SERA and the letter from Chris Borg, of NALC to all County Associations regarding possible council tax referendums, be noted.

62/10-11 To consider the need for any action in respect of perceived potential parking problems near to the Travellers Joy
Councillors were referred to the report advising of the concern of two residents who lived in the immediate vicinity of the Travellers Joy pubic house and the potential traffic problems, which could arise as a result of the approved planning application for the development of the land forming part of the car park.


THAT no action be taken at present, but to keep a watching brief as the development of the site proceeded.

63/10-11 To consider undertaking a further Big Tidy Up event in Northwood


THAT no action be taken at present and to be considered again in six months time.

64/10-11 Working Parties
a. To establish a Precept Working Party to make recommendations for the Precept for 2011/12


THAT a Precept Working Party be established comprising of Cllrs John Pullen, Paul Fuller, Colin Cramp and the clerk to make recommendations for the Precept for 2011/12.

b. To appoint a councillor to the Village Design Statement (VDS) Working Party and to approve that Mr Graham Cotterill be appointed as a co-opted member


THAT Cllr Paul Fuller be appointed to the VDS Working Party and that Mr Graham Cotterill be appointed as a co-opted member.

65/10-11 Clerks Report
a. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of August 2010 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 25 be received.
ii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000136, Post Office Ltd, Clerks Salary for June
000137, Post Office Ltd, Clerks Salary for July
000138, £135.12, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000139, £28.70, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000140, £25.00, Mr & Mrs Thompson, Refund of allotment deposit
000141, £20.00. Mr & Mrs Wray, Refund of allotment deposit
000142, £8.00, Northwood Womens Institute, Hire of hall
000143, £158.63, Audit Commission, External Audit fee 2010
000144, £547.20, Post Office Ltd, Clerks Salary for August as payment was due immediately


THAT the above cheques be approved for payment.

iii. Requests for Grant Funding
a. Northwood Primary School – Lunchtime Gardening Club
Councillors considered the request received for a donation towards the £620 cost of the supply and installation of a plug socket and light in the brick shed.  However, in view that only one quotation had been obtained and no statement of accounts had been provided it was subsequently


THAT the grant application from the Northwood Primary School – Lunchtime Gardening Club be deferred until the next meeting in order that further information might be obtained.

b. IW Musical Competition Festival


THAT the request for a contribution towards the general running of the Festival be declined.

b.        Administration
i. To consider ordering a poppy wreath for Remembrance Sunday


THAT inquiries be made to order a poppy wreath from the British Legion for Remembrance Sunday at a cost of no more than £30.00.

ii. It was noted that that the External Auditor has completed their audit and that the information contained in the annual return was in accordance with the Audit Commission’s requirements, with no matters giving cause for concern.
iii. To consider the purchase of Standing Orders for Local Councils at a cost of £20 per copy


THAT a copy of Standing orders for Local Councils be ordered at a cost of £20.00.

66/10-11 Report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Northwood
Unfortunately, due to an error, the report of IW Cllr Mazillius had not been circulated.  The clerk agreed to email a copy to all councillors the following day.

67/10-11 Progress reports from Working Parties
a. Allotments Working Party
Councillors noted that the lease was due to expire at the end of September, requiring all allotment holders to vacate the site, leaving it in an acceptable condition before they would be able to receive the return of their deposits.  Cllr Pullen highlighted that he had tried to allay the fears of the landowner that a large bonfire would take place to dispose of any waste remaining.  Volunteers would need to be sought to assist in the dismantle of the rabbit proof fencing and posts at the end of the tenancy. The clerk reported the success of Northwood Primary school in the competition held by the Potato Council for an allotment makeover.
b. Play Builder Working Party
A Pre-Installation meeting had taken place on 25 August to confirm the exact positions of all planned equipment.  Work was due to commence on 13 September and be completed by 24 September, subject to any adverse weather conditions.
c. Traffic and Transport issues Working Party
There were no matters to report at this time.

d. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Mrs Clews-Cartwright had attended a meeting regarding Wight in Bloom.  However there had been no confirmation that funding would be available for the autumn planting.
e. Village Design Statement Working Party
There were no matters to report at this time.

68/10-11 Update on the IW Association of Local Councils (IWALC)
Councillors noted the report of the meetings of IWALC on 15 July and the IWALC Finance & General Purpose Committee held on 19 August 2010.
Parish Councils had been urged to take their places on the Island Waste Committee and Cllr P Bentley agreed to attend the next meeting on 23 September.
It was noted that neither of the Parish Council’s representatives would be available to attend the next meeting of IWALC on 16 September.

69/10-11 Report of the recent meeting of Northwood Community Partnership
Councillors noted the report of the meeting of the Northwood Community Partnership held on 9 July 2010.  Particular mention was made of the football nets available for swap and the indoor bowling set-up, which had been offered free of charge to the Community Partnership, but required storage facilities.

70/10-11 Correspondence.
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.

71/10-11 Councillors’ reports
Cllr J Pullen advised of his attendance at the Newport Minster for the Civil Service on 11 July 2010.
Cllr Pullen had also attended, along with Cllrs Cotterill and Cramp, the special briefing on 22 July, for the proposed Renewable Energy Centre at Stag Lane
Cllr K Clatworthy advised that he had booked himself onto a number of the training sessions organised by the County Training Partnership.
Cllr P Fuller advised of his work to resolve problems with bus services in Northwood, the use of Rover tickets and out of date bus timetables still being displayed.
Cllr P Fuller mentioned he had received complaints about bonfires.  He would prepare an article for the Northwood news.
Cllr P Fuller had also noticed an advertisement for cheap compost bins on the IW Council website.  He would bring this to resident’s attention in the Northwood News.
Cllr J Fuller requested that an article be put in the Northwood News thanking all those residents who had helped in the watering of the troughs and planters during the summer period.  They had helped to create a colourful display throughout the village.
Cllr Mrs Clews-Cartwright advised that she had also booked herself onto a number of the training sessions organised by the County Training Partnership.
Cllr Cramp advised that he had recently witnessed a drug raid at premises on the west side of Venner Avenue Recreation Park.

72/10-11 Future agenda items
Councillors surgeries – Cllr P Fuller
Mr Peter Brooker – Cllr P Fuller

73/10-11 To undertake a brief review of the meeting.
A good meeting.


Signed …………………………………………….  Dated …………………………….

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