Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 3 May 2012, 8:26 pm



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 3 April 2012


Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Pat Bentley (Vice Chairman), Judith Ferris, Paul Fuller, Ray Mew, Chris Riddet and Derek Smith
In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
PCSO Steve Oatley
Peter Griffiths, Principal Planning Officer –  Housing, oft the IW Council

There were two members of the public present.


217/11-12 Apologies
Apologies had been received from Cllr Megan Moore and IW Cllr Roger Mazillius


218/11-12 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer
As PCSO Oatley was on active duty this item was brought forward on the agenda.
PCSO Oatley advised that a few more crimes than normal had taken place over the past month, with four crimes having been reported.   These related, in particular, to the following:
• Bottles of milk being taken from residences in Oxford Street
• A bike being stolen from a garden
• Incidence of graffiti in a bus shelter in Nodes Road, Northwood.  This being similar to an incident that occurred in Gurnard and formed part of an on-going investigation being undertaken by PC Pringle
• Within the Parish of Northwood a couple of commercial burglaries had taken place.  A person had been arrested and charged.
A question was raised regarding horse rustling.  PCSO Oatley responded that colleagues in Yarmouth were dealing with this issue and was hopeful that further details might be available in due course.
Further questions in connection with the graffiti issue were asked.  Compensation could form part of any sentence of the guilty persons, providing those affected submitted details of any costs incurred for the removal of the graffiti.   The same ‘tag’ had occurred in the current spate of damage.  The police had a description of the person they would be interested in speaking to.


219/11-12 To receive a presentation from Peter Griffiths of the IW Council, on the Island Plan Core Strategy and associated documents.
The Chairman welcomed Peter Griffiths, Principal Planning Officer –  Housing at  the IW Council, who gave a presentation referring to the Island Plan Core Strategy and some of the associated documents.
Councillors confirmed that they considered the production of a Neighbourhood Plan untenable due to the workload and particularly the costs involved.  The most feasible option would be for the Parish Council to work with the IW Council in the development of the Area Action Plan for the Medina Valley.  To this end Councillors proposed to update and augment the Parish Plan, to include the results of a reliable Housing Needs survey that would provide an accurate picture of actual housing need.
Mr Griffiths mentioned the Guidance document produced for communities to undertake Housing Needs surveys.  Although unable to provide a guesstimate of the costs involved, Mr Griffiths suggested that contact be made with Wootton Bridge Parish Council who was further down this route.
The next step for IW Council officers would be, in April, to map all the sites put forward for potential housing allocations.  In May, subject to the consent of the landowners, a site visit would then be undertaken.  It was suggested that the involvement of the Parish Council in this stage would be useful.  Mr Griffiths would liaise with Cllr Bentley, as lead councillor of the Parish Plan Working Party, during the next few weeks.
Councillors raised a number of questions to which Mr Griffiths responded appropriately.
The Chairman thanked Mr Griffiths for his very informative presentation.


220/11-12  Declarations of Interest
Cllr Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 219/11-12, as he was a member of the IW Council and had voted in support of the Island Plan Core Strategy.  He had also made representations as a resident and as the Ward member for Gurnard
Cllr Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 224/11-12, as he had been consulted in his role as the Ward member for Gurnard
Cllr Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 226/11-12 as a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee


221/11-12 To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 6 March 2012


THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 6 March 2012 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.


222/11-12 Matters arising on the Minutes
a. Minute 207/11-12 Economic Improvement Fund – Councillors all confirmed they had received a copy of the response from Mr C Mathews, the IW Council’s Corporate Governance Manager.  The response refused the request for a time extension in order to resubmit the application for funding towards the production of a Housing Needs Survey, which was to form part of an updated Parish Plan .
b. Minute 207/11-12 Economic Improvement Fund – The Trustees of Northwood Cemetery had placed an order for the replacement flooring.  It was scheduled to be laid on 1st / 2nd May, in time for the Open Day on Sunday, 6 May.


223/11-12 Town and Country Planning

a. To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday, 20 March 2012.


THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 March be confirmed as an accurate record.

b. The following decision taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council was noted:
TCP/30887 land adjacent 22 Selman Gardens, Northwood – Refusal of Planning Permission for a proposed detached dwelling with parking; formation of vehicular access

c. The adoption of the IW Core Strategy Plan on the 21 March 2012, by the IW Council, was noted.


224/11-12 To comment on the proposed The Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, Isle of Wight) (Width Restriction) Order No 2 2012 – Draft 1
It was indicated that both Cllr Fuller and IW Cllr Mazillius had questioned the IW Council’s Highways and Transport Service, without any response, as to how the revocation of the current 6’6” width restriction improved road safety.  In view of the lack of information, it was duly


THAT the proposed changes to the IW Council (Various Streets, Isle of Wight)  (Width restriction) Order No 2 2012 in Pallance Road, Northwood and Gurnard from its junction with Rolls Hill to its junction with Rew Street and Rolls, Hill, Northwood and Gurnard, from its junction with Pallance Road to its junction with Hillis Gate Road, be opposed.


225/11-12 To approve the draft Annual report of the Parish Council


THAT the Annual report of the Parish Council for 2011/12 be approved.


226/11-12 To consider the email from Steve Shaw, National Co-ordinator of Local Works
Consideration was given to the request for support for the NALC policy that local councils should be able to appeal against the granting of planning permission, where they have recommended refusal. There was currently a Bill before Parliament that would give local councils that right.  It was supported by the House of Commons Early Day Motion No 2824.


THAT Andrew Turner MP, be requested to sign the sign Early Day Motion 2824 in support of the Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Bill


227/11-12 To consider the quotations for watering of tubs and planters
Discussion ensued on the planters and tubs around the village.  The Northwood in Bloom Working Party had still to undertake a complete review of their condition.  However, should any require replacement it was suggested that the two planters at the top of Coronation Avenue could be moved from their position.  Alternatively, these could be moved to sites near to entrances to the village, at the lower end of Pallance Road or Noke Common.  A suggestion was also made as to possible summer bulb planting along the grass verges in these areas, similar to that found in other parishes across the island. This would require prior approval of the IW Council.
Quotations had been obtained to water all the planters/tubs on a similar basis as the previous year.  The clerk reminded that the application for up to £750 matched funding for the costs of planting and the watering thereof had been successful.  The need to replace the soil in the planters had been raised at a previous meeting.  It was now an opportune time to investigate the costings for so doing.


THAT C&K Watering be appointed to undertake the watering of all the planters and tubs for an 18 week period, based on two visits per week at a total cost of £1,058.40.


228/11-12 Clerk’s Report
a. Finance

i. The interim budget statement to the end of March 2012 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 44 was received and noted.

ii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000257, £88.70, clerks expenses February and March
000258, £19.85 Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000259, £116.25, R H Blezzard, locum clerk
000260, £465.00, Post Office Ltd, contribution towards the renovation of the grass surface on the Venner Avenue football pitch


THAT the above cheques be agreed.

iii. Consideration was given to the purchase of a memento for each of the 225 children at Northwood Primary school, in line with Cowes Town Council and Gurnard Parish Council who had both submitted an order for  mugs at a cost of £2.75 per child
Cllr Ferris agreed to investigate another source for availability and costings.


THAT Northwood Parish Council agrees to provide a mug as a memento for all the 225 children who attend Northwood Primary school, to include the name of the Parish Council within the design and of a similar quality to those being provided by Gurnard Parish Council and Cowes Town Council.


229/11-12 Report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
In the absence of IW Cllr Mazillius, his report was received and duly noted.


230/11-12 Progress reports for information from Working Parties
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Reference was made to the Minutes of the meeting of the Cowes, Northwood and Gurnard Community Transport forum held on 14 March. 320 timetables had been printed and displayed in 12 timetable holders at key locations. Thanks and appreciation were expressed to Mr Charlie Barnard for his work in this regard, and at no charge.
Gurnard Newsagents had also supplied 20 leaflet holders for display on counters at a cost of £40.50.  Approval was still awaited from Gurnard Parish Council and Cowes Town Council for the release of this amount from the monies collected.
Councillors rode on the bus on the first day of the new timetable to ensure all went well and reported no problems.  The timetable now allowed for the drivers to have a short comfort break at the Co-op, in Cowes.
The clerk reported difficulties in receiving the monies collected on the Route 32.  No money had been passed over for 6 weeks.
Attention was drawn to the number of road closures and roadworks taking place in the Cowes wider area, which affected the bus reliability.  It was suggested that Mr Peter Hayward of the IW Council be invited to a future meeting so that councillors concerns could be raised.


THAT Mr Peter Hayward, Traffic Management, of the IW Council be invited to a future meeting to discuss councillors concerns on the roadworks in the Cowes wider area.

b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Discussion on this item had ensued under a previous agenda item.

c. Parish Plan Working Party
Discussion on this item had ensued under a previous agenda item.


231/11-12 Update on the IW Association of Local Councils
The report of Cllr Pullen was duly noted.  Cllr Fuller advised that the motion due to be put forward by Cllr Jones-Evans, at the meeting of the Isle of Wight Full Council on 21 March, had been withdrawn prior to the meeting.


232/11-12 Correspondence.
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.
Particular reference was made to item i, the two training sessions on Quality Council status and Neighbourhood Plans.


233/11-12 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Smith advised that his name had been taken in vain by the persistent canvassers who were cold calling trying to obtain monthly standing orders for the World Wildlife Fund
Cllr Fuller advised that he had available copies of his newsletter, produced for Gurnard parishioners
Cllr Fuller suggested that copies of the Minutes of meetings of Northwood Parish Council be put up on the noticeboard in Cowes library, in future
Cllr Fuller advised that he had signed up for membership of the Peoples Pledge – a group lobbying members of Parliament to have a referendum on membership of the European Union
Cllr Fuller reported on the closure of Rew Street for roadworks planned to shortly take place, which would affect the new bus route timetable
Cllr Bentley reported his attendance, along with Cllr Smith, at the meeting on the Island Plan Core Strategy earlier in the day
Cllr Ferris highlighted her concerns over the new waste collection arrangements and questioned as to whom she should address her queries regarding the recycling rates and implications arising from the shortfalls.  Councillors agreed for IW Cllr Edward Giles to be invited to the meeting in July.
Cllr Riddet advised that both he and Cllr Fuller had met with Nigel Mason, of Cowes Enterprise College, as reported at the previous meeting.  However since that time no further contact had been received from Mr Mason.  It was suggested that the clerk take up this matter.
Cllr Pullen expressed his thanks to Cllrs Bentley and Smith for their assistance in helping him to finally secure the commemorative bench on the Venner Avenue play area.  Additional costs were incurred for a drill part and anchor bolts.


234/11-12 Future agenda items
Invitations be extended for the
June meeting
Mr Peter Hayward, Traffic Management, of the IW Council regarding roadworks
July meeting
IW Cllr Edward Giles regarding waste recycling rates and implications


235/11-12 To undertake a brief review of the meeting
The meeting went OK.



Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..


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